Tumblr One Shot 1.0

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HelloooOO people, it's Friday :)

[Short one shot, written by hxlsey-vevo on Tumblr. Credit goes to her]

Imagine Michael feeling down from hate he'd gotten recently. He sat on the couch, scrolling through tweet after tweet, reading every negative thing people had to say. You sat next to him, confused by his unusual quietness.

"What's going on?" you asked quietly, Michael shaking his head was his only response. You took the phone out of his grasp, quickly understanding.

"Baby," you said, putting his phone down on the table. "You know what they're saying isn't true," Michael didn't respond, not wanting to make eye contact with you.

You swung your legs over his, straddling him, and holding his head in your hands. Michael frowned at you, furrowing his brow, "I'm not really in the mood."

You hushed him, shaking your head. You pressed a kiss on his forehead, and left a trail of small kisses down to the tip of his nose. Michael's arms wrapped loosely around your waist, sighing, and letting you begin to put him at ease.

You left kisses down his cheeks, on his temple, the sides of his mouth, and finally a quick kiss on his lips. You rubbed your nose against his, making a little smile grow on Michael's face, his eyes still closed, before you wrapped your arms around his neck, letting him nestle his face in crook of your neck.

"You are so important, Mikey," you whispered into his hair. Michael's loose hold had tightened, keeping you pressed against his chest.

"You matter so much to the band, to the boys, your friends, and your family, and to me. You make such a difference in so many people's lives. And not everyone can see how amazing you are, but that doesn't mean you aren't. So many people love you, Mikey."

Michael pulled his head out of the crook of your neck, smiling at you. "Do you love me?" he asked.

A blush dusted itself across your cheeks as the words left his mouth. Of course you loved him, but you hadn't told him yet. Even though you paused, Michael's smile never faltered, his eyes glittering.

You let your head fall, but nodded, nervous to see how he would react.

"That's good, because I love you," he told you, placing a long kiss on your lips before mumbling against them, "so very, very much."

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