Kidnapped Again

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Yo, so this one was inspired by the relay for life in Plainville. Sleeping over with a friend. Fun, right? So here is another chapter guys! Thanks for the support! And sorry most of the viewpoints are from Billy and Mariett, I just find it writing from their perspective the easiest. And if you are sensitive to fighting or gore, I don't recommend you read this chapter
Billy's POV

I was surprised when I heard that we were going to play in the relay for life. We were going to dress as the animatronics from the pizzeria, so I consider myself lucky, since Balloon Boy wears short and a t-shirt. After all, I wouldn't wanna be wearing black when it'll be 90 degrees all day. Then again, we would be walking around and greeting the kids, and we wouldn't be there until 5:00. The 11 year olds would be performing from 6:00 to 7:30 and the 12 year olds would be playing at 8:00 to whenever they run out of songs. Mariett and I wouldn't be performing, me because I was "too young", and Mariett was working the arcade games. She still is performing at the first song of the newer and older ones, but that is it. Oh, and Mango couldn't perform either, only because her costume wouldn't allow it.

I am still excited nonetheless. My costume was easy to put on. All I had to do was slip on a hat and put on my clothes. Then I'd wait to get face make up on, usually by someone else. We got to work, the pizzeria is still opened, but the originals/animatronics were covering it today. It was almost like Vincent was trying to replace them with us.

I couldn't help but feel a little bad for Crystal. She couldn't wear anything except for a bikini. There was a pink bottom and a white top with confetti that said 'Let's Party!' To top it off, she has to have most of herself painted. She was wearing orange shoes and heavy make up.

Bobby was wearing a blue shirt with a white oval in the middle and right blue sleeves. He also wore blue pants and sneakers. His face had to be painted blue and white. He too wore make up, but he also wore blue bunny ears.

Felix was wearing a light brown tank top, shorts, and sneakers. The bare skin would be painted a dark brown, even his face, with the exception of his nose, which would be black. Everybody teased Bobby, Felix, and I because we had to wear blush.

But anyways, Mango wore a grey shirt and sweatpants, along with the sneakers. Her face was painted all kinds of pink, and wires were skillfully woven all around her clothing. The wires had clamps on them so they would stick to her.

Mariett had her face painted white, with blush, lip gloss, and two purple streaks streaming down her face. Even then, she had to wear the mask. The strings were attached to her, but the cross thingy was on her back. She wore a black polo shirt and shorts. She wore knee high socks that were stripped black and white and had zebra gloves that went up her arm. They worked so hard on her costume, she even had to wear contacts.

Flynn wore a dark brown t-shirt with a black tuxedo imprint and dark brown shorts and sneakers. He wore really hard tanning spray and a top hat to finish it off.

Becky wore a purple shirt and shorts. Like Flynn, her bare skin is painted purple. But she wore purple bunny ears. Without any eye brows, she looked silly.

Cristy wore a musty yellow shirt and shorts. If I must say it again, her skin was covered in yellow. She wore an orange beak, which I was surprised that Crystal wasn't wearing one. I asked her, and she said that she was singing so it would mess up the vowels.

Francesca's nose was black, and she wore a rusty red T-shirt and shorts. Her face, as well as her hand was rusty red. Her right hand was covered with a shining hook. I marveled at how sharp it was.

But right now, we are on our way. This time, Vincent put us in the mini bus. Goldie and Spring sat behind Vincent, the bus driver.

There was a row that was empty, before the 12 year olds covered that row. Behind them was the 11 year olds. Mango had to sit by herself from her costume. She sat in the seat next to Mariett and I.

I was a little nervous that the arcade trailer was hooked behind it, but nothing fell over. We actually made it to the park safely. We got off the bus and looked around the park. There was a playground with kids on it, along with many floats. A couple of tents were in the field, and I saw many people camping out near it.

