Unpacking Craziness

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"Okay thank you so much guys. You are really amazing. Love you."

Rachel says while on the phone.

She hangs up the phone and puts in on the table.

"Who was that?" Ross asked with a very confused face.

"Oh it was Joey and Phoebe. Thur are coming over in an hour to come help me unpack my boxes and set up the apartment." Rachel respond with a huge smile.

"I am so happy I am back."

"Why? Umm. No. How about we not unpack yet. Let's just relax. Hang out." Ross says quietly and fast.

He pats the couch and says,

"Come sit down."

"Ross, why are you being weird. Why don't you want me to unpack? Is something wrong?" She asks with her eyes already watering.

"No not at all.. Okay have you seen the new show on the Discovery Channel? He asks changing the conversation.

Rachel sits down looking confused. And just forgets about it.


*Knock knock*

Ross jumping off the couch and runs to the door.

"Who could that be?" Ross asks happily and sarcastically.

"Its probably Joey and Phoebe." Rachel responds while still watching the TV.

"Wait I though they weren't coming over. I though we would just relax."

*knock knock knock*

"Ross answer the damn door!"

"Ummm. How about we play a fun game and see how long it takes for them to le-" He gets cut off my Phoebe yelling.

Rachel jumps up and pushes him out of the way.

"Hi guys. Thanks for coming I really need your help. Their is so much to do. And we have to set up a room for Emma and me. And move some stuff around. So much to do." Rachel rants.

"Owh. Do I smell pizza?" Joey asks.

Everybody stares at him.

"Oh. Good idea. Come on guys let's go get some PIZZA!" Ross says in a high squeaky voice.

"Ross! We have to clean up and move. Now stop it. Why do you keep trying to change the conversation. " Rachel yells.

Rachel and Joey go look at the boxes and start to unpack one.

Phoebe walls into the kitchen. Where Ross is making a drink.

"What's wrong with you?" She asks.

"Why are you acting like you don't even want her here. Why do you not want her to move her stuff in? Are you regretting it??" Phoebe asks surprised.

"Phoebe no! Of course not. I just think we should just relax."

Joey yells, "Rachel come here!"

Phoebe looks down at the vointer and sees a piece of paper. She picks it up and reads it before Ross cam grab it from her.

"What is this Ross?"

Ross whispers something in Phoebes ear. All we hear is, "Phoebe I trust you so much and that's why I am telling you this and because you already saw it. You can't tell anyone,promise?"

Phoebe replies, "Promise." With a freaked and surprised look on her face.

"Rachel, Joey actually let's go get some pizza and go get some coffee before we unpack." Phoebe yells.

"Yayy! Come on!" Joey says while already running out the door.

"What, Phoebe!!" Rachel says with an annoyed look on her face.

"Come on Rachel. Lighten up."

They all also out the door.

Ross whispers. "Thank you Phoebe."


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