Meeting Each Other

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The wind brushes against my face as I race between the tree trunks. Moonlight reflects off of the water droplets that lay on the fallen leaves. The cool, fresh air rejuvenates me as I move through the tall oaks and hickories. My feet pound against the rich soil, kicking it up behind me. My chest expands as I breath out, the hot air turning into crystals in front of me. I was free to run, free to be who I am...

"Cyne!" My head shoots up and I'm faced with a couple dozen eyes glaring straight at me. Oh shit.

"Yes Mr. Herjold?" I ask with an innocent smile. For extra effort, I tuck a strand of my auburn hair back behind my ear.

He glares at me as his lips furrow into a disappointed scowl. "It's good to see you paying attention once again."

"It's great to be here." My sarcastic side takes a hold of me. Of course, I never put up a fight when it comes to this.

"This is your last warning Ms. Fralls." He announces and turns back to the board. A deep breath of air escapes past my lips as I slump back in the chair. Damn class. Fucking Lucas making me come here. I should be out there in the open air but noooo, I need an education.

The obnoxious ring of the bell fills the school and everyone rushes out. I sling my bag onto my back and shuffle out of the door. Just as I step on the threshold, his nasally voice makes me stop. "Ms. Fralls, this was your last chance. No more sleeping in my class or I am going to have to do something about it."

"Don't worry, it won't happen again." My eyes roll as I slip into the hall. Yeah right. That will happen when history actually becomes interesting.

Dozens of faces glance over at me yet they say not a word. I know I may not be the kindest but come on, it's not like I would rip anyone's throats out. I shoulder past some guy texting in the middle of the hall. Who fucking does that? I curse mentally as I look back at him and keep walking. Someone bumps into me and I fall back onto my ass. "Hey, watch where you're going!"

"I'm sorry, but you were the one not looking." The low voice chuckled. His hand reaches down for me and I glare at it. I need to be nice. Just do what he wants.

Taking his hand, I soon get back to my feet and brush the dirt off from my black jeans. "Thanks." I mutter to him and pull my leather jacket back fully on my shoulders.

"It's no problem." He tells me. "I should be getting to class though. Maybe we'll bump into each other again soon."

"If you're lucky." My head shakes as I chuckle. We slip past each other without a single glance. Good riddance. What an idiot. The bell rings right as I step into my math class. God, this is worse than Harjold. For the third time today, eyes have found their way onto me. My brows furrow as I glare at my class and growl under my breath, "Watch it."

They all quickly look anywhere but me. Serves them right. I slump down into my seat and kick my feet up on the desk in front of me. My arms cross in front of my chest as I get comfortable in the rock hard chair. The annoyingly high voice catches my attention. "Ms. Fralls." Damn it, not her again.

"Yes?" I ask and raise my right eyebrow. What now? I haven't even done anything... Yet.

"You're late." The elderly lady straightens her back and glares at me through her thin glasses. "You should have been in your seat before the bell rang."

The corner of my mouth tugs up into a slight smirk, "At least I was here before the bell. And I didn't start a fight."

She huffs, "Yes. I must admit that you are right. But that still does not dismiss your attitude."

"My attitude?" I question. Stupid bitch... "I apologize. If you would like to keep lecturing, I could always get my brother to come and-"

"That will not be necessary." She quickly stops me. Pushing her glasses back up on the bridge of her nose, she turns away and walks to the board. Lucas always works. I sit back and relax while the rest of my class takes notes, looking out of the window at the edge of the forest. I wish I could be outside so badly right now. It is way too cramped in here for my likes.

"Excuse me." One of the office lady peaks in from the door. "We have a new young man here in your class."

"Brilliant. Bring him in." She smiles as this young man walks in. I roll my eyes and look down at my desk. He'll be a dumbass if he is anything like these kids. "Introduce yourself."

"Hi, I'm Alex Walker." He greets everyone. I quickly recognize his voice. God damn, he did find me again.

"Where are you from?" Someone from the back asks him. When did math turn into a Q and A panel?

He chuckles, "Oregon. My family has always lived there but my mom decided it was time to get a break and move down here." Oregon? I remember that place. Wasn't too bad.

"That's awesome." One of the girls comments. He just got here and they are already flirting with him? This is fucking ridiculous.

"Not as awesome as the people here. I had a nice run in with quite an interesting character today." He tells the class. Oh shit, he has to be talking about me.

I can feel him looking over at me. He recognizes me too? Just great... My eyes move up the boy's body until they lock onto his face. I feel my heart drop as his dark brown eyes meet mine. He's my mate?

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