Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Ri’s POV

So I didn’t know what was worst, the fact that Beau was already jealous of a potential threat to his claim on me or that JT was coming back.

I hadn’t heard from JT in forever and last time he called or texted it was to tell me that he was surprising mom and dad.

Yes JT is my brother. You know the one in Iraq blah, blah, blah.

“He’s my brother you buffoon,” I said as I smacked him on the chest. The feeling of touching his skin sent shocks through my body and I shivered. I remembered the things that we had done and I couldn’t help but shudder again.

Sky looked at me and asked “How long until Ty gets here?” I was hoping that he wouldn’t just be showing up again.

“I have no idea.” The last time my brother decided to show up it was at 2:00am. God only knows whether or not he is on his way now. So I did the smart thing. Duh I texted him back.

So when will you be surprising me by stopping by—Ri

In twenty minutes—JT

Go figure see I was right.

Okay see you then, btw mom and dad are out of town till Friday—Ri

Okay see you soon—JT

I looked at Sky and at our house and we booked it to finish cleaning. I knew that JT would rat me to mom and dad just like I did when he threw his first party.

It was the first time that my parents had trusted me to stay home while they went on vacation and I ruined our house. Thank god, it looked better and was almost completely clean.

When there was a knock on the door I was relieved to see that the inside was nice and clean with only minimal damage that we would repair using my credit card.

I was shocked when I opened the door and not only was my brother there so was a very dark skinned, beautiful woman who looked about my age and was very pregnant.

He cleared his throat and I led them inside. We all sat down in the family room. Beau and Ethan had left for a while but were coming back tomorrow. I had said that I needed some time to hang with my brother who I hadn’t seen in a long time.

Also I didn’t want JT to get suspicious about anything from the party or what had happened last night afterward.

“Wow little sister you have grown up so much in three years,” said my brother eyeing me up and down as if he was inspecting every hair on my head and every wrinkle in my skin.

“And I see you have been very busy,” I said as I pointed to the humongous belly on the girl to his left. She must have been the woman who he saved back then.

“Oh god, I’m such an idiot. Riannon this is Cassandra.” I shook her hand it was soft. Her eyes widened a little bit and she moaned clenching her belly.

“She is almost seven months pregnant with twins,” said my brother proudly.

“Congratulations,” I said and I honestly meant it. My brother would make a great father and their children would be beautiful, with brown eyes, brown hair, and the same brown skin as their mother.

I lost track of the time as we caught up about everything.

We sat and talked until almost 3:30 am about his plans for moving back in a year and learning about Dad’s Company and everything.

The reason they came back was to have the babies be born American and Cassandra would be staying here to become a citizen. She had already changed her name.

They were not officially married but they would be after he came back to stay.

I must say that my brother certainly had his stuff together when he planned his life out.

I was envious of him. I always wanted the perfect life, cute house, and a beautiful husband. Maybe that is why I have been such a square.

After last night, I think I have changed dramatically. All I have been thinking about is Beau and what I did to him. It felt so amazing and yet I knew that it was wrong. I couldn’t get it out of my head.

I couldn’t stop myself from yawning so I excused myself to my room.

I logged on my Facebook and saw that I had an amazing party that was EVERYWHERE on Facebook. People hadn’t stopped talking about it. People that I didn’t even know had added me as their friend and over night, I went from being Sky’s friend to being “that girl with the big house, cool shoes, and an amazing party.” Great.

All of this because I wanted to “break free” from boringness. It felt great but I didn’t want to be different because I had stuff that everyone else didn’t. if people were going to be my friend I wanted it to be because they liked me not because I was rich.

I laid in bed trying to re-evaluate my life but all I wanted to do was hold Beau in my arms and…-- God what is wrong with me. After about an hour of tossing and turning, I snapped out of it and fell into a dreamless sleep.

I was relieved that I didn’t have another dream like last night but I was sad that I couldn’t wake up in Beau’s arms. He had this effect on me that I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

***Over the next Week***

Sky was back first thing in the morning and I think that he had a miniature heart attack when he saw how pregnant Cassi was.

I was glad that they got along so well. It gave me some more time to talk and get to catch up with JT. Even though, he was older than me, I had always been really close with my brother.

Beau came over every day for the next week and we got closer and closer. I wouldn’t do what I had done with him again. That was done out of my drunkenness.

He was really sweet and I had major feelings for him.





<3 Sassysmartgurl93

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