Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Riannon’s POV

I looked at him in bewilderment. I cannot believe that he honestly thinks that we can party. I mean, summer has begun and now we have to think about jobs and when we will have time to study for the SATs.

Oh god, listen to me, maybe I need to party a little bit and get it all out of my system so that I can loosen up.

“No way! Where would we even have a party?” I knew exactly what he was thinking as far as where we would have a party. After all, he may live in a nice house but I am the one with the money, which I don’t like by the way. 

“Um, duh ‘miss I live in a mansion with maids and butlers and a whole story to myself”’ he air quoted the last part. I knew it!

“My parents would kill me if I had a party!” this is quite a true statement. I remember the first time that my brother had a party and my parents had a cow because everyone was drunk and someone had puked in one of my mom’s imported vases. It was my fault that he had been caught and he would never let me live it down.

I had nothing to worry about thought; my brother was in Iraq still. Apparently, he had fallen in love with one of the hostages he saved.

Enough of my inner thoughts, Sky continued on with his begging me to have a party.

Finally when I had gotten so worked up about it he said, “Chill Ri, okay so I’ll let you sleep on it but I need an answer by tomorrow so that I can start planning.”

He says the last part and scampers away skipping down the halls.

It’s amazing people haven’t realized that he is gay. Any normal human being from outside the realms of our high school walls would have realized that a totally hot guy with amazing hair would be gay.

Girls just fawned over him because he was the star running back. They would jump at every chance to sleep with him. That’s just high school for you.

I laughed at this thought. Some of the time, I cracked myself up.

**** one week later****

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this” really honestly, I couldn’t believe that I had let him talk me into throwing a party at my house. I guess it was a sign from the “high school gods” that we had this party because when I got home last Friday my parents announced that they needed a vacation; just my luck.

Sky would be staying here too. No worries with my parents (they knew his secret.)

Sky said that this was going to be the party of the year. We had a lot to live up to because Ashley always had an end of the year party with booze, dancing, and a live DJ. I knew that we could totally beat her because I had money but there was no way I was going to tell Sky that he could have free reigns to my father’s money.

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