I walked alongside Mariett, who made her way to the arcade room. She pulled out the ramp that allowed kids to come in and out and opened the trunk. There were a lot of games, along with a prize wall. She activated the generator that turned the lights and video games on. The place crusted with life, the melody of the video games going off one by one. She sighed, before grabbing the sign that marked the arcade room.

Remembering why I was here, I grabbed my sign that read 'balloons' and a bunch of balloons. "I'm gonna go hand these out." I told her.

She just nodded, "Be careful!"

I walked out of the trailer. A bunch of kids were already surrounding the others. A couple came up to me and asked for a balloon, which I gave to them. I greeted kids into the trailer, alongside with Mango. And I swear, one of the kids looked just like Lily...
By the time I passed out all of the balloons, it was already 7:00. They were almost through their show. I decided to go watch them for a little bit. I greeted kids that came up to me and admired my costume. To be honest, I was pretty bored. There was nothing to do. That is, until the older ones came by. Flynn came up to me, "Hey BB, do u wanna go walk around with us?"

I smiled, "Sure!"

We walked around, looking at the different floats. Most amused me, they were so colorful. Many were giving out lollipops, which I refused, there was just something in me that hurt whenever I thought of Lily.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone stepped closer to us, and it wasn't a kid. He looked to be in his mid twenties and he was very tall. "What do we got here? Are these the animatronics from the pizzeria?"

I gulped, as Flynn stood in front of me, "Uh, sir? I assure you the animatronics aren't-"

"Oh," the guy knelt down, face to face with Flynn, "What do we got here? The 'original' Freddy Fazbear. Tell me, why aren't you rotting in the supply room?"

Flynn had anger in his eyes, something I rarely saw, and it scared me.

"But, the question is, why are you here, Balloon Boy?"

I stuttered, "T-These are my friends. I am with them!"

"Oh Balloon Boy, if only you knew how much of an idiot you are. It's obvious that no one likes you."

I gasped, clinging onto Francesca's arm, in which the paint didn't rub off.

Flynn stepped closer to the man, "Sir!" He yelled, "The animatronics are at the pizzeria! These are just costumes!"

The man stepped forward, "Now, seeing that you guys are kids, I truly apologize for my mistakes, so..."

He pulled on an evil grin, "Would you guys like a piece of cake?"

Flynn shoved him back, "Stay away from my friends!"

The guy laughed in a way that sent shivers down my spine. But he left us alone, to my relief.

Flynn looked back at me, "BB, he was just kidding, you know that, right?"

I nodded, I didn't let it bother me. He was talking about Balloon boy, and I wasn't Balloon Boy. I was Billy, and I had friends.

We continued walking around for the next 20 minutes. By then, we almost completely forgot about that man. It was now 7:45. We should probably get back, otherwise the others will worry about us.

I was about to speak up to them when a different man came up next to me. He was tall, and had a very strong build. He was wearing a green north face jacket and sunglasses. Either way, he didn't look friendly. "Hey kid," he spoke in a dark voice, "Come with me, I have a surprise for you."

Everyone continued walking, trying to ignore him. So I followed them, "I'm not suppose to talk to strangers." I replied.

Francesca looked over at me, a little concerned. I shyly looked away. "C'mon," he continued, "I promise, it'll be fun."

"I'm not allowed to talk to strangers." I repeated. I could tell he was angry. But I didn't expect what came after that.

"Come 'ere kid." He growled, one arm grabbing my waist, lifting me off the ground, so I was facing the ground, the other one holding my mouth shut. I managed to scream though.

The others looked at me with shocked expressions, before rushing over to me. I struggled, squirming in his grasp and kicking my feet. They all wanted him to let me go, that I could tell. Flynn's was the loudest, screaming to let me go at this mean man. Becky was pleading for the man to let me go. Cristy was encouraging me to break free of his grasp. Francesca was trying to convince him, "Let te lad go!"

