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My Housefolk twittered to each other as they caressed their furless hands on my stomach. Stop! I wanted to screech at them. Knowing they were much too stupid to understand my language, I twisted my head and bit their hand with my needle-sharp teeth. My Housefolk yelped like a scared kit, flinching back. I immediately sprang up, arched my back, hissed, and jumped off the comfortable pillow I had been resting on. Walking close to the wall, I plopped down in a corner, keeping a slit of one eye open to watch my Housefolk as they bustled around, room to room. I closed my eyes and, unexpectedly, fell asleep.

Waking up, I sprang to my feet. There was that overwhelming smell of burning.. something. I raced to the window, where I watched my surroundings to see if I wanted to leave the house. White specks were slowly drifting from the sky, falling onto the now-higher white ground. Becoming exited, I started meowing loudly. My Housefolk that wasn't burning something came over and dared to stroke my neck to my tail-tip. Knowing they would let me out, I held in my annoyance. The Housefolk cooed and said something that sounded like; "not today Riley." I didn't understand their speech, so I just felt the cold breeze fill my lungs and waited by the window.

After staring at my Housefolk with yearning eyes, they finally cracked. They slid open the door, and I raced out into the white ground. My paws sunk into it, but after some tries, I managed to position my feet so I would sink in less. Jumping onto the slippery gate, which had giant gapes in it, I stood, looking out. My Housefolk took a nest near alleyways and dense woods. I knew my Housefolk absolutely loved having a cat to entertain them in the nest- but I hated it. Jumping down, to the other side of the fence, I started running. Running away from the slop they fed me, from the hands that caressed my groomed pelt, from my Housefolk. Away from it all, and it felt good.

The woods I didn't dare enter. I knew I'd be lost in there. Instead, I went to the alleys.

Walking down a particularly narrow one, I felt my hackles rise as I knew someone was watching. A growl rose in my throat, and a voice boomed at me; "What are you doing here, pretty little doll?"

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