Taken Away

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Interesting chapter coming up! Don't wanna miss it! 😉 and now it gets a lot more interesting. Waiting for this part since the beginning of the book! :)

___________________________Mariett's POV (again)I had a hard time falling asleep. The day of horror and pain haunted my dreams. I don't know how much longer I could hold back. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a mechanical click, followed by gasps. When I heard footsteps, I opened my eyes and looked around. And it wasn't what I was hoping it to be.Mango, Felix, Crystal, and Bobby were up, putting on their costumes. I was confused, "Mango? What are you doing?"Her face was emotionless, "Put on your costumes." Was all she said.I shook Billy awake. He stared at me with a tired look, "What's going on? Where is everyone going?""I don't know," I shrugged, "But something tells me that we should follow their lead."I slipped on my costume, as Billy slipped into his. It was easy for him, as all he had to do was get dressed and paint two circles on his face. Mine was harder. I had to slip on the t-shirt and pants, along with the stripped gloves and knee-high socks. Then I had to paint my entire face white, put black over my eyes, color in two circles, along with two purple stripes going from my eyes to my mouth. I had to put lipstick on, and put on quick acting eye contacts that would turn my eye sockets black except for my iris, which would glow white. Then, I had to take the cross that was attached with strings and hook them onto a wire that would hold them up. Then I needed to attach the strings to my clothing and hide a small remote control, that makes the cross mimic with my movements. If this was a disguise, it was definitely working.Billy was practically jumping up and down with worry by the time I finished. We practically ran after the others, who had just exited the door. I fixed my shirt and brushed off some dust that was on it. Billy looked confused, "Wait, where are we going?""Donno," I whispered back to him. "Maybe we are performing a show and we didn't know about it. But then again, why didn't they wake us up."I looked down at the ground, and that's when I noticed it. Their hands swinging on a beat, their feet moving at the same time. The blank look in their eyes. They weren't in control. So who was?I decided to play along, stepping along with them. I tried my best not to look around, but the curiosity got the better of Billy, as his eyes started darting. Behind us rushed out Flynn, Francesca, Becky, and Cristy, all in their costumes."Do you know where we're going?" Flynn asked."Not a clue." Billy whispered.We walked out of the building and behind a truck. We all began entering the truck. There was nothing but boards hung by chain to sit on.We all took a seat, before the truck lunged forward. Everyone had a blank look, or at least my robot friends were. Mine was emotionless as well, but Billy held my hand. "Mariett, I'm scared." He whimpered.I squeezed his hand, "Don't be, everything is going to be ok."The light in the room flickered on and off. The look on the younger one's faces, they either looked exhausted, or sad. It was like we were off to war.The truck stopped abruptly, making us fall over. Our robot friends didn't even flinch. We got out of the truck, as Goldie had opened the back.We all walked out of the truck. Billy's breath hitched as he tripped off of the truck. He didn't get hurt, but it exposed him as alive. I was expecting the worse. Knives, guns... tasers. But I was surprised when Goldie held out her hand, giving him a kind look. Billy looked at her, her hand, then back at her. With caution, he took her hand, and she lifted him to his feet. Billy smiled, but she held a finger to her lips, motioning for us to be quiet. However, when I passed by her, she whispered, "I'm sorry."I smiled, "it's ok, you're forgiven."She smiled back, before helping down the others. We walked through a big, dead parking lot, before entering the building. It didn't really set the mood. Water dripped from the floors, which had tons of holes in it. There was a stench of something rotting and the walls were green and moldy. There was a door with red lights surrounding it. Vincent pushed open the door, and one by one pushed us in. He put out his hands in front of me. "What do you suppose of Mariett?" Vincent crooned."Killed her." Goldie muttered, "I was able to transfer her to the robot. Although she has powers, she is completely under my control.""Are you sure?" Vincent leaned forward, face to face with me, "The last thing I need is another pointless rebellion.""I'm sure." Goldie confirmed. She really was on our side."Alright. If you say so." Vincent shrugged. "I trust you Goldie as my daughter."She