More Than Soccer

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Ok, so I know some of my chapters (ok, a lot) have been kind of well... gory. So here is one where it's kind of on the fun topic.
Crystal's POV

"We're playing soccer? Seriously?" Spring sighed.

"It's a unity sport, for all genders aged 10-13, it fits for everyone. And it's free."

Billy and Mango cheered silent, they loved soccer. That, and Mango would get to try her new leg. Becky had made her a leg that was nerve-connected to her brain. It worked, surprisingly. It was almost like an original leg.

"Ugh, fine." Spring muttered.

"Good," Vincent replied, before tossing us a pile of blue shirts, "Because your first game starts in an hour."

We hurriedly grabbed the outfits and slipped them on. I hope my nails wouldn't break. The back of the jersey had my name written on it, "CRYSTAL." The front of it had my number on it, 8.

We quickly ran onto the bus, eager to play. I couldn't wait, I was excited, a little action in my life.

The soccer field looked a little abused, but our shiny cleats shined brightly with the sun.

We looked at the other team, who wore red shirts with white stripes.

"Ok." Vincent stated, "So, I know that this is our first time playing, and we are facing the 3rd place team, but we can do this!"

We glanced around at each other. We would try, but it looked to be ruined. Vincent tossed a black and white sweatshirt and goalie gloves to her, "Mariett, since you're the tallest, you are the goalie."

She slipped on the gloves as Vincent pointed to Bobby, Felix and I, "You guys are the defense."

He then pointed to Flynn, "Flynn, you are the mid field."

He then pointed to Francesca and Becky, "You guys are the offense."

Francesca bumped her fist in the air, "Yes!"

We put our hands in the circle and shouted, "Team!" Before I ran to my right defense side.

We started with the ball first, so Francesca stepped up to it. The referee blew the whistle, before Francesca bumped the ball to Becky. The red shirts rushed at them, but Becky passed the ball to Flynn. Flynn rushed up to it and kicked it above their heads, to Francesca, running down the field. She dribbled the ball passed their defense and shot. It scored! I leaped in the air. I could hear the cheering from our other team mates.

The red now had the ball. They passed it to a girl with brown hair pulled into a pony tail. Before I even knew it, they rushed onto us. I tried to stop her, but she traveled right over me. Felix wasn't even paying attention as she shot for the goal. She shot it for the corner of the goal, but I sighed, as Mariett leaped up and caught it. I was surprised, she was able to jump so high.

She kicked the ball, and it went half way above the court, before Francesca ran on top of it, once again scoring another goal. This was going to be a long game.

By the time the game was over, we won 6-0. There was a penalty kick because I tripped someone, so I was glad Mariett was a natural goalie. Vincent was clapping dramatically as Spring and Goldie were on their phones.

The next game was with the 2nd place team. They wore yellow shirts and black pants. They were known as the bumblebees, and all of them were tall 8th grade girls. The first half was pretty boring, I didn't even do anything. I sat out, as Mango took my place. My stomach hurt that day. He insisted that I play, but when an offender accidentally ran into me, I sat out. So Billy was entertaining enough.

During the first minute of the second half, it started raining. Since Mango's leg couldn't get wet, Billy went on defense. It was a last minute decision. The flu was going around, and it started with Cristy. Then it reached me. I wonder who it will reach next. Probably Billy, since he was the closest to us.

Then, for some reason, he moved Felix and Bobby on offense, so Billy was all by himself. He became frustrated, everyone was passing him. They were trying to be nice about it, like mentioning, 'Nice try' or 'better luck next time little man'. They were only making it worse for him. But he surprised them, as well as he did to us in the beginning of the second half.

He had finally made a successful pass down the middle. It was going to get to Flynn, but one of the girls kicked it back to him. He got mad. "Stupid ball!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, before kicking the ball. The soccer ball soared through the sky, before it landed in front of Francesca, who headed it into the goal.

