Save Them

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Hello! So I come here today to bring u a new chapter. Thanks for all the support! I like writing these kind of stories.
All I could see was black. I was the fifth of them to be injected with that weird slime. It did hurt, but I've felt worse, in my opinion.

After a while, I was finally able to see. It was a dimly lit corridor, with stone walls and floors. I lifted myself up, examining my surroundings. It was a stone bricked wall and floor. I saw a form laying on the ground. Who knew, it was Mariett. Maybe she knew what happened.

I tapped her on the shoulder, "Mariett!" I whispered.

She shot up, startling me. Her eyes met mine as she chuckled nervously, "Hi Mango," she said.

She looked around the place, obviously this setting being new to her. She slowly stood up, scanning the floor, until she stared at something. Another, much smaller, frame of a person laid on the floor about 10 feet away from her. As we got closer, we realized that it was Billy. We both crouched down next to him, "BB?" Mariett whispered, much like I did. I almost forgot about his nickname.

When he didn't respond, I shook his body. When he didn't even move, my breath hitched. Was he dead?

But I was relieved when I found a slow, steady pulse. Mariett picked him up bridal style, "We should try to find a way out of here."

I agreed, this place was creeping me out. But, after a few seconds, Billy screamed out, trying to squirm out of her grasp. Mariett, who was shocked, carefully placed him down, as he was flailing his arms and legs. It wasn't like he was afraid, it was like he was in pain, unbearable pain.

He screamed louder and arched his body upward. As I listened, I noticed he was screaming, "Stop! Please, stop! Make it stop! It hurts!"

I wanted to help him so much, but there was nothing I could do.

He continued to scream, "Stop! I want it to stop! That's enough! Please, make it stop! That hurts!"

His eyes opened and his body slammed back onto the ground, shaking even more violently, if that was possible. He continued to scream, but soon collapsed weak on the ground. It was obviously still in pain, but he didn't have the energy to fight back. His eyes started rolling back as he managed a strained whisper, "Please..."

All of a sudden, his body stopped shaking and relaxed. His eyes closed again as he let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you."

His head fell to the ground, the breaths he was taking were very large. Shortly after, he started rocking back and forth, his breaths had become quiet, like he was in pleasure. "It's ok." He muttered after a couple of seconds, in a dreamy state.

I was so confused. Billy... BB, had gone from screaming in agony to a relaxed boy in a pleasant state of mind. What was going on here.

He sat up, before slowly standing up. I had enough courage to ask him if he was ok, and he answered, "Yeah, I'm fine."
Back at the room, Goldie's POV
I watched as the last one, Billy, had fainted like the kids next to him. I curiously watched the monitors to see what would happen. All of them were black, except for Felix's, who's had flickered to a stone chasm. I looked over to see that Bobby's had turned on too. Before I knew it, everyone's monitors were on, all except Billy's. We waited patiently for his to turn on, but it never did.

After another minute, Vincent grew impatient, "Why isn't it working?" He growled.

Spring answered, "He's alive, and the transformation was complete. It must be that he just isn't opening his eyes yet."

Vincent's face now had an evil smile, "Well then, we should wake him up."

Spring also had an evil smile, "Already on it father!" She shouted enthusiastically. She grabbed a taser from his back pocket and pointed it at Billy. With one final click, the two alligator clips clamped on his shoulder. The measure of the electrical current on the taser read 10 milliamperes. Since it was different kind of device, that father had made himself, it could go to 100 milliamperes.

As soon as it made contact, his body went rigid and he didn't move. But the screaming that came from the microphones, especially Billy's, told me that he could feel it. I was hoping that he would open his eyes so this would stop, but both Mango and Mariett's cameras showed that he only clenched his eyes tighter. Then, I noticed that he was screaming out to stop.

I looked back at Spring, who looked like she was having fun seeing Billy hurt. That's when I decided, he had enough.

"Spring..."I warned her to back off.

"Your right..." She sighed, and I thought she would turn that electric device off, but she cranked it up even more, "it's not enough, it needs to hurt more."

His screams became even louder and his monitor shot to life. From Mango's perspective, Billy's eyes were opened. I felt horrible, even his physical body shown signs of discomfort, through the medicine that completely shuts off his body, other than his heart, lungs, and brain. "Spring! He's awake! Now stop it!"

