the party

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I wake up its 7:40. I jump up and take my toiletries and a towel for hair and my gown for after shower. I head to the showers not really full but quite empty only 3-4 girls there. okay so we share marvellous.  i cringe.

I shower and sing pitch perfect songs especially the cup songs that girl sang for auditions. 

"when I'm gone , when I'm goneee, you gonna miss when I'm gone, your gonna miss me everyday,  your gonna miss me everywhere,  you gonna miss me when I'm gone."

I finish and wrap my air in a towel and put my gown on shower flipflops they red orangish I love them they so comfortable.

I enter my room. bells is here with a another girl with pink hair like shocking pink dude so I say hi to bells she introduces us

"cammie this is blue my roomie , blue this is my friend cammie ."

"hey"she smiles

"uhm" I nod with a fake smile. but bells can see I'm fake smilling  so she comes to me as I turn around to put my toiletries on the table with my mirror on nd sit down start to dry my hair bells comes and grabs the hairdryer
"stop being rude bitch " she mutters

I laugh and say "takes a bitch to know a bitch , dick face " I smirk

before she can speak I interrupt by saying " uhm sorry cammie ..I think " she looks up and nods " could you please leave I just wanna dress up."

" oh no problem " she smiles. I fake smile the second she went out the door I stopped smilling.

"you don't like meeting people ?"curious bells asks me

"I'm not as inviting as other people but the minute I get used to one then I'll up but I think I'm too straightforward. "
she laughs " ya think "
we both laugh and put body cream on and spray for my armpits and perfume and I wear my panties and bra, I put on a pair of denim jeans and a colourful top with a cream cardigan.  I have a good shaped body cause I gymed a lot in S.A. so I have a big bust with a flat stomach and hips but not too wide but you can see I have hips,  big ass for a white person I have crystal blue eyes they turn kinda of greenish in winter, I have super red like bright red hair, and I have not too long legs but they long but I'm not tall and not short but just fine probably 1,2meters if I'm not mistaken.

I'm finally finished and its 8:05 we late but only five minutes. 
"jeez blue come on "

" okay I'm almost done just need to put red...lipstick...on. ....okay done let's go "

"you look hot by the way " cammie says

" thanks ...try my best "
we all laugh and head out the dorms.

"okay I'll take my care and I'll just follow you guyz there, right? "

"sure your car is awesome blue, you guyz must be rich "
I burst out in laughter. they look confused because I find this amusing

"dudes my mom spent so much money just for me to come compared to S.A. yeahI'm rich but here I'm probably broke" I laugh

they nod in agreement of what u just said. we leave for the frat party when I get in the car it's red and I love it . I put my CD from south Africa in and I'm jamming to the beats and tapping the beats on wheel it's black coffees album it's so awesome. we get there the house so huge and a lot of people are there and I park near the house across the frat house. there are red cups everywhere my hair is in curls then I was like naah mahn let me put it in a bun on the top of my head. I head out and bells is waving for me to come over I lock the car and walk across the street quickly. we arrive and everyone is looking at me the guyz have their eyes on me as I walk upvtge stairs with cammie and bells .

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