Chapter Three

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After my amusement from Dapple's pathetic threat turned to heavy waves of sleep pulling me, I searched my surroundings until I came across the dumpster. With chilling winds, I had decided to sleep in the narrow space between the dumpster and the ground. Crawling under, I pulled my body forward, until I was near the middle of the dumpster. Curling up, I gave into the deep callings of sleep.

The obnoxious noise of heavy rain drops colliding into the dumpster awoke me. Raising my head, I hissed in pain as my skull hit the bottom of the Twoleg-trash container. Scowling, I dragged myself forward until my eyes could fully take in BloodClan camp. Dapple was the first cat I spotted. Her pelt was drenched, and she was desperately licking her pelt. Dear kit tales, she-cat, get under a dumpster! How thick is that skull of yours? I silently insulted her. Hearing a slight rustle beside me, my head whipped around, my eyes resting on Ink. His smoky pelt looked almost black in the dark, and his melted eyes shone coldly. "Hello." His low voice grumbled.

"Hello, Ink. What are you doing under here?" I said, trying to hide my surprise of the tom's appearance

Ink chuckled coldly and responded; "I'm not idiotic, Broken. I also don't like to get my pelt wet."

"Does Dapple have a mental issue, sitting in this downpour like that?" I almost laughed.

Ink's cold eyes brightened a little. "Maybe someone told her it was Scourge's orders to stay outside no matter what happens."

"You heartless lump of BloodClan cat!" I meowed happily. "Did you really pull Dapple's tail that easily?"

"As you said, she has a thick skull," Ink said with triumph. "Besides, how'd you manage to fight off Rags like that when you have absolutely no experience in the gruesome yet wonderful art of spilling blood?" He asked, switching the subject.

"What are you? Description cat? Well, it's quite hard to explain. I felt this anger boil and rush through my blood, and I don't have these claws for nothing." I paused. "How'd you get your first claw on your collar?"

Ink's whiskers twitched. "Fought Oak, actually. He was a miracle kit, he didn't die. He has pure BloodClan blood, he doesn't quite fancy cats coming from Housefolk. He has a close, dare I say, friendship with Dapple, which explains her hostility towards your arrival. Oak thought he could beat me without getting a scratch. In the end, I got a claw." He said with proudly.

"Oh. Well, where do you-" I was cut off by something cracking. It was an extremely loud crack, it vibrated through my ears. A flash of the whitest thing I have ever laid eyes on, then it all ended. Everything was back to rain and wind. Was this the apocalypse? I wondered. I realized I had been too scared to yowl in fright. I nervously looked over to Ink, his fur raised but eyes calm.

"Been a while since lighting hit BloodClan camp." He said half to himself.

"It's happened before?" I meowed in disbelief.

"Yes. Just a thunderstorm. Just and average everyday thunderstorm in the city." Ink yawned.

"Mmmhm." I mumbled, resting my head on my paws, watching the rain fall onto the ground.

* * *

"Pretty kitty, pretty kitty, wake up." A mocking voice said. I opened my eyes to see Dapple in front of my muzzle. "Good, you're awake. You have quite a thick skull, you know, thinking you can flirt with Ink that easily. I personally think that you're quite an idiotic cat, thinking you can just waltz right into BloodClan. I also think every cat in BloodClan would agree with me" She laughed.

"Dapple, I think you mixed up the 'me' and 'you' in your statement." I meowed smugly.

"That's it you idiotic kittypet! If you think you're so amazing, why don't you come and fight me?" Dapple yowled.

"Gladly." I said through gritted teeth. Crawling out from under the dumpster, I stood with my head raised, tail high, and chest wide. Snarling to Dapple, I lunged. Ready to rake my claws against her muzzle, Dapple quickly dodged. I landed face-first onto the pavement, and pelt my blood boil. I lunged at her happy little face again, opened my jaws, ready to bite, and saw Dapple rise onto her hind legs and whack me in the face. Falling shamefully, I felt Dapple's claws sink into my side as she placed her forelegs onto my defeated form. Her voice rang out through the camp; "You see, BloodClan, this is why kittypets don't belong here. They are weak.." She pressed her claws deeper into me. "Stupid.." I felt blood trickle out. "And worst of all, give up this easily." She drew her claws along my side, slowly and painfully, until breathing was difficult. When she retraced her claws and left me laying there, my eyes narrowed. This was not over. I would fight Dapple, I would kill her. She was going to pay for humiliating me, and she will pay with her life.

_________________________________________________________________________A/N They're both so sassy... anyway, sorry for the short chapter... I felt this was a nice little stopping point. Also, Fox , here's your chapter XD! Now it's your turn to update!

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