The bomb shell

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"oh my word mummy why didn't you tell earlier, jeez but I've already been accepted at UJ (university of Johannesburg )" I said

"yes about that sorry my child, I called them and apologised about the 'mistake' you made when they called you" she states

"oh my flippin gosh Veronique you could have told me earlier though,again, I know I always wanted to go overseas when I was younger but I'm older now so I guess I grew out of the whole 'London' thing " emphasizing my annoyance.

"blue stop acting like this and I already payed for everything and your monthly supply of money I will give you. you will be staying in the dorms there and by the way guess what ?..." she says out of excitement

oh Lord please don't tell me this woman is coming with me "what mummy? " Jesus help me my conscious please

"I bought you a new car..."

whew! man that's a relief
"oh my word! really! just when I go out of the country now you buy me a car that I've been wanting to drive since I was sixteen!" I scream and jump around like my goofy crazy younger sister

"I I only want what's best you know that and always new you wanted a small car so..."

I interrupt "what! so mummy what to trying to say is that you bought me those cockroach sized kind of car ! Urg nooo mummy! "

" you see this is why I never have a full conversation with you because you don't I was going to I thought I should buy you the jeep you always wanted" she smiles

" what! oh my word this can't be true someone just pinch me cause this can't be my mother Veronique Hudson speaking oh my word! my word! thank you so much mummy"

I give the biggest and tightest hug I have ever given since grade 10.

oh I forgot to mention to all the foreign readers I'm blue ivy Hudson from South Africa yes South Africa.

" so you blue are leave in three hours time ,your flight is at 16:25 so best you get packing " she sings at the end of her sentence

" three hours mummy! how on earth am I supposed to pack all of my belongings in such minimum time Jesus you need to have timing for things like this ma "

so head to my room and when I open the door there's New suit bags. yes ! I squeal it looks so pretty oh my word I'm going to London so I started dancing in the middle of my room. I remember how little time I had so i started packing.

it's 15:45 I'm almost done just need to pack in my toiletries and my charger " mom am i getting a new phone?" I feel like I'm pushing my luck now cause I have Samsung A5 .

" hell no is jy mal of wat? " which means hell no are you mad or what in Afrikaans.

"I knew you would say that " I mumble . she comes in my room and she asks whilst eating one those healthy things
"are you ready baby girl ?" she mumbles . I feel a tear go down my cheek but I don't wipe it away but mom does.

"aww baby you know you can always visit when you have time of or when the semester is finish" she shrugs

"yeah I guess that could work after all I will come back" I feel more tears come when my sister is standing by the gate crying.

"Nicki don't cry . I will actually miss you big head. I will call you or text you whenever I can"

"yeah blue but you will have to buy me data you know how stingy mom is when it comes to data" she looks at mom she adds " but sis why you crying you get to get from mom"

mom puts her right hand under her left boob as if she was punched there "ouch nicki , I wonder who's gonna pay for all those brand named shoes and jeans and multiple other things that need my hard earned money which envolves me in this picture so shut up!" with a smirkon her face.
we all look at each other than we burst out in laughter. I didn't want to answer nicki's question so I ignored it and jumped on the fact the airport in exactly an 45 minutes. so I call Graham and told him to come to the airport , he didn't hesitate to come.

we finally get there as we park I see Graham's car approach us it parks on the following isle as I grab my suitcases out of the boot . Graham hugs me from behind ( oh yeah about having a miserable love life was a bit of a lie . Graham is my two year and eight months boyfriend we met about three years ago when we had a co-ed at school and he was attracted by me immediately but I made wat about a year or so for us to start dating we went to different schools but we still saw each on Friday till Sunday night and I mean every weekend he cheated once said because he was 'blinded' by the intoxication of the alcohol he drank, which I didn't believe because before he could explain, I slap the teeth out of his mouth not literally ,but I did slap him really hard that it left my five finger print there for a day and a half yeah, plus I'm not a perfectly shaped girl in the world. just saying. any way Graham never cheated again)
"hey gorgeous "he kisses me on my cheek.
I try to smile but I can't cause I feel like I'm gonna cry, well not even minutes later I was crying on his shoulder so was he. we were already in the airport my mom already got everything covered I just had my hand bag with me and my flight to Johannesburg was in 15 minutes so I hugged mom and nicki for a few minutes, then let go and promised to call mom very much all the time. just ten minutes left I go to Graham.

" Graham. .." he stops me with his index finger on my lips then he says

" I will miss you babe and I'm happy for make sure you call me when you get there and always remember I love you " oh my gosh, more tears come rushing down I hug him and say that's why you will understand why I'm breaking up with you( I see tears leaving his eyes)... I know I'm sorry but I don't want to string you along and find a good girlfriend while I'm away and remember you. will. always. be. in. here. ( I point to my heart) bye"

I kiss him on his lips for the last time. And we get interrupted by mom.
" come blue your flight is 6minutes come now."

I wave bye to them and the assistant people usher me to the plan which is huge I've never seen or been in one before so ask how to find my seat the nice brunnete lady shows me and I thank her and sit next to the window. I look out and look at the last moments of my hometown Port Elizabeth. the plane moves and the person next to me approaches when they were about close the stairway and they let him in. he looks like the everyday man but he looks my age but I don't know him so I don't care I just kept on staring out the window.he finally sat down next to me and said
"hi . I'm Jack"

he offers a handshake . ( oh I also didn't mention that I'm a short temperd person and straightforward ) I look at his hand then I said

" sorry. (pulled a disgusted face) my mom taught me not to speak to strangers " and roll my eyes and look back to the window. I notice we about to lift to the sky. we finally in mid air. I know every button, safety drafts , emergency drills well yeah that's what I'm going to do in London study to be an professional pilot.

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