When Spring ignored me, I grabbed a pair of scissors that were on the counter and walked over to the barbed wire. I quickly cut the thin line of metal, getting a strong zap in return. Spring's electric box was still on, but it didn't effect Billy anymore. I glanced at the monitor, which read 75 milliamperes. He wasn't faking it when he said it hurt.

Spring slammed the thing on the ground. "Nice goin' Goldilocks! You broke it. Now I have to get a new one!"

"Spring," I reasoned with her, "He's just a kid. 75 milliamperes is too much for him!"

"Well then, when I get a new one, you could be the test subject! So you could feel what 80 feels like!"

I grabbed her dark green, torn up shirt and pulled her closer to me, "I'd love to see you try."

She gave me a stone cold glare. She pushed me off of her.

I yelled at her, "Listen! The thing is, Billy has learned his lesson and you have made your point across. There is no unnecessary pain needed."

"But it sure is fun to see him squirm." Spring giggled, glancing up at her father, who ruffled her hair.

I shook my head and walked towards Billy to detach the clips. I honestly couldn't stand either of them. He's only 10 years old. He should be shown love and compassion, not pain and misery. I unclamped the clips and noticed the muscles surrounding that area was tense.

I looked back, seeing that Spring and Vincent were chatting. I looked back at him. At least Billy's facial expression was calm.

I started to knead his shoulder, hoping to release some of the tension so it didn't hurt that much. I was nervous, one, Spring or dad could notice me, and two, I could be causing it to hurt more. And I wouldn't even know, because his facial expressions were lost with the medicine unless shown a strong enough emotion. I put as much apology in my strokes as I could, for both, making it hurt even more, and to try to cover up what Spring did.

I was surprised to hear Billy murmur, "it's ok,"

I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding, before removing my hands and walked back to my sister.

I knew this was just another test. The first phase was to test temptation, the second one to test trust, the third phase was to test betrayal, and the fourth, to accept defeat.

I was also surprised Mariett didn't notice the scar over Springs face. Because I knew, Spring had gone after them in the woods. And I knew how she attacked them. I was there.

I just really hoped that they would be able to finish this, because if they die in that world, and it never gets completed by any, then they will... never wake up.

But my hopes were gone when Spring said the words that terrified me, "I want to join in on their little fun."
(Back to the dream dimension) (Mango)

I was still confused, even though Billy was acting his normal self, touching everything that seemed interesting. I couldn't help but wonder if anyone else was here. I hope so, I wanted to go through this. I asked Mariett, "Do you think the others are here?"

She looked back at me, "I hope not, I don't want them going through this."

I looked back at the ground, "Oh." I suddenly felt very selfish.

We just walked in silence, with the exception of ohs and ahs that came from BB every time he saw something eye appealing. But out attention shifted towards him when he pointed at a well hidden lever on the wall, "Hmm, I wonder what this thing does."

Before either of us could stop him, he pulled the lever, expecting the worse. I clenched my eyes shut and balled up my hands. But BB laughed, "Mango, calm down, it's just another room."

I slowly peeked my eyes to see that it was only a secret passageway to a room. I relaxed, but BB crossed my line of vision, a humorous smile on his face, "C'mon! Let's go check it out!"

He ran into the room, followed by Mariett, who motioned me to follow them. I tip-toed into the room, curious as to what was inside it. There was strange pictures on the walls, some even having dialect. There was two torches in the room. I touched one of the walls, the pictures were engraved. I couldn't understand most of them, but I saw one that looked weirdly like me. Next to mine was Mariett, who was following BB. But, something was different. Billy was holding balloons, Mariett had lines coming from her arms and legs, and my body was just a bunch of scribbles. That was the last one, before it left a blank wall.

I was amazed when a new picture picture was carved, this time with me and Mariett staring at a wall, while Billy was waving hello to, Lily?

Almost as if on cue, Billy shouted, "Guys! It's Lily! She's alive!"

I turned around to see Billy running towards what appeared to be Lily, while Mariett was looking at drawings on another wall. Just like the picture. I looked back at the wall, eager to see what would carve out next. I certainly wasn't expecting to see us huddled against a wall, almost hiding from this bunny-like monster with bloodthirsty eyes and malicious hands.

And I didn't even say anything. I wondered what that meant, until I heard a dark voice from Lily. I quickly turned around, to see Lily, her eyes turning black and her body flickering, as if it was only a hologram. Billy had stopped running towards her and barely whimpered, "Lily?"

