Chapter Fourteen

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Author’s Note:  

I’m backtracking again. This chapter has a WHOLE LOT OF INFORMATION. I just though it would be cool to explain in yet another POV =]  

If you get confused I will explain it just have to comment with any questions.  



<3 Sassysmartgurl93  

Chapter Fourteen

 Reece’s POV  

“Reece, I love you baby!” my mother screamed out before being shot directly in the head.  

“Noooo,” I screamed out as I shot out of the bed panting. As I wiped the sweat from my brow, I looked around. I was still in the empty building lying on an uncomfortable paper-thin mattress.  

It had been one week since the men killed my parents in front of my very own eyes. They took me because they said that ‘I was too good of a catch to let go’. They have certainly had their ‘fun’ with me as they called it.  

I felt disgusting.

They had done terrible things to me and I haven’t been able to take a shower for over a week. I would kill for a hot shower and a nice fluffy bed.  

It’s like being held prisoner in hell, only instead of it being scorching hot with flames everywhere, it was cold, dark, and smelled like musty old woman.  

They said that they had to do it because my father knew too much about them and had done wrong things. They said that he needed to pay for his crimes.  

I have never seen any of them before. All I knew was that my father would go away for long periods and come back and I would over hear him telling my mom that we were in trouble.  

Apparently, when he said ‘we’ he meant my mother and I.  

I was a 15-year-old boy who knew nothing about what my father even did except that he wore expensive suits and left for long periods at a time. I knew he made a lot of money because I went to the most expensive boarding school in Florida; I used to have the most expensive BMW, and everything I have ever wanted.  

Right now, all I wanted was to be back at home with my family and my girlfriend Jackie.  

It brought tears to my eyes to think that when school started again in the fall that I might not be there to welcome Jackie to her first day back.  

My father wanted me to stay away for the summer but I refused to be kept in a stinky old boarding school all summer. Now I am regretting my decision. All I wanted was to be at home.  

“Since I can’t sleep I might as well write in my journal,” I said aloud. No one would even hear me if I screamed it out. They only came around to shove some food through the bars and to have their way with me.  

Last night when they came, it was a different man. He still had the look of pure lust in his eyes but he was different that the others. It was as if he didn’t want to be doing this to me.  

The other men just sat there and got off on watching. It made me sick remembering him.  

I couldn’t control my sickness. I stood up and held it in no longer. I barfed over in the corner of my holding cell. When my stomach was emptier than it should have been, I walked back over to my sleeping area and laid down just as the doorknob started to rattle and my heart pounded.  

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