Teach Me How To Love part 5

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I was stupid, wasn't I?"

"No. You're just a dick," You whisper.

You can see Luke trying not to smile. "Then I must really be a dick. I kiss you, then tell you I don't have feelings for you, get you into a car accident and come back now to tell you I changed my mind."

"You didn't change your mind," you tell him weakly. "Can you leave now?"

Luke is obviously encouraged now that you're actually talking, so he grips your hand in his. "No. I want to stay with you," he confesses.

"You don't have to feel bad for getting me into an accident, that was my fault. You can go."

"That's not the reason I want to stay." Luke lowers his eyes. "But yeah, if you need some space, I'll leave. I'll be outside, okay?"


Luke lets go of your hand and turns on his heels.

Then, something seems to provoke him and he freezes in his tracks.

Luke spins back around and walks towards the hospital bed.

"Dream about me," he says, and presses his lips to your eyelids, soft and quick.

Then in a flash, he's gone.


Kisses me before he leaves? 'Dream about me'? Is this some kind of a joke?

Luke's a complete heartbreaker without trying to- he can't tell apart one emotion from another.

And as always, two can play at this game.

If Luke can't figure out what he wants, you won't give him what he wants.

He has better watch out, because there's a new player on the field.

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