An eruption of screams came from the audience. Billy stared at the goal, flabbergasted. Francesca ran up to him, and they both high fives each other. "That was awesome!" Billy shouted, "I was all like 'grr' and Flynn was like 'over here' and I was like mpf, and they were like 'oh no u don't' and I was like 'pff' and you were like 'over here' and you scored!"

Even one of the girls from the other team shouted, "Nice one buddy!"

We won the game 2-0 that day. We were facing off against the 1st place team tomorrow.
Flynn's POV

Poor Cristy and Crystal had the flu. This sickness is spreading like the plague. I wonder how long it'll be until everybody gets it.

Today, the clouds were out, and it was very humid. Somehow, Felix convinced Vincent to stay on the sidelines to take care of the girls on the sideline. Now, with the other team, who wore white, we would play only 6 players on a field, with a goalie. Francesca, Becky and I ended up being on offense, Bobby and Mango got put on midfield, and Billy was put on the defense. Mariett was put on goalie.

The players on the other teams were 12 years old, all girls except two boys. We started with the ball. As soon as the ref blew the whistle, I passed the ball to Becky. They rushed onto us. Becky passed the ball to me, as two surrounded her. As I received the ball, the two girls glared at me, anger in their eyes. I squeaked, before passing the ball to Francesca. She quickly dribbled the ball up the field, but the girl defender tripped her. Francesca fell on the ground with a grunt as the girl kicked the ball to me, or should I say, at me.

I deflected the ball off of my feet so I could pass it to Becky. Becky sprinted with the ball, this time passing it to the center, where Francesca was. She scored the goal. Becky ran back as the game started again. This time, I passed it to Becky, who tried to go down the side, but was blocked. She ran to the other side, dodging angry feet. I could hear their coach screaming at them, "TRIP HER! TRIP HER!"

She passed the ball at the goal, but missed. A defender crashed into her, as Becky had stopped suddenly. Becky literally flew near the side of the field, hitting her head. That was when I knew, that girl pushed her intentionally.

I ran over to her and helped her up, "Becky! Are you quite alright?"

She nodded, but then grabbed her head, rubbing her temples, "I-I need to sit down."

I yelled over at Vincent, "She says she needs to sit down!"

Vincent shrugged me off, "Don't worry about it! She'll be fine!"

I looked back at Becky, "I'm sorry."

I could hear Becky breathing heavily, so I passed the ball a little remorsefully to Becky. Her head was stiff as a bored as she weakly accepted the ball. But she started jogging limply towards our goal. We all watched her, confused. She blew past Billy and, again, softly tapped the ball. Mariett picked up the ball that was slowly rolling towards the goal. "Do you need to sit down?" She asked her.

She mumbled, "Wha?" Something was wrong, she never used slurs when she spoke. At least we got a response. I saw Spring whisper something to her dad, before she took off on the field.

"Becky! You can come off now!" He yelled out. He didn't even care.

I put my arm around her shoulder as she used me as a stabilizer to walk back. Cristy, Felix, and Crystal stared at her, worried looks in their eyes. I sat her down on the bench as Crystal started cooling off an ice pack (if you don't remember, Crystal had the power to cool stuff down).

Spring rushed out to where Becky was. The game started, but when one of the boys from the other team tried to push her, she slammed her body into him, sending him to the ground. Their coach was yelling furiously at the ref as she sent the ball into the goal. It was 1-1.

The first half ended quickly, with Flynn with a black eye and Francesca with a bruised up arm. But it was 2-1, and we were winning. "Keep up the good work guys." Vincent nodded at us.

We all sat down on the bench. Felix was sitting in between Crystal and Cristy. It had long since become cold and, despite their fevers, gave them a blanket. Cristy said she felt naucious, which was uncommon for her, she always likes to eat. It was how we found out she had the flu. When we offered her favorite cereal, Coco Puffs, she pushed it away. She seemed a little pale, so we took her to Becky and she said that she had the flu.

