The Bad Boy and the nerd part 4

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"Don't tell me we actually did...what they're saying we did." You plead Michael.

Michael raises an eyebrow. "What? Having sex?" He closes his locker with a nonchalant look.

"Yes!" You already could feel your face getting warmer.

"I don't think you want to know." He smirks.

"Fuck you, Michael! Just tell me!"

"Later." Michael flashes another smirk. "I'll see you in class, Y/N." He tries to move around you, but fails.

"No way are you getting past me." You block his body from the view of the hallway, stretching out your arms. You're standing so close together that your chests touch.

"Okay, you want the truth?" Michael asks.

You nod.

"We made out. It was no big deal, and all you remember was all there ever was. But I did drug you, just so you'd go along with it."

"You spiked my drink and RAPED me?" You ask in disbelief.

"No, that's not what I'm talking about. The kissing was by your consent. But I spiked you so you'd go along with the DEAL."

"What deal, Michael!"

"To tell the entire school that we fucked last night and we're officially dating." He grins.

You're speechless for a second. When you open your mouth, all that comes out is a "What the hell?!"

"Don't you see how that benefits you?! You're a innocent, quiet girl and nobody thinks you've ever had sexual experience. But to go to a party and have club sex with me? Well, that boosts your image a lot," Michael explains. Then he leans into your ear like he did last night.

"Remember what I told you last night, you're alone. And afraid. Now it's time to be the bigger person." When he talks, it sends a shiver through your neck.

"I hate you," You shake your head, pushing him off. "I never asked for this."

"You'll thank me one day. Because now you'll be one of me." Michael says.

"What, a punk? A bad-boy's bad girlfriend?" You snort. "Like people will believe it."

"Don't you see it, Y/N? People are already noticing." Michael groans. "Now, it's just your choice to pick a road. Either be like me, or stay as your pathetic little self."

"Call me more time." You grit your teeth.

"Pathetic." Michael narrows his eyes. "Pathetic Y/N, reading her books alone in the library all day."

"Don't fuck with me, Clifford," You jab at his chest, making him take a step backward. "You think you're so bad, but I'm also the girl who easily got in your pants last night. So shut that damn mouth, and watch who you're calling pathetic."

By the time you're done, Michael is silent. Then a lazy smile slowly stretches across his face.

"Now that's what I like to hear. Looks like you've already gotten the part," he says, and walks away.

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