Accidental fangirling

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If you've read the tittle you might be wondering how might one accidentally fangirl, well basically what happens is you are watching reading or listen to something you fangirl/fanboy about and your heart starts beating rapidly, you hyperventilate slightly, and possibly flail your arms and or legs. Now I have had this happen on three occasions.
The first one, I was at home  it was around twelve o'clock at night (I like staying up late) and my parents were asleep. I was casually listening to pandora (black veil brides station, I don't usually use pandora but I thought I would use it cause I accidentally clicked it and I was to lazy to get out of it) I was also on wattpad role playing with someone so I wasn't really listening to what was playing, then I heard part of the song that was playing and stopped reading and just sat there trying to figure out the song. Then I realized it was black veil brides and I was a goner. I hadn't heard that specific song before, at that point I was kind of freaking out because I liked it so much. All I could do to not squeal wake up my parents was face plant into my pillows to muffle my squeals (the song was set the world on fire btw and before you yell at me for not hearing it before, I knew the song existed I just hadn't heard it before then but don't worry it's now successfully in my playlist on spotify) anyways the second time I was with my mom and we were going somewhere. So I was blabbing about a band (I think it was fall out boy) so we got in the car and my mom turned on the radio probably to get me to shut up (that probably wasn't a good idea) guess what song came on FAIRLY LOCAL BY TWENTY OBE PILOTS. It was literally right at the part where he said that it wouldn't be on the radio... I screamed I literally screamed and flailed my arms like a crazy person, and my mom was just looking at me like I was a lunatic. Then I went on to telling her that it was twenty one pilots AND SHE ADMITTED THAT SHE LIKES THEM!!!!!! So I spent the rest of the car ride playing the blurry face album and talking about them. Ok so this it the last accidental fangirling Innocent that had happened to me. So I was home alone and I was playing a pierce the veil and other bands lyrics play list from YouTube on the computer, and for some reason I ended up sitting on the floor in the corner of my living room behind a rocking chair wrapped in a ginormous blanket playing on my iPad, then all of a sudden a black veil brides song came on and I automatically jumped up tripping on the blanket and got caught on the rocking chair, then I got back up and ran to the computer and listened to the song intensely. So those are my fangirling moments and yah...

Also I'm kind of upset right now because this girl I used to be friends with started annoying me. So basically what happened was she was standing in front of my locker because one of her friends lockers are next to mine. I walked up to her because I had to get my stuff and here's the rest of the conversation:
Girl: "BELLA!!" *hugs me*
Me: "ok then" *stands there awkwardly*
Girl : *lets go of me* "I've missed you, you've gone all goth on me!"
Me: *looks at her like 'what the fluff'*
Girl: "what it's true!" *walks away with annoying friend*
And it turns out she's been telling rumors about me going goth, sooo yah and this is one of the many reasons that I don't want to be her friend anymore and honestly there are a lot of people who avoid me now because I look different then I did last year, and because I guess I'm just over all different now. My parents are even like this sometimes my mother has even told someone not to worry about me because it's just a phase, Well what if it isn't hm are you just going to ditch me like those girls did? But I've made other friends which is a good thing and there are friends that I've had for awhile that haven't left me because I'm different and they know who they are, but I guess the over all meaning of this is that if you are going through something like this, those people who made fun of you or ditched you or are just over all rude to you, there idiots, and there are people who understand you and want to be your friend so my advice for you is to find those people and be friends with them
I'm sorry if this sounds stupid...

Well that it for now
Byeeeeeee fuzz balls
Book geek👽
(::::::: (mutated smiley face)

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