The Bad Boy and the Nerd part 5

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The whispers start filling the hallways by period four.

"What did he see in her?" 

"The nerd and the good-for-nothing druggie. What a match made in heaven."

"A social reject's got more sexual experience than me."

You give everyone in the hallways a glare. "See if I care," you announce. Then with a frown, you realize it's something Michael would've said.


"No, no, no, no. You said it all wrong." Michael suddenly appears, his eyebrows furrowed in amusement and some form of intrigue. " 'See if I care' tells them that you do, in fact, care."

"See if I care, Michael!"

"Now don't be like that." He smirks. "Your ex seemed to care when he heard we're having kinky sex in the janitor's closet."

"What, Ashton?" You huff. "Well, what about your ex? You know. Karen. The one that ditched you for my ex?"

"Exactly. Let out your anger, love." Michael says lazily.

"Don't call me 'love'." You frown.

"Love, what are we doing tonight?" He asks, loud enough for everyone in the hallway to hear.

"I hate you," You whisper.

"No, you don't. You're sexually attracted to me. You made out with me, after all. Willingly."

"You're not my type, Michael."

"And Ashton is? Y/N, I know your type. And it's me." He sneers.

"You don't look like any of my exes."

Michael thinks about it for a second. " know, I'm surprised you even have exes."

You punch him in the chest, but he recovers quickly. Grabbing both your arms, he walks your back into the lockers. 

"Love, Now's the time to prove you've got 'ex-experience'."

He leans in, his cold hands caressing your face and making your heart skip in your throat. 

"Wait-what are you doing?"

"Ashton," Michael hisses. You glance over his shoulder to see that yes, in fact, Ashton is standing there. As is Karen, his ex. And the rest of year eleven.

"Ready to break some hearts?" Michael whispers.


Because @ZaynsSpecial requested an update :)

Guys, this is the last of my HUGE updating session. Gotta work on my history project now :( grade 10 sucks

See you next timeeeee 

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