Wanting him to let me go, I jerked hard in his grasp. When Flynn got too close to that guy's face, you could say he snapped. The hand that was around my mouth left, before quickly returning to me. He slapped me in the face, hard.

It hurt, that's all that went through my mind. I was so scared, and the stinging on my face didn't help. The others reacted wildly. Flynn and Francesca's voices were at the same volume. I heard Flynn yell, "Don't you DARE hit that child! You just hit a helpless child! When you let go of him, you are gonna get it!"

Francesca was ballistic, screaming insults at the terrifying man, "I'm gonna kill ye! You excuse of an man! Yer a hoodlum! A jerk! Yer an ugly landlubber! I'll make ye walk te plank!"

Even Cristy was mad, "Put him down right now mister! You'll be hearing from Vincent!"

Becky's pleas were louder, "Please! Don't hurt him! I'll do whatever you want just don't hurt him!"

He just chuckled at their words. I had stopped struggling, and was now crying like a baby. I wish I could do more, but what else could I do?

He took me into a bathroom, the others trailing behind us. He locked the door. All of a sudden, he dumped me onto the concrete floor. The others crowded around me. "Billy! Are you alright? Ye be a brave lad! It's all ok Billy."

It was dark, the only source of light being the window. I could see figures in the bathroom stalls. They grabbed the four others and held their wrists against the wall. The man walked over to me, smirking. "This is for stealing my flashlight."

He kicked me in the stomach. I was at loss for air. I couldn't breath. I tried desperately, but it didn't work. All of a sudden, I could breath again. I held my hand to my stomach, taking shuddering breaths. I felt hot tears go down my face and onto the floor. It would surely mess up my make up, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of here.

He left me alone and walked up to Francesca, taking the hook off of her hand. He inspected it, and by the looks on her face, I could tell she knew what he was going to do. He started slicing at her, each one for the insults she made. Still recovering from the blow, that's when something clicked. I needed to be brave. I can't let him hurt my friends.

I crawled over to him, who was completely ignoring me, before I bite his ankle. He cried out, before looking back to see me there. He brought his heel back and kicked me, this time hitting my nose. He kicked me so hard, I flew up against the wall.

As soon as I heard a snap come from my nose, I knew it was broken. I curled up into a ball, crying.

The man slashed at Flynn, marking a scratch on his face. I heard a cry from Cristy, the men there were twisting her wrists, in a way that it shouldn't be bent. I heard a snap come from Becky. Her left arm was broken, I was sure of it. She was screaming, her body jolting back and forth. The guy walked up to her, ripped the glasses off of her face, and continuously punched her in the face.

I crawled over to him, this time kicking his shins. He quickly kicked my chest back. I fell back on the ground, my head hitting the ground. I became dizzy. I heard banging on the door. Flynn screamed, "Help us! Please help us! Help!"

The mean man punched Cristy's jaw. I tried to stand, but I fell over again. I felt a warm liquid go down my nose, but I didn't care. I started screaming for that person to help us. The man was walking closer to me, his fist raised ominously. I begged, "Please, no."

He took a step closer to me. I screamed at the top of my lungs, "HELP ME! PLEASE!"

I heard a loud bang, followed by a lot of light. When my pupils finally got use to the light, my heart leaped at the sight. It was Mariett.
Mariett's POV (from when they went missing)

I checked the clock again. 7:40, where were they? I ran up to Bobby, "Bobby, do you know where the others are?"

He shook his head, "Nope, I think they went off, but that was a long time ago."

I sighed, "We need to go find them!"

Bobby tapped Felix's shoulder, whispering what happened. He was in the middle of telling a joke to the kids, trying to stall time. Felix's smile dropped, before facing the others, "Alright kids, I have to go, but the real show will be starting in just a minute!"

They all walked off stage. "I'll check the playground." Crystal volunteered.

"Ok, I'll go with you." Felix said, before turning to Bobby, "Bobby, check the fields."

