New beginnings

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we get to 'THE EAT OUT'
i park my car right in front under their balcony .
before we went in I ask him
"hey Jacob could we sit on the balcony? "

"yeah sure , if you want to " he opens the door and I tell the waiter waiting for us we wanted to eat up stairs and the lady glared at Jacob. I kept everything to myself until she left for our drinks I can feel the heavy bags under my eyes
"who's that she seems to have a past with you and she looked jealous cause I was with you what's with that "

"what's with you and all your questions"

"I don't know I guess I'm inquisitive that's all but I'm not nosey...just saying "

"so how's London for you?"

"great actually I just need to learn all the prices I might even over pay a taxi driver so yeah "

"naah don't worry last time I checked it was €15 for it so yeah "

" why are interested talking to me now ....when you were annoyed by me in the kitchen.....or is it because of the kiss"

I feel my cheeks heating in good timing the stupid waitress comes with our drinks and walks away to fetch our order. I take a sip of my appletiser. tastes great as usual.

"are you gonna answer??"he looks at me and takes a sip of my his drink.

"come on blue, wasn't it good, I'm..s"
I cut I'm off

"it was amazing" I look at my drink and play with straw.

"what?" I still looked down at my drink.
"Blue look at me "
I look at him he asks me
"why can I see that you've been hurt or you hurt someone "he asks
I look at my hands.

"is that why you so uptight and quick to attack when a guy touches you?"
a few moments pass

"look Jacob you know nothing about me so leave me the fuck alone!" I shout but only a few tables around us turned around to stare and there was a bitch behind Jacob starring at me I look at and shout "what the fuck you starring at bitch!"

Jacob puts his hand on mine. I pull my hand away my appletiser spills on the floor. it luckily not on me cause I was gonna throw a tantrum..but I still threw a tantrum

"what the fuck dude?!...what's wrong with you?!!" I push my chair brush the glass off my adidas shoe. he stands up touches my hand I look up to him ....I push his hand away and I act like some of the glass went in finger not just any finger but the middle finger .

"ouch!" I squeeze the middle finger

he moves from his chair to come see he asks "let me have a look"

I point the middle finger in his face and say " see...see"

he laughs and says "wow!" he turns around with his hands in the air our order comes she puts it down. I stand up Jacob can see what I'm about to do but he is not as quick I stand

"excuse what's wrong with you, you stare at my boyfriend when we come , you stared when brought the drinks now you starring again?! are you retarded or something go get yourself a man or something and leave mine alone!! get your fake ass attitude out my face!" Jacob and the waitress look at me
"well what the fuck you waiting for ....Christmas?!"


"look I'm gonna give 5 seconds just 5 and if you not out of my fucking face I will put my fist in your mouth!"

she rushes away before I realize I'm rushing down the stairs behind her Jacob runs too catch me but I'm too fast
"hey! bitch!"
she looks , in a matter of seconds I punched her in the face she is laying on the floor people are starring at me but before I could add another punch Jacob comes he turns me around "go fucking outside! !" I was about to answer back but he said with a louder and deeper voice "go fucking outside BLUE! !"
I storm out of the grub.I took a few minutes to calm down but just as I was starting calm down Jacob comes out

"what the fuck was that blue!?!?!"
I look at him but as I was going to answer I run out of the parking area running around the corner but Jacob paces to me and grabs my arm he looks at my face, my eyes where red and tears where gauging down. he hugs me and I breakdown in his arms. I pull away

"I'm sorry I should have told you I have temper problems I'm ve...very tempered I'm sorry Jacob for ruining your d.....ddaay. " I start getting hiccups and he says

"but why did you say I was your boyfriend?"

"because I wanted to be be loved ...I don't know anyone here...I'm sorry for" he kisses me well obviously I kiss him back but stop it

"I don't want you to pity me by kissing me cause I'm crying and I promise if ever tell anyone about this I break your legs"
I look at him then he says

" I fell for you from when I saw you with Bella but I didn't want to come out as a wuss"

"I'm sorry but I have to go I have my first classes tomorrow"

"but..." he says I run back to my car and I'm happy he didn't follow me . I start the engine

I get to the dorm. I unlock the door and get right into bed. I wake up I look over to bells bed but shes not there she's probably at another party. I look at the time it 6:56am my my lessons start at 9:30 so I decide to take a shower cause there might be to many people at seven thirty so I sit on the bed for a while flashback to yesterday.

"what a shit day that was....but it was only a mistake jeez I need to go and apologize to the poor girl and..... (sigh) Jacob " I talk to myself out loud .

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