Tag thingything

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Oii well I got tagged so yayyyyy thanks skyleegrier for thinkin of meh when you made yours ps I'm not gonna tag anyone whoever reads this and wants to do it can😜

1.) favorite book in the divergent series-
divergent the first one

2.) favorite bring me the horizon song- YOU CANT SIMPLY JUST CHOOOS ONE THERE ALL AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok but at the moment probably follow you because I've been listening to it a lot in the past few days and the video is great lol

3.) if you could kill any character who would it be- Octavian yes I know he's already dead but I hate him lol

4.) favorie color- purple cause purples cool

5.) all time favorite book series- (when I first read the tag I got exited cause I thought this one was about all time low heh I'm a weeb) Percy Jackson always

6.) would you rather bring you favorite character to life or go to there world- go to there world so I can chill with Nico in the underworld (yes I realize that's probably not how it works but a girl can dreamm)

7.) what color is your hair- kinda like a brown red thing heh

8.) no I'm just one hell of a butler (for those of you who don't get it that's from black butler which is an anime so yes I do like anime)

9.) vans or converse- crap...I don't know what to choose😳

10.) black or blue-black like my soul

11.) Percy Jackson or Jason Grace- no I refuse to choose there both the best in there own little ways (even though Jason always passes out during a fight)

12.) on a scale from one to ten how much do you love watt pad- 11

13.) am I annoying you with this tag that's happening, do you like tags?- naw man you don't annoy me I think tags are kinda fun to be honest unless it's like those ones on Instagram that's like tag you 20 favorite people I hate those. But yah I like tags it gives me something to do

K so yah there you go like I said before anyone who wants to do it can do it.

K so cya
Book geek💀👽

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