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Well... I've just gone and injured my knee again, same knee too.
So this story is actually kind of funny...I think.
Well anyways, so me and my friend ended up going to kohl's with her mom at around eight o'clock at night in the poring rain for who knows why. Now when we first walked in,one of the first things I saw were flannels and being me, I started running to them. The problem was, I was wearing an old pair of Uggs, fuzzy pants, and my picachu tee shirt. Naturally I fell concentering I'm wearing wet Uggs, and ended up doing a rock star slide on my knees and scraped it again...my friend just laughed at me...IT WASNT EVEN REAL FLANNEL! Just some cheap look alike. I have p problem with flannels, if it isn't the real deal I automatically don't want it. Needs to be legit. 
So now I have another scrape right above the first one. This is why I can never wear shorts, I'm just prone to leg disasters.
I'm fine tho, I've had way worse... Cough...rug burn on my face...cough cough, the horrors of being tickled

Well this was an extremely awkward chapter *shrugs weirdly*

Ohhhhh I have something els, so for all my PHAN's out there (I don't know why I capitalized it) you know that pic of Dan where he has like eight chins and cat whiskers well I was curious to see how long it would take me to find it if I searched Danisnotonfire it was literally the third picture...the third one!!!!! I was laughing so hard, that is like his most famous picture.

Also for anyone who likes DC super Hero's, or just super hero's in general WATCH GOTHAM!!! It is amazing and they put the first season out on Netflix, and if you've seen Gotham watch Arrow that's also a really good show, there both kind of similar and they have like the first three or four seasons on Netflix, I'm sorry I have a Netflix addiction.

Well cya for now
Book Geek👽💀
Mutated smiley face (:::::

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