Berman university

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i head out to the showers only a few girls and guyz where there so i had a quick shower session I got back to my room as I open my door I'm interrupt by a tap on my shoulder I turn around and faced a blonde, green eyed, with beatiful abs and attractive smile.
I smile back

"hi " he says

"hey" I say shyly

"I'm Anthony Greco "
he says with a smile

"I'm Blue Ivy Hudson. " I smile he brings out his hands to hug at the same time I bring out a hand to hand shake then I bring out my arms to hug but gives a hand out to give hand shake we both laugh.

we hug. I laugh then he smiles and looks into my eyes. I shyly look down to the floor but he lifts my head to look at him
"you have amazing eyes"he says

I smile then I giggle and say " thanks always lIKe your eyes they are a beautiful dark green something I can draw"

he feels insulted but I stop him "no...I'm a good artist" I laugh

with him relieved I give a soft giggle
"your giggle is very foreign and your accent ....are from here ?"

" nope from South Africa "

" what ?" he asks astonished of what I just said so I laugh and nod

"yup. South Africa." I laugh .
"I'm sorry but I have to get dressed I have class at 9:30"

"oh okay sure see you around "

" bye " I wave and he waves back. I go in the dorm and close the door to find bells laying  there hung over.
" oh my gosh I'm gonna be late" I sing my last word.
she covers her head with her pillow. I laugh

I sit and do my hair first then I got dressed in a long maxi dress its all white so decide to wear white under wear and wear my white chuck taylors. I took my bag which is like normal handbags but bigger and saggy like, mine says south africa .  its 8:59 so I decide to where my hair idc(I don't care) bun today on the top of my head and made sure my USB is in my bag so I can play music .
I leave the dorm I run down the stairs and into the lot. I get in the jeep I start the car it's still full tank so I look at the time 9:05 and decide I'll quickly rush to the bank . the bank is 15 minutes away from campus and dorms is 10 minutes away from the dorms so let me go to the bank or I can't pay for lunch. I can't believe I'm going to be late first day of university. I get by the bank they finish in five minutes which means I'm going to be FIVE minutes late for my first lesson jeez blue you always late.

I'm on my to the campus and its 9:29 that means I must rush down there I go 120 luckily the cops weren't here so I arrived a minute late I never run to class no matter what.
it's 9:36 and I'm in front of the classroom. I open it and the everyone  looks at me "well ...well ...miss Hudson you fashionably late please take a seat and welcom to Berman university...sit where ever you please" I nod with a smile and look for a seat the only seats open is next to Jacob and the waitress girl. oh Jesus .

" uhm miss Hudson we waiting "

"urg prof just chill your tits"
everyone gasps
"excuse miss Hudson please refraze that "

"oh okay okay. .I clear my thraot.... shut the f...."I'm interrupted by Jason who is pulling my arm
"come sit down Blue"he says calmly he smiles at the prof and says "sorry sir.." with a fake smile .

I sit down next to him which is right near the door only two desks behind the door . I sit and everyone stares at me. prof clears his throat after watching me sit.

so we all know Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. who knows bridge to...

Jacoub taps my shoulder and hands me a page with cursive writing...

you should stop with your will get you no where

I look at him he shrugs. I roll my eyes and took my denim jacket off I stood up knowing very well my ass is big and out there with my perfect shaped body ...I walk to the bin ..I throw it away so I walk past the door on my way to the first desk in front of the door. it opens I turn around its the blonde guy ....uhm...what's his name again ....Anthony.
he smiles and his face I blushes at my body I laugh and walk away and the rest of the boys are starring especially Jacob, Mitch, James,Seth(dick!)cammie was laughing and bells .and last but not least Anthony.  I sit back in my seat. I write down the notes on these Shakespeareans.

the bell rings .

next lesson flight class I've been waiting for this lesson so I pack my things put my jacket over the bags zip walk out of class.

"hey!, blue"
I turn around to see Anthony .I smile.

"hey "

"you look beautiful "he says with his eyes on my hour glass shaped body .
I laugh
"thanks I preciate it but I have to leave "

"please can you join me for lunch by the cafeteria?"

"no she can't " I look behind Anthony lies Jacob. Jesus!

"uhm excuse me Jacob I can decide on my own..  uhm Anthony I will see you there"I look away from Jacob and I smile at Anthony.

"okay cool bye "he hugs me . i smile as he walks away then turn my back to Jacob and walk away. he grabs my hand.

"jeez dude what's with you grabbing my hand all the time ?"

"I don't know but you can't go with him he only sees you for your body. B "

what he calls me B now .
"no one calls me that"I turn a straight face in to an irritated face .

"I can see I'm upsetting you but I don't want to see you get hurt. B " before I could say anything he kisses me I push him but as I look into his eyes it's like Anthony's which is full of lust his is full of love so I pull him into a kiss we kissed then I realised I'm late

"sorry, I would love to kiss more but I'm late for class so...later?"

"later"he says his nice deep handsome I give him a last kiss and walk to my flight class.

I open the door everyone stares at me once again. the short Mexican lady looks at me .

"miss Hudson please take a seat " I look over and the only seat open is the one next to Anthony's I walk to the desk and its against the wall but just one desk behind the door.
someone from the back whistles but the 'sexy kind of chicken meat' kinda whistle. I look back and its Seth. ..gag

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