Scary substitute and Gene

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anyways...story time!
Two story's actually

Ok first one.
So for the week my language arts class had a substitute teacher because my regular teacher was at a swimming competition cause he's also a swim coach for the highschool so anyways it was ninth period and I'm also in that home room. It was before the bell ran and usually were aloud to talk but she was yelling at us all to sit down and be quiet so I was standing in front of her cause I wanted to ask her something then she looked at me and was like "Do the rules not apply to you" and I was like "I just wanted to ask a question" then she just like glared at me and I was like "um I'm just gonna sit down" lol I'm a wimp

STORY NUMBER 2! Ps this is a science joke so if you don't get it lol that's ok

My mom wanted me to go drop off a package at FedEx for her and there was this dude who worked there and his name was legitimately Gene so I drop the package  off and I went back to the car and I told my mom and my friend who was with me about it cause I thought it was funny and my mom asked "did you ask him if he was dominant or recessive" and I was like "that sounds really dirty so I would ask him are you heterozygous or homozygous" and we all just laughed lol

K bye lol I'm done😜

Book geek💀👽

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