Her now pitch black eyes moved towards Billy, "You're all dead now."

Her body flickered off at that point. Then, if almost on cue, a sharp object just missed his head, instead flying right in front of me, hitting the torch. The torch fell to the ground with a clatter, before extinguishing itself. Billy had let out a quick scream, before running to me. I thought it was weird, shouldn't the ashes still be lit, but I didn't say anything. Nothing made any sense at this point.

Billy and I backed away towards the wall with the torch, now the only source of light. Mariett was next to it, her eyes darting around everything in the room. Her eyes rested upon us, "Are you ok?"

We nodded, but our thought were shifted when we heard a laugh. It was deep and evil, with a hint of death. Billy was breathing so hard, I thought he was hyperventilating.

I backed him up against the wall and put my hands defensively over him. He would be safer if he was in-between Mariett and I.

The voice stopped laughing, "Do you really think you can survive?"

It continued to tease us. I noticed that Billy was peering over me. I was going to tell him to look away, but the voice interrupted me, "Don't play brave Mango! I can sense your fear! I know all of your personal fears! Mango, yours is that you'll never be accepted in your little band of friends. That You'll always be the outcast that everyone hates. That you'll become broken and forgotten, and no one will even think of you."

I gasped, I didn't even realize what the monster just said. But, after I thought about it, I knew it was true. What else does this monster know?

"And Billy," the monster continued, "The cute, innocent pain in everyone's back. Your fears are a little too obvious for my liking, afraid of the dark, afraid of being alone, afraid of never fitting in. But your real fear is that you could've done something for Lily back in the woods. That you could've saved her from her most certain death. And, I'm glad to say that you had the chance. If you went with Lily, you would've returned with her safe and sound. Mariett would be ok, and all three of you could've made it home. It really is a shame, she was such a sweet girl, too bad she had a friend like you."

Billy buried his face into my shirt and started crying. I would've tried to comfort him, but I was too much in shock. How did this monster know us so well?

"Last but certainly not least, Mariett. Known as the brave girl who stood up to Vincent. The one who everyone looks up to as their protector and caretaker. Or, that's at least what they think."

I looked at Mariett, I was curious to what the monster meant. Mariett spoke with a quivering voice, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

If the monster could've, it would be glaring at her, "Don't play denial with me. That's how everyone hides their fears, even you should know that."

There was a pause of silence, before it continued, "Anyways, you're not nearly as strong as you pretend to be. In fact, you hide behind a mask to keep from breaking apart. They might not even realize it, but you're wearing it right now."

I looked back at her, she wasn't wearing a mask. "Mariett," I asked, "What is she talking about?"

The thing chuckled, "Maybe you should take your mask off, Mariett. Show them the real you for a moment. Show them how doomed they truly are."

Mariett glared back at the source of the voice, "I'm not afraid of you."

The monster laughed again, "I'm not fooled by the mask. Your just another pitiful child, like them."

Mariett wrapped her arms around us, "Well, this 'pitiful child' is gonna do anything she can to protect her friends."

The monster held an aura of rolling it's eyes, "Yeah, cause you're the fearless Mariett, right? Don't worry, she'll crack eventually, and when she does, you'll all see the true Mariett. Or, should I say, Mikayla."

Mariett didn't say anything, but pulled us closer as the monster laughed. It stepped into the light, giving us a full view of it. It was an ugly green, much like Spring's shirt, color that covered it's entire body. It had rabbit ears and it's fur was torn. But what was so scary about it was the glowing white pupils, that bore into my soul. It giggled, before whispering right in my ear, "Goodnight."

She blew out the torch.

Not even a second had passed when Billy screamed, "It's dark!"

I could barely see anything, I could only see outlines of the room, and the white, glowing eyes of the monster. I ran as fast as I could past the monster, getting towards the door. That's the first time I noticed that I had a full leg, but it felt normal. I abruptly stopped, until Billy and Mariett, who were close behind, bumped into me.

All three of us turned into a heap on the ground. I looked back up at the monster. I could only see it's outline, along with its eyes. But it's frame was blocking the entrance to the door, so we couldn't get back into the room. "I'm gonna getcha!" It crooned.

Billy and I screamed, before being dragged to my feet by Mariett, "Run!"

