Chapter 7

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"Forget about him I know his cheating on me to.." Lauren said as her face is close to mine.

What is she doing to me ?

"NO Lauren I can't just forgive you like that, you really hurt me, I thought we were forever but I guess you didn't care when you broke that forever. Lauren you were the love of my life no you still are the love of my life I have to admit yea I still want you but you have to earn my trust and forgiveness back but as of right now, your apologies means something but they don't speak louder than actions. As for Brad how does it feel to be cheated on if you knew all this time he was cheating on you? You must've felt pain striking inside of you huh since you loved him and you thought he loved you back? Well that's how I felt with you when you cheated on me and that sucks cuz I still love you but as of right now maybe we can be friends but it doesn't mean I forgive you yet but lets see what the future leads us." I told Lauren who was looking straight into my eyes with guilt.

Yea I still love her but I want her to fight for me and show me that our love is worth fighting for.

Lauren's POV

Wow I didn't know y/n felt like that.

No shit Lauren you were the one that hurt him and now you are feel the same pain but with Brad but now I don't feel anything for him maybe before when he was still cheating on me and that hurt. As of right now my number one priority is to get y/n back and earn her trust and forgiveness back. But he still loves me aahhhhh.

Ugh I hate when y/n is always right.I forgot I didn't say anything back.

"Friends but you will soon be mine again and I'll be back in your arms where I belong . I will fix this y/n , I will fix us and earn whatever I have to earn back from you " I hug him breathing in his sent.

He always smells good.

I let go of him to go find the girls but as I was about to leave the studio I heard y/n.

"I sure hope so your still speaking the words but you aren't actually doing anything " He mumbled I guess for me not to hear but I still did.

Trust me y/n you will be mine again.


No one's POV

As Lauren head back to Dinah's and Lauren's hotel room Lauren see the rest of the girls.

"GIIRRLSS" Lauren yelled making them jump as there were watching a scary movie without me....

"Holy Shit Laur you scared the shit out of us" Dinah said earning a splash of water to her face from Ally.

"I thought you needed Holy water to let out the foul languages inside you" Ally said innocently as the rest of the girls laugh their ass off.

"Oohh Ally your lucky your so damn adorable cuz as of right now I would of gave you one my Poly Beat down" Dinah said drying her face off .

"You wouldn't dare to hurt an innocent person like me" Ally stuck out her tongue at Dinah

"Oh you ain't no innocent " Normani said laughing as Ally blushed thinking about when Normani caught Ally sexting Troy.

"Aww look she's blushing what did Ally do?" Camila said

"She wa-"

"Nothing important guys I believe that Lauren wanted to tell us something right Lauren"Ally cut Normani off and looking at Lauren for her to save her.

Lauren's POV

"Oh right guys I need you help" I told them as they all look at me waiting for me to continue.

I love these girls. I told them about y/n and I and well they didn't like what I did to him but they knew I still love him.

I told them about getting y/n back and we all cam u with things to earn y/n's trust and forgiveness back.


I was reading over a song Lauren and I had made back then when we were together and it was called " I Was Made For Loving You"

[Lauren's Part:]
A dangerous plan, just this time
A stranger's hand clutched in mine
I'll take this chance, so call me blind
I've been waiting all my life
Please don't scar this young heart
Just take my hand

[Chorus - Lauren's Part:]
I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through
Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do
All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you

[Y/N's Part:]
Hold me close through the night
Don't let me go, we'll be alright
Touch my soul and hold it tight
I've been waiting all my life
I won't scar your young heart
Just take my hand

[Chorus - Lauren & Y/N's Part:]
Cause I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through
Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do
All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you

Please don't go, I've been waiting so long
Oh, you don't even know me at all
But I was made for loving you

[Chorus - Lauren's & Y/N's Part:]
I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through
Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do
All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you

I really hope she will fight for us we were made for loving eachother.


A/N: Sorry I have been slacking but I said I was gonna be updating this story today from my other story so it s enjoy ☺

Song: I was made for loving you by Tori Kelly & Ed Sheeran

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