Chapter Two

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A drop of water splashed onto my nose as my eyes flickered open. There was a searing pain in my side, and I dared to look behind me. A deep would was slashed across my body. Holding in a cry of pain, anger, and fright, I narrowed my silver eyes and scanned the area. Trash cans had been knocked over, spilling out disgusting contents. Two large dumpsters stood on either side of the alley, wide open, reeking of disposed items. Semi-rotted food was piled by a dumpster, and I felt many pairs of eyes fix themselves onto me.

"Finally awake, Broken?" I nearly jumped out of my pelt as Scourge walked out from behind a dumpster. Behind him, a large, broad, and scar-covered black and white tom with fearsome yellow eyes sat. Scourge directed his gaze to the tom, and spoke in a low voice; "This is Bone. He is second in command here. Welcome to BloodClan." Bone merely nodded, and I noticed his red collar, to, was ripped, exposing dog claws. His front paws were also reinforced with dog teeth as Scourge's were. As Scourge spoke, His cat pack appeared, each with dog teeth for claws and at least one claw or tooth in their collar.

"Did Scourge really invite this kittypet to BloodClan?" A brown and white she-cat with a blue collar sneered. Scourge whipped around, narrowing his cold gaze onto the cat. I could see his muscles and jaw had tensed, he was obviously taken by surprise, and this surprise seemed to anger him.

"Need I remind you of what happened to Firestar, Tigerstar, and the other pathetic clan cats?" He snarled at her. As the she-cat slunk away, Scourge shot her one last dirty glance, and she locked her gaze onto her paws, quaking in fear of the small cat. Firestar? Tigerstar? Clan cats? I wondered. Scourge returned his gaze to me, and a crooked smile stole his face. "So, joining BloodClan?"

"I suppose I will, Scourge," I paused, lowering myself into a sitting position, and dared to ask, "And, if it doesn't cause much uprising, who are Tigerstar and Firestar?" I meowed, staring straight at BloodClan's leader.

Scourge stopped cold, and I could see his muscles tense and slowly relax. He drilled his gaze into me, and began. "The clan cats were idiotic. They were weaklings, thinking that their little kit-tale of StarClan would help them against my army. Stupid cats, really. Their 'StarClan' was said to give leaders nine lives. Any cat with common sense would know that you only have one life, and once you're killed, poof, you're gone. No StarClan, no heaven, no nothing. You're dead. Yet they believed that dead cats would help them. Tigerstar attacked me as a clan cat in training, some Thistle-cat urging him to. I'm glad he did, because that began to corrupt my soul. I vowed revenge, and I got it. When he later asked for an allegiance, he spoke of 'shared territory.' I agreed, and when I entered the forest, he ordered my army to attack. Of course, they know only I can tell them to attack. I disagreed with a battle, and Tigerstar accused me of being a traitor. He tried to attack me, and I killed him, only in one blow. Tigerstar thought he could control BloodClan. He was wrong." Scourge let out an almost silent laugh, and continued. "I arrived later to take the clan's territory. BloodClan had been promised forest territory, and we were going to get it. Firestar led the other clans into battle, and I killed him. My cats annihilated most of the other cats. We left, letting the surviving cats a nice scar to remember us by. Now, we may enter the forest whenever we please, but we prefer the alleys. Tradition, honestly. That, Broken, is who the clan cats were." Scourge finished. I stayed silent, scanning the alley and noticing all BloodClan cats had gathered around Scourge, listening to the retell of their victory against kit-tale believing cats.

I sat proudly, raising my head. I knew I was now a member of BloodClan, the most powerful creatures ever known! "BloodClan, welcome our newest member, Broken." Scourge said is a low voice. The BloodClan cats straightened their postures a bit, but no cat spoke. I could tell some cats disapproved of me, but Scourge was the leader. I was a member of BloodClan, and if cats disapproved of it, and if they spoke against me, or underestimated my power, I would have my revenge.

One question still lingered within my mind; why has Scourge been so vile to the she-cat who spoke of kittypets?

* * *

"Now, if you can't care for yourself, no one else will. The weak die, the disease-ridden are killed, and kits take care of themselves. This is the way of BloodClan, always has, always will. I like it, really." A dark gray tom, who only had two cat claws in his navy collar. He only had one claw with a dog tooth in it, I could tell he was new. His name was Ink, and he was almost as large as Bone. His eyes were strange, very, very strange. Both eyes had icy blue and dark brown in them, and they had melted together, so to speak, and became swirls of color. Truly mezmorizing.

I continued eating the food BloodClan gave me, which had a soft outer coat, it was a light tan, but inside it had patterns of white and red, but it smelled of cheese. It was weird, and rotting, but I wolfed it down. If I wanted to survive, I had to eat whatever I could get. Besides, it was much better than the Housefolk slop.

"Broken," The white and brown she-cat who has spoken against Scourge's decision said coldly. "I'm Dapple, and I've been here for a long time. If you think you can go and get to Scourge's sweet spot, then I'll warn you now, he doesn't have one." She hissed. Now she lowered her head so she snarled into my ear; "Look, pretty kitty. Do you really think you'll survive here? We can turn on each other whenever we please. I heard all about your tussle with the loner. Any true BloodClan cat would know that he had uncanny resemblance to Oak, over there." She flicked her tail to a tabby version of the mangled cat. "Now, little kitty, don't try any tricks. Sleep with one eye open, I'll be here, waiting for you to slip up." Dapple threatened.

I felt a surge of anger boil through my veins, and I laughed. "Oh, Dapple. You must have a brain full of air to underestimate me that much. If I were you, I would be the one sleeping with one eye open." I said smugly. I picked up what was left of my meal, and left Dapple scowling at me. "Weaklings don't survive here, Dapple." I said to myself. Silently laughing, I felt my heart freeze, stone cold. I swore to myself I would get my revenge on Dapple, I would become a powerful cat. I am part of BloodClan, and nothing can stop me now!

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