I followed why she said and ran as far away as I could from that monster. As we ran, I heard Billy scream behind me. I quickly spun around, to see Billy on the floor, his hands on his ankle. He had fallen. The monster was above him now, trailing it's hands on its face, "What wrong Billy?" It shouted, insanity in its voice, "Do you miss Lily."

Billy covered his ears with his hands, "Stop it! Shut up!"

The monster growled, before stomping on his right ankle. He screamed again, this time clutching his ankle, leaving his face completely exposed. The monster quickly scratched his cheek, drawing blood. "Your gonna die Billy!" The monster yelled at him.

His face read that he was terrified, "No!" He shouted.

The monster stomped on the same ankle again, this time, Billy screamed louder and later cradled his ankle. "Please! Leave me alone!" He shouted.

"Aww," the monster crooned, "Is the little baby trying to be brave?"

Before the monster could do anything else, Mariett shoved the monster away from Billy. It stumbled and fell on the ground as BB inched away from it. She picked up BB, much like a piggy back ride and ran away, soon followed by me. When I had a leg, I remember I was the fastest kid in my class. I guess I'll just have to enjoy having a leg now before everything goes back to normal.

I didn't know how long we were running. All I knew was that we were moving forward, BB sobbing into Mariett's shoulder. I was constantly checking behind my back. Mariett was looking for new directions to take.

I had gotten use to this routine before I bumped into somebody. I looked up and was relieved that it was Flynn, with Becky, Cristy, and Francesca close behind them. "Ugh, thank goodness you're all alright." He muttered.

Mariett had jumped, to make sure Billy was secure on her back. Cristy noticed the scratch on his face and pointed, "What happened to him?"

"He took most of the hits." I answered.

Francesca walked up to Billy, who watched her with curiosity.' He always had that young side of him' I thought to myself.

She placed her hand on his shoulder, "Ye alright lad."

Billy nodded, "Yeah, but that monster was scary."

"I promise," she whispered, "Both you 'n' I will make it out o' 'ere en one piece."

Billy sniffled, "I hope so."

It turns out Mariett and Flynn were talking, because Flynn turned around to face us, "Alright guys, we have decided that we're gonna find the other three, then get the heck out of here. This place is creeping me out."

The others stood there in silence, which we took as an 'ok'. We were about to leave, but instead heard screams, being Felix's, Bobby's and Crystal's

I looked over at Billy, who was shaking on her back. 'What a trooper' I thought to myself. 'He's dealt with a lot more terrors than anyone should have to go through. Much less a kid.'

We heard footsteps, but they were far too light to be the monsters. We stood there in silence, the footsteps getting closer. "Felix?" Becky yelled, echoing through the chasm.

"Becky!" It was Bobby, "Where are you guys?! I wanna get outta here!"

I heard scurrying footsteps, until said Bobby ran into the closest person, who was Flynn. I recognized the blue shirt and the combed, but messy, hair style. It really was Bobby.

He was shaking and crying, while Flynn had embraced him, rocking side to side, whispering words of comfort. After his cries were reduced to shudders, which didn't take long, Flynn calmly asked, "Where are Felix and Crystal."

Bobby started crying again, "This monster attacked Crystal and Felix stayed behind to protect her. It managed to get to Crystal, and then Felix was asking for help, but I ran like a coward. Now their all dead, and it's all because of me!"

He started sobbing again, with Flynn repeating what he did the first time he cried, this time making sure Bobby heard those words of comfort. It took longer, but he eventually stopped crying, "Bobby, listen to me," he soothed, "It's not your fault, it's the monsters. Believe me, if you stay behind with them, you probably would've died too. Just understand that I would never let anything like that happen to you."

Bobby nodded, before standing up, "T-thanks." He stuttered. Flynn was going to say something back, but was interrupted when the monster moaned, "Isn't that cute? Flynn makes the weakling feel better by telling him that his friends didn't die from him. Everyone knows that's not true! They're all dead from you Bobby! Some friend you are!"

Bobby's stance was wavering and it wasn't long before he would crumble. Flynn picked him up and started running, soon followed by the others, including me. The monster yelled, "I'm gonna make you all suffer!"

It chased after us, and I could feel its breath on my shoulder. But a blinding light shown on us. We all fell down. So did the monster...

I stood up, and saw that the others had been in the same predicament. And I was relieved that there was no monster.

-Billy's POV

I saw Bobby inching towards Becky, holding her hand. That's so sweet. Bobby always liked her, that was obvious, but Becky hides her emotions well.

