Dead But Alive

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Alright, so this chapter is the beginning of the climax. There is death 😢 just a warning. If it doesn't effect you, read on. And yes, I know it was a totally different case with the original FNAF theories, and facts.

___________________________Billy's POVIt's been a week since I almost drowned in the lake. I looked good as new, it was as if it never happened. But some things did happen.For starters, I slept alone in the game room. For some reason, he had us sleep in different places. Mariett, Mango, and I slept in Kids Cove. Felix, Bobby and Crystal slept in the main cafe. Francesca, Flynn, Becky, and Cristy slept in the Parts and Service room.I found Lily, and I specifically remember it...•flashback•"Billy, Billy please wake up."I slowly croaked open my eyes to a headache. We were no longer in the lake, but in the pizzeria. I looked around, and even though it was dark, I could still see Mariett and... Lily. I blinked to see that it was Lily, kneeling down next to me. "I'm gonna get some supplies for you." Mariett walked out of the room, leaving Lily and me in the too."Lily?"She sighed, "Yeah Billy, it's me.""But how...""I'll explain it later, I just need to take this all in. I just, woke up in the woods abandoned and alone. I was being chased by this monster. Then Mariett told me to run to the light. I woke up in the woods and found my way here.""Oh Lily," I whispered, "I'm so sorry, if I had known you were there, I would've...""Billy." She interrupted me, "It's ok, I'm actually glad I'm still alive.""Why?" I asked her."Because, I wouldn't be able to do this.""Do wha-" I was interrupted again when she leaned in closer to me. I felt a zap of energy when she kissed me; on the lips!She turned away from me, "Sorry if I just ruined our friendship, I just don't know when I might die again."I hugged her, in which she did the same, "Don't worry. I actually kinda had a crush on you too. You were just the braver one to start it first."Lily sighed, "I know, I'm just scared. Scared for me, scared for you, scared for everyone here; even Spring."I was confused, "Why are you concerned for Spring? She's mean to almost everyone!"Her tone was gentle, "Yes, and she's like that for a reason. Everyone's feeling pain, even if it isn't as obvious."•end of flashback•We also woke up to screaming in the dead of night. They lasted for minutes, before they died down. Mango said she thought that they sounded like the younger ones, so she left to check it out while Mariett stayed with me. She didn't come back all night.I stretched my arms, before walking down to check on the others. Mariett, still sleeping. I walked to check on the older ones. Yep, they were getting into their costumes. I walked towards the back stage area. It was a separate room, it was where they got ready for shows. The door was closed, so I knocked on the door, "Hello?" I called. There wasn't an answer.I knocked on the door again, "I'm gonna come in, ok?"Still no answer. I waited a second, before opening the door.(Here is the deathly part)I just kept myself from tripping over Mango's arm. I almost fell, but I regained my balance and clung onto the door frame. I kept myself from screaming, for Mango was bleeding, too much for an average. And Becky just built her that new prostatic limb.She was dead, that was for sure. I looked around the room, all dead. I held myself back from crying as I fled the room. I ran through the hallways as far away as I could. I was going to call out for Francesca, but a hand covered my mouth, pulling me backwards by my waist. The immediate memory of being kidnapped filled my mind, and I screamed into the hand and started to cry. No, please, not again.The arms pulled me back further, and I couldn't even struggle as I was paralyzed in fear. I was pulled into a small, enclosed space, where I saw a pair of two white, glowing eyes. I was scared, the hands still around my mouth and waist. I didn't know if I could handle it. I saw some of my only friends dead on the floor, and now I'm being kidnapped, again!As the hand was removed from my mouth, I started to whimper, "P-Please. Let me go."A finger was put on my mouth, "Shh... it's ok," it was Mariett, "Keep quiet."I was silent, before I heard footsteps, heavy footsteps. "Dad, where do we put them?" Spring asked her father. Or at least, it sounded like Spring. I couldn't see anything, anything but two white glowing eyes. Mariett must've put on her costume."Put them in the suits." He responded. I was sure it was Vincent.I heard the sound of metal hitting the floor. It went on for almost 5 minutes, and I had so many emotions going through me. I was confused on why all of this happened in one morning. Guilt for not being able to do anything to help them. Slight concern for the others. But the emotions that were overwhelming me were sadness and scared. I was sad because half of my best friends were dead; and I was scared because I didn't want the same thing to happen to me.I started to silently cry. So much happened in the first five minutes of my day. I heard more voices. "Father, when will they work?""They will be a new display tomorrow. For now, it'll be a surprise that the older animatronics are performing today.""And what about Mariett and Billy? Won't they need to get transferred too?""Mariett's out of the question! Everyone has a breaking point Spring, and once we got her, she'll play right in our hands. Just like the puppet she is. But as for Billy, we'll either kill him, or wait for him to kill himself.""We also have my persuasive ways, right Goldie?"Goldie's voice wavered, "R-Right."Spring laughed, "Alright, so we break Mariett, and the others will crumble. But should we kill her, she is the strongest out of them. We need to show them that we have power over them.""Nah," Vincent shrugged, "We need living proof. Besides, I think they already know we own power."I heard a door open, before it closed again. Silence, we were met with dead silence."Do you think they're gone?" I whispered."I'm not sure. Stay here, while I go see if the coast is clear." Mariett responded.With that she wound the box. Whenever she wanted to leave the box, she turned the lever on the side until it opened. The familiar tune of Pop Goes The Weasel played until the top of the box opened. She popped out of the box, prepared for a fight, but no one came. She did however gasp. "Billy, you might wanna see this."I got a glimpse of an animatronic before I was lifted out of the box. I took in the new atmosphere I was in. Instead of one stage, there were three. The toys were on one stage, the original ones were on another stage, and a third stage had humanoids on it. "Hey," Mariett pointed to the main robot near the humanoids, "This one looks kinda like Felix! Oh, and there's Crystal! And Bobby! And Mango!"I looked over to where she was pointing, to see humanoids that looked almost just like them. Below them was the dead bodies. I didn't even want to look at them, so I found myself staring at a sign instead, "Freddy's Play Pals." I read aloud. Mariett walked up onto the stage, poking the robot that represent Felix. She waved her hand in front of its face, but got no response. She looked back at me, "I'm so sorry Billy, but there is nothing we can do."She started to walk out of the room, but an idea came in mind. She froze when I asked her the question, "What about your power?"She slowly turned around, facing the stage. "Stand back." She told me, as I ran out of the room, behind a door frame.She started to glow as she floated up in front of the stage. The same familiar white glow surrounded the four as they limply flew up as well. Mariett closed her eyes as four glowing orbs surrounded her. There was a pink one, a light brown one, a yellow one, and a blue one.The orbs circled her, going faster and faster with each turn. Then, they flew into the four robots, the pink one in Mango's, the light brown one in Felix's, the yellow one in Crystal, and the blue one in Bobby's. The humanoids started shaking violently, before collapsing on the floor, the glowing surrounding them. Mariett suddenly fell too, landing on the ground.I held my breath for what would come next. Nothing. The bell rung, signifying that we had to go to our spots. But as I went to my post, I saw Mariett mouth 'sorry' to me. Why? Why would Vincent do this? What have we ever done to him?____________________________Alright! Enjoying my time in Texas for the TSA national conference! It's my first time and it's an amazing experience so far! See you in the next chapter!

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