Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Riannon’s POV  

Sweat was dripping down my face.  

“Remember when you told me that you had a killer hook,” Beau asked as he walked around me in a circle.  

“Yea, I remember. What about it?” I wiped the sweat out of my face.  

“Well that is what you want to do. Hit me, right here.” He pointed to his chest. I didn’t want to hit him. I didn’t want to hurt him.  

He saw my hesitation and laughed as he said, “Just do it. I promise you won’t hurt me. ”

He braced himself for my hit.  

I revved back and swung. He caught my hand in his fist.  

“What the,” I couldn’t believe he had just stopped me, “How did you do that,” I asked.  

“I have had lots of training, baby girl.” He smirked and I wanted to be as cool as he was.  

“Okay, ready, let’s go again,” he said. He had taught me a simple routine that I had done at least 100 times.  

Right kick, left punch, fan kick, duck, right punch, left hook, right uppercut.  

I had done it over and over. Each time my reflexes were getting quicker. I couldn’t fight anyone as good as him but if someone came at me, he said that I could always kick them in their “man parts.”  

“Very good baby girl, now try it on me. ” I gulped. I was still in shock from being stopped so abruptly before.  

I walked closer to him and he said, “Let’s go.”  

I did the combination against him. Each time he blocked my hits and kicks. He was really good at this. I was getting discouraged a bit. I was so tired I felt like I was going to faint.  

The Meyers let us go onto the air force base and train every day. They were willing to do anything to get their daughter back. I felt bad for them that we had put them through all of this. It was my dumbass dad’s fault that we were even there.  

“Okay, I have to take a break,” I said as I collapsed onto the mat. We had been going since 10:00 am. I was so tired and my muscles ached.   

Sweat was still dripping down my neck and back forming puddles on the mat below us. My sports bra and work out pants were drenched in sweat.

Beau came over by me and laid down next to me. It was fun for him to show me all what he knew. I could tell that he was enjoying this.  

We had been going at it alternating activities twice a day since Reece and Jessica had been taken from us. One day we would go to the shooting range first then do hand-to-hand combat.  

Today was the last day of my training. I felt confident that I could take someone my size. I was surprised how much muscle I had put on. My biceps were now almost twice their size.  

I could easily handle a gun. It was even fun for me now. I wasn’t scared to use it like I had been at first. He even bought me my own gun and knife set. I was pretty good at pulling the knives out of their sheaths and using them.  

The other day we went to the store and picked the stuff up. The man behind the counter looked at me as if I was crazy. When I purchased a shoulder holster for a browning high-powered, a knife sheath for the small of my back, ankle sheaths for a gun and a knife, and a browning high-powered gun.   Beau had to flash his special licensing paperwork and I had them registered in my fake name since I wasn’t technically old enough. I thanked my father everyday about the fake IDs he had made for Beau and me. They had come in handy.  

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