I was put down by Mariett, standing on one leg, "How's your ankle?" She asked.

It hurt, a lot. It was difficult just to stand. "I don't think I can walk." I said.

Francesca looked at her. When I looked up, that's when I first realized that we were in a blank white space. Or that Mango had two legs, not one. Why didn't I notice this before?

Francesca walked closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder, kneeling down to my height, "Ye do know we care 'bout ye lad, right?"

I nodded, but then shivered. Why was it so cold?

Francesca continued to stare at me. She only had one eye, the other covered by an eye patch. Why didn't I notice any of this?

I was interrupted from my thoughts when she hugged me. "I'm so sorry lad."

She held me tighter, it wasn't really tight, but it was enough to not let me fall. It felt... nice. Like I was safe and secure. Like nothing could hurt me, because I was with Francesca. Like, I was loved and valuable. I no longer felt cold.

"Now try standin' up." She said to me, with a surprisingly gentle voice.

I stood up, and was amazed that my ankle felt good as new, "It's... alright! It no longer hurts."

"Just as I thought." Becky explained, "We're in a mental world. The forms we take now isn't based on our physical appearance. It's how mentally strong we are. The stronger our spirits, the stronger we are now."

That was why my ankle was able to break so easily. Because in reality, fear can crack me. Make me vulnerable. Make me weak. And... I could die. "But what would happen if we died now?" I asked.

Becky shook her head, "It depends on how bad of a kill we are. If we just die, with no wounds, if we even escape here, we would probably be in a good state of mind."

I didn't even want to wonder what could happen if we got battered up.

We all froze when we heard a heartbeat. We were no longer in a blank space. There was a hallway, a neat hallway, with big windows on both sides. Two kids were peering through them. The one to the left of us was a girl, with gold-like hair and amber eyes. She looked to be around four.

There was also a boy to the right of us. I got a better look of him, since I was closer to the right. He had black hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a blue shirt and shorts, with nike sneakers. He looked to be around 12.

He stared at us, as well as the girl for several minutes. So it caught me off guard when the boy started banging on the glass. The girl continued to stare at us, as if the boy didn't exist. Two cars pulled in front of the two windows, each similar to each other. The strange man stepped out of the car, both looking exactly like the other. But both of them were completely purple. The girl now looked worried, glancing back at him. Te boy, however, was banging on the door and started crying, tears trailing down his face.

The men got closer to them. The boy was now sobbing, banging on the glass even harder. The girl didn't seem to notice them yet. The man was right next to the girl, who turned around to look at him. She wasn't even able to scream as he covered her mouth with one hand, carrying her with the other. The girl had tears in her eyes and was being carried by her waist. He ran back to the car and drove off. No one even noticed.

I felt horrible for the kid. This happened when she was so young. I looked back at the boy, who was standing in front of the man, crying harder than ever.

The last thing I saw was a shiny, silver object in the man's hand, before something covered my eyes. It was a hand.

I froze again when I heard a scream. I clutched onto the arm that belonged to the hand covering my eyes. I was too afraid to look now.

When the hand was finally removed from my face, we were in an old shop, with the lights flickering on and off. I saw that it was Mariett who covered my face. But she seemed taller, and skinnier. Must be my imagination

We were all silent, until we heard a clatter, quickly followed by whispers and scurrying feet. My eyes darted around the room, but no one was there. I heard whispers, giggles, and more scurrying feet. It sounded like children, but who else would be here?

I saw shadows, it was definitely children. But what were they doing here? I thought it was only us.

The giggling became louder, to the point where I had to cover my ears. They were so loud.

This went on for another minute, before they had suddenly gone silent. What was up with them?

I looked around, but didn't find any one of them. I could feel their presence, but they just weren't visible. I heard a gasp come from Mango, before someone laughed.

About 5 black creatures leaped onto Mango, killing her instantly.

Bobby and Flynn grabbed some iron bars and started pounding on those monsters. I thought to myself, 'Bobby can be brave. I wanna be brave too!'

I grabbed an iron bar from the pile on the floor and found my target. With all of my might, I swung the metal bar at a monster that had fallen off of Mango. However, due to my lack of strength, the stick like bar only bounced off of it.

But I sure made it angry. It stared at me with its scary eyes, watching my every move. I nervously chuckled, I made a wrong move. The monster lunged for me, and I closed my eyes, expecting it to slam me on the floor. But it never came...