Now she had a fever of 100 and nausea, along with chills, a cough, and a runny nose. In my opinion, Crystal had it worse, a lot worse. She was sleeping, but she was as pale as a ghost. She had a fever of 102, and Felix said that the only reason why he gave her a blanket, was because she 'had chills that were shaking the bench'. She had a stuffy nose and a sore throat. She also had a headaches, and was extremely tired. She was leaning on Felix, still sitting up, but she was sleeping.

The ref blew the whistle, so I grabbed a random water bottle and took a gulp of water, before running out to the field.

We were half way through the game. A person from the other team was dribbling down the field.
She passed by Billy and shot at the goal. Mariett tapped it so she was in front of her. She ran out to go get it, but a little hesitant. "Go! Go! Go!" I shouted. If there was anyone who could play soccer, it was her.

She quickly sped down the field, just missing a trip from another girl. She passed the defense with such skill, before shooting to the goal. It was 3-2.

The crowd was in a mix of cheers and moans. I high-fived her and she giggled, but a boy from the other team stomped up to her. He glared at her, "Hey! Goalies can't leave their box! You cheated."

Mariett suggested, "The rules and regulations state-"

"BACK IN THE BOX! Before I make you." His face was turning angry.

Mariett rolled her eyes, before walking back, occasionally giving high-fives.

That score stayed for the rest of the game, which was almost over. The same boy who yelled at Mariett was shooting down the field. When he realized he was going to lose, he did something so wrong, it sparked something in everyone that day.

Billy was the one to defend him, but when he did, the offender hit him. Or elbowed him, hard.

Billy fell to the ground and curled up into a ball as he scored, Mariett too much in shock to even try to block it. The ref blew his whistle. "Illegal play! No goal!"

The boy growled, before looking back at Billy. He walked ominously up to him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. He punched him in the gut this time. Billy fell again on the ground, crying hysterically.

"You lose!" He yelled at him. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I screamed.

"You do NOT hit a child!" Mariett yelled at him.

To my relief, he stepped away from Billy, but he was still glaring at him. "He wants to play with the big boys! That's what he gets!"

I hadn't noticed Francesca walk up to him. She stomped over near him and punched him so hard, he fell on the ground. She blocked him from Billy as Mango helped the 10 year old stand up. He had blood streaming down from his nose.

"Shh..." I soothed, "You're gonna be alright."

Billy cried once again, burying his face into my blue shirt. I honestly didn't care. I loved him, and I cared about him so much.
Goldie's POV later on

My dad, Spring, and I sat at a table. All of the other kids he kidnapped had their pictures on a table. They were trying to figure out how to break them down. They tried making the new/withered, but that obviously didn't work. They had the cards arranged in that way.

Vincent looked stumped, until Spring gasped, rearranging the cards. I looked on curiously, you couldn't blame me.

When I could see the cards, they were in a lay out order. Bobby, Billy, Crystal, and Mango were in the left corner while Francesca, Becky, and Cristy were in the right corner. Below them, there was a picture of Flynn, as across from him, was Felix. Mariett was the only one at the bottom. It was arranged in a hopper-like shape.

"Dad!" She spoke, "Whenever the people on the top are in a stressful situation, they go to Flynn and Felix. When they can't handle the stress, they go to Mariett. So right now, she is holding all of their weight. If we manage to break her, hard, but not impossible, they all fall down like a house of cards!"

Vincent nodded, "I'm very proud of you Spring. Here's the plan, Spring, lead the four older ones. When Mariett goes to look for them, I'll take care of her. Then, the older ones are all yours. This will surely break the younger ones, and they'll become our little toys."

They all laughed evilly as I stared off in the ground. I put my hands into my sweater pockets and turned my back away from them. Here we go again...
So, as you can tell, I am nearing the end of the story. 😢 so read on, because the main conflict is in the next chapter!

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