nodded as he let me pass. He stopped Billy, "And what about Billy?""To prove to you my loyalty, father, I had her kill Billy. It's a true sign that she is under my control."Vincent nodded, "Let me say, Goldie, I'm impressed."Spring patted her back, "Welcome back to the club."He let Billy through and stopped Flynn. "And them?" He asked."They're alive." Goldie sighed.Vincent nodded, "Take them to the color room!"The four robots that I knew as my friends turned around. They slowly walked towards the four. The once 11 year olds grabbed their original counterparts with crazy strength. Flynn looked at Vincent, "You'll never get away with this!"Vincent chuckled. Those chuckles turned into laughter, evil laughter that chilled my soul. After he stopped, he was face to face with Flynn, "No one can stop me."The robots carried them away, and I snapped my head up just in time for Vincent to look at me. "Heh, bring them to their cell, Goldie."I was startled, how was I?My question was answered when the cross above me lit up. It moved into the direction it wanted me to go. I let the strings almost carry me to the cell, it was better than getting caught.The cell looked no better. It had a stone slab as a bed and a moldy sink. Water leaked from everywhere, where was all this water coming from? The walls were green, but a brown liquid had dried against the wall. At least the place smelled a little better, but the faint smell of death lingered with us. The strings paused, then dropped. I slipped the cross behind a loop designed to hold the cross on my back. I was surprised when even a microphone came to life. It was Goldie. "You guys should get some sleep. It's about 1 AM, and I heard Vincent's gonna start the hunt early tomorrow."I didn't even wanna find out what the hunt was, I'll find out tomorrow. But I still had one, "Why did you say that the others were alive, but not us?"There was a pause, and when I was wondering if she even heard me, she responded, "He wouldn't believe me. All I know is that I was able to save you and Billy. Anymore and he would see that I lied. Oh, and if anyone named Phil Gilias calls, know that you can trust him, he's a friend. Now get some sleep, you'll have a pretty early start to the day."And with that, the microphone turned off. I laid down on the stone bed, followed by Billy. "I'm scared." He whimpered, snuggling closer to me. The lights flickered off, shutting down one by one. It was completely dark."I-I'm scared." He clutched onto my shoulder.The drops of water fell onto the floor as I spoke in a calm voice, "It's ok Billy, I'm here. I'm not leaving you."It was almost like he wasn't listening to me, "I-I'm scared! Please, turn on the lights!" I wanted to help him, but he shouted, "I wanna go home! Mommy! Daddy!"I had to keep in mind that he was only introduced to this horror half a year ago. I had long since gotten use to this, as this was my fourth year. Think, what would a mom do?"Do you want me to check for monsters?" I asked him, thinking it would make him feel better if I proved that there were no monsters."No!" He almost screamed. I jumped back, a little startled. He sighed, "I just, I just don't want you to leave me."I wrapped my arms around him and held him in my lap. So what if he was 10? Six months of horror was able to do this. I know, because I had gone through the same thing his age. But when I was younger, I had no one for help or comfort. I was all alone; and I didn't want Billy to go through the same thing I did. "Shh," I soothed, "I'm not going to leave you. Not now; or ever."Billy clung onto me tighter. "I'm just, I'm just scared."I was scared too, but I had to be strong. For Billy.I began to rock him slowly, back at forth. At least his breathing slowed down in the slightest. I let go of him with one hand to form the black and white glow in my hand. He smiled, as the glow lit up almost the entire room. I hope there were no cameras."Better?" I asked him.He nodded, closing his eyes. I continued to slowly rock him. I remembered that there was a song that my mom would sing to me every time I had a nightmare. I smiled down at him and begin to sing gently, "I got no strings, to hold me down." Vincent had always made me a prisoner.For four year now, I believe?"To make me fret, to make me frown." He always made sure I was suffering, if not physically, then mentally."I had strings, but now I'm free." I use to let him bring me down, but I could no longer feel his pain. It has turned numb. I'm coming for you, Vincent.There are no strings on me..._____________________________So, there you have it! I kinda stole the idea from Age of Ultron. Idk, sorry. I just heard the theme song and instantly fell in love with it! So, see you in the next chapter!

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