"I'll check the track." I spoke up.

Without another word, we sped off to our locations. I ran through the track. "BB! Flynn! Come on guys!"

I sped around the track, glancing at the clock, it was 7:50. I stopped to take a breath, but instead, heard screaming. It was coming from the girl's bathroom. I approached the door and listened. I heard screaming, crying. I knocked on the door. When I got no response, I knocked on the door harder, "Hello?" I questioned.

I heard more screaming, it was Flynn, "Help us! Please help us! Help!"

At that point, I knew something was wrong. Flynn never asked for help, never. I tried opening the door, but it was locked. I pounded on the door again.

When I heard Billy scream, I grew angry. He was screaming, HELP ME! PLEASE!"

I stood back, before kicking the door down. There they were, and they looked horrible. I couldn't even look right now, for anger was filling my vision. The man who was holding his fist up at Billy, dropped it, smirking. "Oh, look who it is! It's the prize giver! Are you coming to save your little minions?" I had enough of this.

Without thinking much, I shot strings at the men holding the other four. The strings tied them tightly, bringing up to the ceiling. I looked back at the man, who now looked terrified. I shot multiple strings at him, until he hit the wall.

I spoke in an ominous voice, "Don't come near me. Don't come near my friends. You stay away from here! I don't wanna see your face again! Is that understood?"

He fearfully nodded, and I released the strings. He scrambled on the floor, before taking off, followed by the other men. I looked back at the four on one side. Cristy's mouth was bleeding and she was crying. Her hands were bent in a weird direction.

Francesca had deep gashes everywhere. But She wasn't crying, she was just staring off. Flynn seemed to be ok, with the exception of a scratch alongside his face. He was trying to comfort Becky. Oh, Becky. What did he do to you?

"Becky!" I heard Bobby scream from behind me. He rushed over to her, grabbing the glasses on the floor, before running to her. It wasn't long before I heard gasps from behind me, "Oh my!" "Wow."

Crystal rushed over to Cristy while Felix walked up to Francesca. I scanned the room, before my eyes landed on Billy. His nose was bleeding and a big bruise was already swelling from his head. He was crying, his small figure shaking violently. I knelt down next to Billy, "Billy, are you ok?"

I mentally slapped myself, did he look ok? Francesca spoke up over Felix, "He be a brave lad. He'd be fighting off te man from hurtin' me 'n' Becky. It wasn't for him, she'd be a lot worse."

I looked back at Billy, amazed. His voice was quivering, "Y-Yeah I-I just... h-he was h-hur-rting the ot-t-thers so I-I bite him."

He looked down,"I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "You don't have anything to be sorry for, you were able to save your friends."

He started to cry again, until I locked him in an embrace. He squeezed onto me, hugging me like the world was going to end. I rubbed small circles on his back, hoping it would make him feel better.

I never let go of him, even when we got to the bus. Even when he fell asleep, I still held onto him.

"What happened to him?" Lily asked gently, stroking his hair.

"Kidnappers." I responded. "He broke his nose, so we put the brace on him. It should heal. Francesca has scratches that will scar, and they needed stitches. Both of Cristy's wrists are broken and she fractured some of her teeth. Becky broke her left arm and multiple face joints are either fractured or broken."

"And Flynn?" She asked.

"Yeah, he's alright," I answered, "He didn't wanna get treated. He said the others needed it more. But we got him to disinfect it."

She nodded silently. "Can I see Billy again?"

Billy didn't even know yet. We were gonna tell him tonight, but then that happened. I formed a red and blue glow in my hands, before giving him a dream with Lily. Lily transferred into the dream, and then I closed it. I fiddled with my necklace, before turning on a tune of my own. The chime always seemed to calm me down. I closed my eyes, before drifting off into sleep.
Pretty eventful right? So stay tuned, and check out my other stories. I'm thinking of adding a which character are you like or a chat with them. Tell me what you think! :)

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