Chapter Fifteen

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Bouncing through the forest, happy with myself for finding information for BloodClan's leader, ready to redeem my image.

"Whatcha so happy 'bout, Riley?" An energetic and familiar voice meowed from behind me.

"Quinn?" I responded, recognizing the she-cat's voice.

"Mmmm-hmmm!" She hummed, jogging to my side. "So, whatcha happy about?"

"Oh, I ran into a clan, and I realized that BloodClan will surely win a bat-"

"Scourge would know already, is your brain full of processed mush they force us to eat?" She spat. My mouth went dry as my body immediately stopped dead in my tracks. The thought had never occurred to me, and I felt like a mousebrain now that the thought had never crossed my mind. And yet, I was corrected by a kittypet! "Can I come with you now?" She meowed, changing the subject.

"No." I meowed dryly. She scoffed in return. "How do you even know who Scourge is? And the fact that you think you have what it takes to be a BloodClan cat? You think you know how to rip someone's guts out? You think you're actually enough? Face it, you'll never make it out there!" I screamed, rage boiling in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to kill the ignorant kittypet, rip her to shreds, tear her guts apart. I wanted to make her nothing more than a pile of flesh, fur and blood.

"As if you could!"

"What did you say?" I hissed through grinding teeth.

"I could kill you right here, right now if I wanted to. And I sort of do. Come at me, weak cat." Quinn snarled, her fur bristling as she arched her back.

"Whatever you say, dear Quinn."

"Please, call me Strike." The kittypet lunged, her forearms outstretched. I tumbled out of the way, my pelt coating in dirt and dust. I crept towards her, our fiery gazes locked on one another. I faked a lunge, holding my ground. Quinn flinched, and I closed he space between us, sliding under her stomach. Claws outstretched, I began to dig them into her flesh, but the kittypet was smart. She engaged in an astounding leap, my claws popping from her skin. Quinn grimaced in pain when she lost her balance of her landing, but quickly leveled herself.

"You ignorant cat! You sorry excuse for a kittypet! I would be doing you a favor to kill you!" I screeched, sprinting towards her. Quinn raised a paw at the last moment, swiping her claws across my eyes. Screaming in pain, I fell and felt the kittypet stand on top of me, her claws pricking my skin.

"Any last words, Riley?" Quinn hissed in my ear. She pushed her claws further into my flesh, a quiet and cold laugh escaping her jaws.

"It's Broken!" I screamed, channeling all of my strength to my legs as I forced the air out of Quinn's lungs as she was thrown a couple of fox-lengths away. She barely took a moment to begin gulping in air, but I was already upon her. Blood stung my eyes, although I ignored it. I wanted to kill this kittypet who thought she could beat me. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill. Yes, yes, kill. Kill the cat. Kill her, kill her! I hesitated, sniffing out where her throat was.

"Goodbye, Quinn." Grasping her jugular in my jaws, I snapped my head upward without letting go of the kittypet. Blood splattered my pelt, my muzzle releasing Quinn's disembodied throat.

"You see, Quinn, you should never challenge a BloodClan cat."

High-pitched hysterical laughter broke out behind me. I whipped around to see two Twolegs upon small monsters whipped across the ground, faster than any cat could run. One of them was coming right at me before I could even process what was happening. The Twoleg looked ahead of him, and horror was thrown onto his face as he screamed gibberish as they pulled something that stopped the monster in its tracks, but throwing the controller off. The Twoleg fell on top of me, and I listened as my ribs crumbled beneath the impact. I tried to scream, but the ribs had punctured the inside of me, and I found myself unable to make any noise. My senses dulled, and I heard screaming from the other Twoleg, but that soon blended in with the background. I heard water slosh through my ears, warm water, pulling me away. I followed it, hoping it would get me out from under this fallen Twoleg. But the water stopped, and everything faded to an even darker world.

* * *

Hello? I whispered. Everything was fuzzy and vivid. Artificial colours surrounded me, and the smell of something burning filled my nostrils. Faded memories filled my

mind, of my Housefolk.

How? Is anyone there? Hello? I said again. I began to walk, and the ground was smooth, but I hardly felt it. Turning a corner, I saw it. One of my Housefolk, on the bed. She yelped and jumped up, and a black blur jumped from the vivid mass.

It can't be, it can't... I whispered. It couldn't be me, it couldn't... I was here, not there. I was no longer a kittypet, I was a cat of BloodClan, no, it's a dream, it's all a dream. Please, let it be a dream.

Follow her. I ordered myself. Trailing behind the kittypet, I saw her jump on a windowsill. She meowed, and the Twoleg came over. Everything was so familiar, so familiar... The cat kept meowing, and the Housefolk let the cat outside. Following her, my paws sank into a familiar substance. But I remember it being freezing, I said to myself. The cat continued to walk away from the nest, unaware of my existence. She walked on the forest border, away from the nest. Farther, farther away. She turned when she came across the alleyways. It came flooding back to me now, the ragged cat fight, everything. This was me. I was reliving my past. I was going to watch myself live and die. Watch myself kill cats, watch everything again, watch Moss and Ink fall. See everything, again and again. Was this my hell?

Snapping back to the cat, I watched as she fought with the cat. It was less bloody that I remembered, but maybe that was because I was watching, not experiencing. I had been through this before, but my memories were dull now. I could only recall fuzzy clips. They were all fuzzy. Everything was fuzzy. A fuzzy hell that will last for eternity. A hell of life.

A hell of memories.

grand finale

who would've thought she would be crushed by a kid on a bike (we was knocked unconscious when he was thrown off his bike, which is why he didn't get off Broken)

The memory hell was inspired by the movie Interstellar (which you should watch. It's a really good movie.)

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