Rest in Pete

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This is going to be a short one but,
Ok so apparently someone photoshopped one of Pete Wentz's  selfies to have a shark in the background and some one thought it was real I watched the video oh god.
I was literally this dude who I guess didn't know who Pete Wentz was, talking about a guy who was taking a selfie and didn't realize there was a shark behind him, he said that the shark bit his leg off then when they were getting him to the hospital he died from blood loss
This is the link:

It has some cursing in it but not much it was so funny I was literally crying, and now I'm fixing my makeup cause I'm going out to dinner

Cya my peeps
Book Geek 👽💀
Mutated smiley face (:::::
And remember your a trash can not a trash can't (;

The random stupidity of my lifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin