The Dream

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So here is another chapter (I lost count). Hope you enjoy!
Billy's POV

I shot up, to see that I was strapped onto some kind of lab table. This is making me feel uncomfortable. "Hello?" I called out.

"Billy," it was Francesca, speaking in a rather gentle voice, "Are ye ok?"

I heard a click, the restraints were released. All of us got up. How long were we here?

That was the moment when I remembered my past experience. All of the running, the monster, Lily...

I started crying. If it was a dream, it was a nightmare. It was horrible, not just the dream, but everything. From the moment that mean man took me and Lily away, to where I now sit.

"Mango, are you alright?" Felix asked. I looked over to see Mango, her breathing staggered. "Ed," she whispered, "I saw Ed."

"You probably saw a lot of things honey." Crystal sympathized.

I felt warm arms pick me up. "Alright lad, while te crew wakes up, I wanna talk to ye 'bout somethin'"

We left the room, Francesca still carrying me. I was curious to where we were going, but decided not to say anything.

We entered what I called the sleeping room. It was basically a bunch of mattresses and pads on the floor, covered by blankets and one stuffed animal. Vincent didn't want us having stuffed animals, but Mariett snuck a bunch in, he doesn't check on us anyways.

She sat down where her mat was, bringing me to sit on her lap. "Would ye like ta hear a tale! Tis about me pirate crew."

I was still in a mixture of emotions, but it offered a distraction, "Go ahead. I'm open minded." I approved.

"Alrighty, tere once was a pirate ship, sailin' te seven seas! And it was a beauty! Te ocean was..."

I wasn't really listening, but the sound of her voice was enough to put me in a feeling of comatose.

I felt her wrap a blanket around me as she continued telling her story. I closed my eyes and fell into the safe part of my mind.
Francesca's POV (I'm not gonna do the pirate accent through this, sorry!)

I watched as BB fell asleep. I laid him down on the mat. I'll just sleep in his space tonight. For some reason, I liked the smell of BB. Don't call me a creep, but I guess it brings good memories.

My attention was focused when I heard muffled screaming. Someone was being dragged down the hall. As they passed by the door, I saw Vincent. He was dragging Mariett down the hallway, a cloth wrapping around her mouth and wrists. After they turned a corner, I decided to follow them.

I heard them enter a room, leaving the door cracked open slightly. "Er! You were almost exposed!" I heard Vincent yell.

"It- it wasn't me!" I heard Mariett yell, after he removed the cloth from her mouth, "It was Spring!"

"That's an extra whip for blaming my daughter. And if you dare tell the others about any of this, I'll have you killed!"

I silently gasped, oh no.

"No! Please don't!"

I saw Mariett back up against the wall. I could only see the shadows, but Vincent looked to be holding something. It looked almost like a piece of rope. He swung it at Mariett, and she screamed. It was a whip!

I counted how many lashes there were; one, two, three, four, five, six...

Silence. I heard sobbing, more precisely, Mariett's sobs. He dropped the whip. He harshly grabbed Mariett's arms and dragged over to the door. I quickly backed out of the way as he tossed her into the hallway. "Good luck with staying secret!" He sneered, locking himself into that room.

I immediately rushed to her side. It was bad, with five marks up her and a light wound on her shoulder.I untied the cloth on her arm and retied it on her shoulder, to try and stop the bleeding.

She had stopped crying, but her breathing was erratic. I couldn't blame her. If that happened to me, I would be bawling like a baby. Now come to think of it, I've never heard her cry before.

She sat up, staring at me, "Francesca, I'm so sorry you have to see me like this, I..."

"It'd be alright, ye be a brave lassie. She'd be blowin' such a storm, and I'm glad ye be ridin' 'em out fer us. Now, let's get ye all patched up, Ai?"

She smiled, before responding, "Nah, I'm alright. I can take care of it myself."

"No ye can't, let ol' Francesca help ye. Please?"

I saw her flinch slightly, I have never said 'please' before, and it seemed to get to her, "Alright, if you must."

