Looking at the House

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Ross jumps out of the car. And starts walking. He parks his car a street back so Monica can't see him or recognizes his van.

He knocks on the front glass door.

*knock knock knock*

Ross looks through the window and sees no one. *knock knock*

He pulls the nob to see if its locked. Its not. He opens to door.

"Whalla!" says Ross.

The lights are all off besides one in the kitchen. He walks towards the light to see if someone is in there.

He surprisingly sees, Savannah. The woman helping him with the house. She is drinking a glass of red wine.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Ross asks.

She jumps of fright.

"Oh no. Sorry I didn't hear you knock." Replies Savannah.

"Its fine. You just called saying I had to sign one more piece of paper and grab the keys from you to make this official" Ross smiles.

He looks around the house. Even though he has seen it before.

"Wow."Ross whispers.

Savannah takes a big gulp of wine like she is trying to ignore the question.

"Okay. Here's a pen. And you just need to sign the bottom piece of this paper that's highlighted."

She runs her finger on the line.

And she looks up at Ross. And leans into him slowly and tries to kiss him.

"What the hell are you doing?" He yells.

She backs away. And apologizes.

"I am sorry.. I just though."

His face is red and is horrified.

"You thought what? I have a girlfriend, that I am about to promise to! I am buying this house for us. We have a child." Yells Ross.

He signs the paper quickly and almost rips it. He grabs the keys and storms out. While he is walking out he says, "You better be out of here in the next ten minutes or I'm suing!"

Looking confused she picks up her purse and walks out and from the inside she locks the bottom lock.


Ross heads towards his cat and sees Monica, Chandler and the twins inside their house playing a game.

"Wow. Thats going to be us." He says out loud to himself.


He is driving in the car when his phone starts to ring. *ring ring*

"Hello." says Rachel.

"Oh hi... Raachhell?" Asks Ross.

He looks confused. Like he doesn't know who it was.

"Yeah. Duh. Who else would it be?"

Rachel asks in a confused voice.

Both if them acting confused. Ross begins to worry. What if she saw that kiss? He stresses himself out.

"Oh I don't know. But-"

He cuts himself off because he stops to look at the car next to him. He can hardly see because of the tinted windows but it looks like Rachel.

"Where are you??" Ross asks.

"What do you mean? Why are you being weird again?" Rachel asks him.

"Okay nevermind. I just had to run and grab some stuff. Be home shortly. Love you." He responds.

He hangs up the phone and starts driving the actually speed instead of his usual thirty miles below the speed way he does.


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