Chapter Nine

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Night had fully fallen, the stars shine brightly, no longer needing to fight against the evening light. The moon was as small as a kit's claws, just a sliver hanging in the sky. Grooming myself in the dark night, I paused to look up at the sky. Stars are nothing. Specks of nothing. The clans are so stupid, thinking that the stars are cats. It's ridiculous. I thought.

"Haven't seen much of you today," A meow whispered into the night. I turned to see Moss walking towards me. I blinked slowly as she sat down beside me.

"Broken, you're getting a bit soft. I heard how you stood up for Ink today. I also heard how you called me your friend," she meowed. "Broken, I am not your friend. And I never will be. I only have more patience for you than I do with any other cat here. Be careful, Broken. If you become soft, you'll be affected by death, blood, and murder. That is the exact opposite of a BloodClan cat." Moss finished. Her words did hit me like a cold breeze in the face, but I soon buried the feeling. She was right, I was becoming soft. Even a soft clan cat has consequences. It's the worst fault you can have in this world. I had been wrong, calling Moss my friend. She wasn't, we only met due to her ambition to destroy ShadowClan and my goal to get my first tooth.

"What about Bone?" I whispered quietly.

Moss snorted loudly. "Bone? Oh, darling, I gave him the cold shoulder. I'm afraid to say second in command is also getting soft. You and the tom have something in common!" She cackled. There she was, psychotic Moss had returned.

"Met Envy yet?" I asked her.

"Oh, you mean the little she-kit that has the brain of a mouse, fake teeth and claws in her collar, and only spits threats at your face but never attacks, because she wants to keep her petty little coat clean? She still thinks she's a kittypet!" Moss insulted. I instantly purred with amusement, my whiskers twitching uncontrollably.

"You're so rude!" I yelled happily.

"I'm a BloodClan cat, whatta ya expect?" She answered back, only to erupt into snickers, that overpowered her so much, she fell over onto her back and started snorting. I gaped at her, extremely entertained. Almost by accident, a question sparked in my mind.

Inhaling sharply, I meowed; "Hey, Moss, how come the Twolegs never chopped down the forest and made fore alleys?"

"Oh, they did. But they stopped. Big monsters broke down, and I guess they learned a thing or two from us, because a fight broke out between the Twolegs. I was exiled by then, but I still roamed in the forest. I watched. And you know what, Broken? They killed each other. Well, rather, one killed them all. The project was abandoned, and the monsters are still sitting there, unsure of what to do without their masters," Moss explained, as if telling a story about rotting cats from the dead. "Oh, and I can take you there right now, the monsters are so cool at night."

"Off to the forest, then!" I said enthusiastically. Moss was on her feet without a moment's hesitation, and I once again began to follow Moss into the woods.

* * *

"Here we are," The tortoiseshell meowed, her voice high-spirited. I trotted up to her and poked my head through the greenery, seeming almost black in the lighting. My light grey eyes widened at the landscape before me. A large - gigantic - yellow monster with black paws that stretched under the entire monster. It had claws, too. Claws that could fit at a least five cats in them each. Black stripes rolled perfectly across the yellow beast. Ivy and other plants had begun to crawl over the Twoleg contraption, seeming to immobilize the great creature. The monster sat in a clearing surrounded by dwindling woods, the borderline between ShadowClan and the what once was ThunderClan, now DewClan, and the Thunderpath between them. Moss shifted positions from behind me, and my gaze moved away from the beast. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a sliver of movement. My head quickly turned to where I had caught a glimpse of it, but I was too late, it was gone, whatever it was. "Hey, one second, Moss. I want to go check something out." I meowed quickly to Moss. She flicked her tail in response, but I was already padding away slowly, trying to get a whiff of 'it.' I knew I wasn't silent, I could hear the dead leaves shifting under my weight. It was much easier to maneuver myself on the asphalt. A slight breeze flitted through the clearing, and so did 'it's' scent. I immediately knew she was from the clans, but I was unsure of which one. I knew what Treestar smelled like, and it didn't smell like his clan, I knew what ShadowClan smelt like, it couldn't have been part of that clan.. Wasn't there another clan? BreezeClan or something? I shook my head and continued to use my poor tracking skills.

"YOU FEIND!" A voice screeched. Before I had a chance to think about it, I was pinned to the ground. I attempted to smuggle, but my attacker's claws dug into my flesh. The memory of Dapple humiliating me rushed back, vivid as ever. Pain seemed to vanish as I tried to gather all the strength and anger I had bottled up inside me. I took a deep breath, attempted to bunch myself up, and shot to my feet.

I failed.

The attacker had loosened their grip for a moment, then dug her unseated claws deeper into me. "This'll teach you not to trespass into the clans' territory! Your BloodClan will never rule the forest!" The attacker hissed into my ear. The voice sounded like it belonged to a female, and if she was so protective about the clans...

I couldn't finish the thought, because the she-cat was ripped off my back with a sudden breeze. I pulled myself from the ground to see what had happened. Moss had her jaws clamped tightly around my attacker's neck. The she-cat fallen victim to Moss' skills was quite small, but Scourge was still tinier. It was a black she-cat with faint orange markings littering her fluffy pelt. She struggled against Moss' grip, but the BloodClan cat kept hold of her. What seemed like an eternity, the clan cat fell limp on my companion's jaws. The she-cat's eyes were still open, but now they were glassy, gazing into nothing. Her mouth was slightly agape, and when Moss let go of the clan cat's neck, the victim's blood trickled out the wound, still appearing warm. Moss cracked open the she-cat's mouths and dug her claws into her gums and pulled. A yellow-tinted tooth covered in blood and pink gum soon followed. I diverted my eyes back to the monster, the tooth-cleaning algorithm seemed boring compared to this. Approaching it, I peeked into its side. Shattered glass was strewn around the inside, and sticks with balls at the end of them were attached to the beast. Knowing the Twolegs were too dumb to control something while they weren't in the same place with it, I gingerly climbed into the vandalized monster. I hopped over the shattered glass as my vision adjusted to the dark contraption. There was half of a large and soft wall, planted before a huge round something. There was a small space behind the soft wall, and I climbed into it. A cage,  the type I had seen when I had ventured up into the attic when I had still lived with my Housefolk. Sniffing it, an extremely faint smell of dead animal filled my nose. Recoiling in shock, my tail awkwardly stuck up in the air, along with my fur, now in spiky tufts. I slowly stepped forward, trying to get a better look of what was inside the wire cage.

After a few failed attempts, I decided to leave the monster and check on Moss' tooth procedure. Hopping out of the beast, I noticed Moss sitting by the edge of the clearing, the tooth already in her collar. "What did you find in there?" She asked me, curiosity knitted into her voice.

"Something dead." I answered truthfully, padding towards her.

"Mhm, you definitely look spooked!" Moss sneered. I chuckled in response. "Well, dawn's going to arrive in a while, so we better get back to camp." The tortoiseshell said, already halfway through the underbrush.

That WindClan cat was a description of my cat

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