I opened my eyes to see the monster laying on the floor and Mariett, finishing it off with a golf club.

She looked back at me, "We gotta get out of here!"

I agreed with her, but another scream caught my attention. Bobby was on the ground, the monsters now moving onto him. His death was quicker, not even a scratch was left. The monster simply held his mouth and nose, so he couldn't breath.

He soon fell limp on the floor. Becky and Cristy had the same fate, before they cornered us in the room. Mariett put her arms in front of us protectively.

I was super scared. I didn't wanna die yet! I'm only 10! I know I want to see Lily again, but not like this!

The ground we were standing gave in, and we all fell down. The rust red ground was getting closer. I closed my eyes and expected impact, but we just... fell. It didn't hurt or anything, we just landed on the ground.

Mariett's POV

I quickly picked myself up, brushing off some red dust. I looked to my side to see BB, confused as to how we landed so easily. I looked around for everyone else, but I only found Flynn and Francesca. We were the only ones left.

"A firewall." Francesca muttered, "'ow convenient."

She was right, there was a circle of fire, growing from the floor to the ceiling. "But, how do we get across?" Flynn asked. Wait, his skin was getting browner...

When Francesca turned over to me, she gasped. "Y-Yer face!"

"Really, you should see your face!"

It was true, her face had turned rusty red like the ground and her legs were silver and shiny. Even Billy was starting to blush one big red circle, unlike his natural blush.

Flynn pointed out, "No, yours is white!"

What does he mean my face is white? Who cares! We need to get outta here!

I heard a growl. Oh no. I looked behind me, to see what looked like fire demons, running straight for us.

"Run!" I shouted.

We began sprinting along the firewall, trying to find an opening. We found nothing but fire, but something told me to keep running. I picked up Billy, he wasn't as fast as us.

I heard someone yell, followed by a thump. Flynn had fallen. "Ai! Flynn be gone!" She yelled.

"Keep running!" I yelled back. Eventually, we found a tiny space, but it was small. I easily slipped Billy onto the other side, but Francesca and I couldn't fit.

I tried, but it seemed to only get smaller. "Francesca! Mariett!" Billy shouted.

"Billy!" I shouted, "Be strong!"

"I-I can't! I can't do this alone!"

"Yes you can! Just go!"

Billy's POV

I couldn't watch as those demons killed my friends. I couldn't even see anything. I was floating in black. I could only see myself.

With that, I closed my eyes. Was this what happens after you die? Would Lily be here?


I heard someone call my name, and my spirits lifted when I recognized the voice. It was Lily's.

"Lily! Where are you?" I shouted more than asked.

The voice faded, but it's rhyme echoed, "I'm behind you."

I heard a much less audible voice, cry out my name. I turned around to see none other than Lily, face to face with me. I hugged her, and she hugged me back, "Lily! I'm so glad to see you! I missed you..."

She shoved me away, her eyes pitch black. Her voice echoed, but screaming, "Why did you leave me?! Why did you let me die?! I thought I was your friend!"

I heard the same almost non existent voice, "Billy! I forgive you!"

"Lily, I..."

"Get out of my sight! It's all your fault! I'm gonna make you pay!"

I didn't know who to trust, Both of the voices were hers. I felt tears well up in my eyes, "Lily... Please..."

I heard the quiet voice, "Billy! Please, don't hurt him! I'll do anything!"

The louder voice boomed, "I hate you! I wish you were never born!"

The quieter voice whimpered, "I don't mean it!"

"Lily..." I managed to whispered.


I was crying now, "Lily, I'm sorry!"

I heard the quiet voice, "Billy! Please, don't go!"

The louder voice screamed, "That it!"

The quiet voice started screaming, still being muffled, "Billy! Help me!"

"Lily!" I screamed.

"Billy something's coming! Billy, help me please!"

"Lily! Run away!" I tried to scream, but it had no effect!

"Billy it's getting closer! Billy! Billy please! Get it away from me! Leave me alone!"

The voice was getting quieter, but it was obvious she was screaming in fear. It was almost as if she was being dragged away from me. "Billy help me! Help me help me Billy! Please!"

I could no longer see Lily, but I could hear her screams as she went farther and farther away from me.

I can't believe it. I let it happen again! I was sobbing, curling up into a ball. I was scared. I was sad. I was alone.

A bright light flooded my vision. What would happen now?

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