I pulled up the back of her shirt, trying my best to not make this awkward. I grabbed a cloth and was relieved to be only red marks. I wasn't really sure at first, because she had her shirt on, but now I could see they were only marks. I dabbed them, until they stopped swelling. Mariett was silent the whole time. After that, I pulled down her shirt and checked her shoulder. It was bleeding slightly, if there was a scar, it would only last a couple of months.

I held the cloth there, until it stopped bleeding. Mariett hissed slightly, tensing up a little as I held the cloth there. I didn't think to say anything to her, I would be embarrassed too if I felt like I was being babied. I tossed the cloth aside, which I mistakenly realized it was a paper towel. They were very soft, so I couldn't tell the difference. "There," I said, "All better?"

She giggled, "Yeah, all better."

Mariett's POV

I laid down in my bed, watching Francesca as she slept near Billy's space. I knew he would complain later, but I decided to let them be.

"Goodnight lassie." She whispered to me.

"G' night." I slurred, too tired to pronounce correctly. Surprisingly, being unconscious drains a lot of energy out of you. Or maybe it was just that weird liquid they gave me. I felt my eyelids get heavy, before finally falling to sleep.
I woke to find that Bobby, Felix and Cristy were sleeping soundly. I heard a relaxed sigh as I looked to my side. Billy was there, cuddling by my arm; adorable.

I was startled when I heard an alarm, followed by the trio gasping. They stood up, their eyes now wide opened. They all stood up simultaneously, as if in a trance.

For some reason, I decided to play along. I stood up, now realizing that I was dressed up exactly like one of those guys at the pizzeria. It was... what was it? The thing in the box... Oh yeah, I looked almost exactly like the marionette. But why?

I nudged Billy, who's eyes croaked open. He looked at he, back at he others, then back at me. He shot up immediately after, like he knew this was going to happen.

He looked back up at me, combing his hand through his hair. We followed the others in a straight line, Mango coming out of nowhere and almost made me run into her. She was lost in the same trance. I looked at Billy, who was in front of me, and fidgeting nervously, as if he were afraid.

Four kids rushed behind us, to be more precise, Flynn, Becky, Francesca, and Cristy. Francesca rushed in front of Billy, while Flynn walked behind me and Becky and Cristy were running to the front of the now big line. "I hope he doesn't catch us." Flynn whispered.

I didn't know what he meant, but I was about to find out. Spring was there, who pressed a button. A zapping sound came from Bobby and Crystal. They turned around and walked towards Becky and Crystal. I heard screaming, like voices in my head, like Bobby and Crystal,

"No! Please no! Anything but that!"

"I-I can't control it. I can't. I can't do this to my love! Please, hurt me all you want, just leave them out of it!"

But they kept waltzing on. I couldn't see what happened, all I saw was that Becky and Cristy became limp, falling on the floor. We were forced to walk forward, Flynn pushing us, "I know it hurts, but I promise it will soon be over."

We held up our backs against the wall as Vincent came in the room, almost examining us. He stared them in the eyes, daring for them to move. No one did, until Francesca. She was next to BB, holding his hand. I felt Flynn grab my hand.

I couldn't even see as Francesca fell limp to the ground. Although Flynn only squeezed my hand tightly, BB's gasp was audible.

Vincent turned to him. BB's eyes darted around nervously. It was all so quick, before BB too fell limp on the ground. The others weren't even looking back.

He turned to me. I did my best to glare at him, putting as much hatred as I could in them. He chuckled, "I guess even the smartest creatures can be controlled, with the right technology."

He moved onto Flynn, not even giving him a chance before he fell beside me. He glanced back at me, "Now, all we need to do is convert it to a physical form, and you all become my little puppets! After that, there's no telling how much power I could have. Now, I added a dose of a mind controlling serum, that allows me to control your mental being. It worked fabulously for the 'toys', even though I could like to mute their emotional being as well. But there's something different about you and Billy here. Something that over rides the fluids. I don't like that, because you could mess up my plans. You see, you are a lot more powerful than you think you are. It could mess up my future plans. So, that is why you must be exterminated."

He slashed a silver object at me, blinding my vision, before I went black.
I gasped, slightly shaking the blankets off of me. It was just a dream. None of it was real. Everyone was sleeping in their regular spots. But it seemed so real...
Ok, so was it just a dream, or was it even more? Find out in the next chapter!

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