Chapter 1

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Taking a deep breath, I hopped out of my mum's car, to stand in front the huge building swarming with teenagers that was my new school. I'd already been here a month, but every time I still felt scared.

"See you," I called to her, and she waved and drove off. My best friend Riley gave my hand a squeeze.

"It's not so bad," she told me. "You've already lasted a month."

Riley had moved here at the same time as I had. We had always been best friends, and so had our mothers. So when both our families decided they needed to move, they planned to move to the same place. It was rather sweet, really.

"Somehow I find that hard to believe. I know it's that bad. It's still that bad."

We stepped inside the building, pushing through the swarms of people.

"Made any friends yet?" I asked her. "Because I know I haven't."

"Pfft, nope. I'm not exactly a people person, as you know better than anyone," she replied.

"Fair enough. Okay, who do you know you like the least then?"

"Well, that's a whole different story," she laughed. "The short answer? Plenty."

"Okay," I chuckled. "Anyone in particular?"

"Well, there's those two chicks Imogen and Mirella. Absolute idiots, aren't they?" she whispered, to which I giggled. "Also, that group of pricks who rule the school. Everyone loves them, God knows why."

"Except you."

"Of course, except me. And you. You know, Jacob, Callum, Tom - although he's decent on occasion, I think - and another one I can't remember."

"George. How could you forget George?" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, right, yeah. Forgot about him, sorry. You two didn't really start off too well, did you?"

"He told his friend Callum to trip me in the hallway on my first day and then Callum called me a bitch for getting in his way."

"So aren't you annoyed at Callum?"

"Oh, I'm definitely annoyed at Callum. I'm just annoyed at George too. I heard him tell Callum to."

"Wow. Always the charmer."

"Too right."

"Well, at least you've already got it in your head to keep clear of them. I didn't want another Jamie incident. I tried to warn you..." She muttered.

I shuddered. No, I certainly did not want another Jamie incident. No thank you.

"Don't worry, that's not going to happen. I've stayed well clear. I haven't even brushed past them. You know, except the time Callum tripped me."

"Right. Well, good. Because I fucking hated Jamie." I couldn't help but laugh a little.


I made it through the school day without getting tripped, without drawing attention to myself, and most importantly without strangling an irritating fellow classmate. Props to me.

My mum had work until 7, and dad always finished late. Neither Ollie nor Kacey would be prepared to pick me up, so I had to walk. Riley said she would walk back with me, but when school was finished and she checked her phone, she received a message from her mum, asking her to pick up some groceries on the way home.

"Sorry, that's in the complete opposite direction. I'll walk with you tomorrow though, promise!" She had called before walking away down the street in the other direction.

Sighing, I began my journey home. It was long and tedious, and even more dull than usual, what with being on my own.

I was about half way through my journey, having done twenty or so minutes of walking, when it happened.

I just looked down at my phone for a moment to change a song on my playlist, before I smacked into something, hard. My phone went flying out of my hand, pulling my earbuds along with it and taking Tyler Joseph's melodic voice out of my ears. I fell backwards and hit my tailbone hard on the ground, and my head hard on the lamppost behind me.

Fucking ouch, man.

"Ow!" I exclaimed, rubbing my head. As I sat up and registered what just happened, I felt like falling back down again.

Because in that moment, I saw colour.

The whole world around me burst into colour, and it was everything and more I had imagined it to be. It was only there for a short moment, but as fleeting as it was, it felt like slow motion. As I fell backwards, my firetruck red hair fell in front of my face. So that's what red actually looks like. I caught a glimpse of my white converse shoes, and immediately realised how much I loved white. It just looked so clean and pure and beautiful. It all did really.

"Hey, be careful." A voice said to me. "Are you alright?"

I tucked the hair falling into my face behind my ear, and looked up at the source of the voice who had spoken the words on my pendant. When I saw his face, I felt like fainting for the third time in two minutes.

And when he saw mine, I'm sure he did the same.

"Ah, shit," I heard him mutter. "You?"

I stared at him for a moment, frowning. He was looking at me in disbelief, his cheeks with a slight blush.

"Yeah, you should be embarrassed you rammed into me," I snapped.

"I-What? Embarrassed? Please. You shouldn't have been in my way," he retorted, although I heard the lack of conviction.

Just then something cool fell onto my leggings, and I thought it was a drop of rain, until I looked down. It was my necklace. I heard a sharp intake of breath, and looked over at him. He was studying his own broken chain in his fingertips. He had a look of utter confusion on his face.

I returned my gaze to my own, and picked it up. I examined the part of the chain that had broken apart, a little to the left of the burn mark. Lightly, I placed a couple of fingers over my neck where the chain used to chafe it at the top. It felt so odd, not being there.

Snapping out of my daze, I reached out for my phone. The screen had a large crack down the middle of it, but music was still playing through my earphones. At least it still worked. Stuffing my phone and necklace into my pocket, I started to get to my feet.

"Uh, here," he said awkwardly, offering a hand. I stared at it for a moment before reluctantly taking it. I breathed in sharply as the world around me exploded in colour for the second time. Caught up in the moment, I whispered,

"Do you see it too?"

I stared at him in anticipation, at the kid I'd sworn I disliked and I'd stay away from.

But my face fell and my throat felt dry and my legs involuntarily started shaking when this boy in front of me, none other than George Palmer, confusedly replied,

"See what?"


Hello and welcome to my story It Hurts! I hope you're liking it so far, and if you are please drop some votes as you continue to read! I really appreciate them!

Also, please post as many comments as you can/want!! I love seeing them and try to reply to all of them!

Hope you're enjoying it so far,

Kay x

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