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--How they show their affection--
On Xmas day

It's Christmas morning, and there's a knock at your door. Who could be visiting so early? You haven't even changed out of your pyjamas, or brushed your hair...

"Merry Christmas!" Your best friend, Luke exclaims when you open the door, his cheeks a rosy red from the cold.

"Hi, Luke," you say with a yawn. "What are you doing here?"

"To collect my present."

You raise an eyebrow. "I gave you your Christmas present yesterday."

"No, not from you, from Santa!" He says cheerily. "Here, this is the letter I wrote for him last night," Luke says, handing you a crumpled piece of paper. You give him a weird look and begin to read the crooked handwriting out loud.

'Dear Santa,

This Christmas, I don't want the newest Xbox, or the Blink-182 album, or even a new guitar. I want something really special, and I hope you can get it for me.

I mean, It's been almost four years, and I'm tired of waiting!
So if you could make my wish come true, it'd be truly amazing.

Yes, Santa. I want Y/N for Christmas.
And I've been a good boy, I promise.
It's just that,

She's all I want this year.

Lots of love,

A slow smile creeps onto your lips. Suddenly, you're not that tired anymore.

"And you say all you want for Christmas-"

"Is you," Luke says, lunging forward to press your lips together. His breath tastes sweet on your tongue, like hot chocolate.

"You're so cheesy," You tell him when he pulls away, and Luke grins.

"Should I have asked for a hippopotamus for Christmas, instead?"

"No, this is fine," You say, embarking in Luke's warmth. He kisses you again, his lips burning hot despite the weather outside.


'Y/N, come over' Ashton texts you on Christmas afternoon.

'Why?' You reply.

'No reason. Just come'

'K, b there in a few'

As you you walk up Ashton's porch 5 minutes later, the stone path lights up with festive Christmas lights. When you reach the top, a smiling Ashton opens the door.

"Hey, I-" You begin.

Ashton puts a finger over your lips and points up. Hanging on the top of the door is a single Mistletoe, taped there with suspicious accuracy.

"You have to kiss me. That's the rule," he says, and presses your lips together.

Ashton's lips are warm as he wraps you in his arms and pulls you inside the house. He presses you up against the wall, his fingers tangling in your hair and the snow from outside melting on your tongue.

"You planned this, didn't you?" You punch him when it's over, your lips still tingling and your nerves still jittery.

"No, I have no idea why that thing was there," Ashton says with an innocent grin. "I promise."


Calum heaves another pile of snow onto the snowman-in-process, patting it into place with his thick mittens.

"Pass me the carrot," you tell him, gesturing to the pile of vegetables in your bag.

He hands you the carrot, but not before he sneaks in a peck on your cheek.

"What was that for?" You ask, blushing.

"No reason."

The two of your eyes meet, and your faces grow closer with so much intensity you feel as if your heart's about to burst.

Then Calum shoves a handful of snow down your bra, making you jump away with a shriek.

You tackle Calum to the ground next, where he lies dumbfounded like a child making snow angels. Snow is all over his face, melting on his cheeks and long eyelashes.

You lean down and kiss a melting snowflake off the corner of Calum's mouth, making him smile.

"Merry Christmas, Y/N," he says lazily, looking up at you with admiration in his eyes.


"Ho ho ho," Michael says, making you giggle again. He rocks back and forth on the rocking chair, stroking his 'beard'.

"What do you want for Christmas, Y/N?" He asks in his best Santa voice, patting his fake pot-belly.

"I want tickets to the Demi concert. And for Michael to stop being an idiot."

"That's not possible. Sit on Santa's lap, will ya?" Michael asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Why, am I on the naughty list?" You giggle, sliding onto his lap anyway.

Michael doesn't even miss a beat. "Yes, but I'll still put a few presents in your stockings."

His serious come-and-get-me face makes you laugh even harder.

"Will you come down my chimney?"

"Yeah, especially if you've got cookies and milk," Michael grins and tickles you so hard that you fall off the rocking chair and onto the ground in a fit of giggles.

"COOKIES!" Michael screams, jumping on top of you and nibbling on your ear. "COOKIES COOKIES COOKIES COOKIESSS!"

"Okay, okay, you win!" You shriek in his ear, and he finally stops, pulling you back into his lap.

"Merry Christmas, Santa," you whisper when the two of you have calmed down.

Michael tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. "Yeah, you too, Y/N."

<Happy Holidays!>

Question of the chapter #1: How old are you?

QOTC #2: What would you call my form of Imagines? They're like preferences....but they are like fanfictions.....that readers... can request. arghnjsnkdjasnsnna

Oh! And I'm thinking of doing a One shot contest or something, and maybe the winner would get hers published on this book

If you guys even want to

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