Chapter Sixteen

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Author’s Note:

 So I am listening to the requests of all of my fans and not changing up the POV for a while even though I absolutely love Beau and Reece. I am thinking I might go back and check up on poor lonely Sky…well he’s not lonely he has Ethan…lol maybe go into how JT and Cassi…oh yea she is supposed to be having baby twins…ideas, ideas…lol well enough ramble…here’s the story

 Enjoy =]

 ***Two weeks later***

Chapter Sixteen

Riannon’s POV  

So far, life has been lame! I mean that in the most honest way possible. Other than switching hotels two times, we haven’t done anything fun. The boys have had their fun but I’m stuck with two teenage boys for crying out loud.  

Shopping in Los Angeles when you are not into it is lame. Beau offered to take me onto the strip so that we could get some designer clothes but I really wasn’t into wasting money on stuff like that.  

The most fun thing we did was get disguises. The second day we got here, we spent hours in old thrift stores trying on clothes and acting like the teenagers we are.  

The dressing rooms were full of clothes that we had tried on. We would come out one outfit at a time and flaunt our stuff. My favorite was when Reece came out dressed in an old gown from the 1830s and he had socks in the breast area. It looked real. We were laughing and carrying on.  

“If you are not going to buy anything get out of my store,” said the store owner.  

We ended up buying over a $1000 worth of clothing, which shut her up very quickly. I was having fun until I realized that people were out to kill me. After I remembered that it was back to being a horrible summer again.  

Beau was that only good thing that had happened. I was going not going to give him up to anyone if I could help it.  

Beau and Reece, even though I love them with my whole heart, are starting to get on my nerves. Reece wanted to waste his money on games and Beau wouldn’t let him. This usually led to a fight over whose money it was.  

We split the money up because we didn’t think it was wise for three teenagers to be carrying around that much money. I still have all of mine except for some that I spent on food. After all, I never was into anything flashy or that.    

Even though we haven’t done anything in two weeks, it was amazing where it all goes and so fast. I think that between hotels, food, gas, and some toys, we had spent almost 5k.

That was a lot considering that I never used any of my allowance for anything but necessities.  

Our disguises had worked; no one had recognized us thank god!  

My hair was now a creamy brown color and Reece has reddish hair. It actually suited him. I also have a tan because we have spent so much time on the beach.  

Today the boys went out to buy the newest Madden football game. Blech, can you say boring?  

To top it off, they left me here in this lousy hotel room alone.  

I walked over to the computer we bought and logged on to my fake Facebook account I created without telling Beau. I knew he would freak out if I told him.  

I clicked on my chat to see if Sky was online. Of course, he wasn’t. He was the only reason I made the stupid thing. I was beginning to miss my best friend. Having the company of Beau and Reece just wasn’t the same as Sky’s company.  

Breaking FreeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora