ice cream

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well its 2:00 in the morning and i just ate a pint of ice cream after attempting to like all of my friends posts on Instagram. trust me this is no easy feat they literally has 2749 posts i've been in since 9:00 trying and i gave up at around 1:50 cause i'm tired AF. but a lot of her posts were really funny and my parents have been sleeping so when i laughed i sounded either like i was choking or i was a dying goat and at like 11:00 emperors new clothes came on, on pandora and i wasn't expecting to hear it cause of how new it is so i may or may not have ended up screaming and waking up my mum actually i'm not positive f i actually woke her up guess well find out tomorrow 

but in other news my aunt gave me the dan and phil pocket shirt for a late christmas present and i'm really happy i also got a laptop so that will make writing alot easier

oh so yesterday was new years day and i wanted to clean my room cause its a mess but my mom calls me. so i walk out of my room to ask wha was up and she was like "time to watch walking dead" and i was like "i don't wanna watch walking dead i wanna clean my room" and she was like "no, your not aloud to clean" so we went on like this for like ten minutes and honestly i just wanted to clean my room play Minecraft and watch supernatural but she ended up dragging me downstairs and we ended up watching like 6 episodes and my room is still a mess time she tells me to clean my room i'm gonna hold this against her :P

ok well i'm seriously tiered so night guys...or morning i don't even know its like 2:20 now i've spent like 15 minutes writing this  


book geek (this is on my computer so i cant put emoji's)

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