Chapter Seven

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(A/N: who do you ship?)

The evening sky was a royal blue, the stars faint in the darkening night. Cold breezes crept through the alley, rushing away only a moment after they had arrived. Deciding that the slow day should come to an end, I began to casually walk towards the dumpster, the one place that I had slept in ever since I arrived at BloodClan. Slithering under, my muzzle was engulfed in a thick layer of fur. Surprised, I flinched back and gave a quiet meow of distress.

"Relax, you mousebrain." Moss' voice grumbled angrily. I gave a quick huff of annoyance as a response. I crawled away from the murderous fluff-ball and curled up myself by the edge of the dumpster. A faint snort came from Moss as she repositioned. She quickly settled down again, her soft breathing a rhythm that lulled me into sleep.

* * *

ShadowClan scent filled my nostrils as I looked up, my sight still hazy from sleep. I blinked continuously, confused about my surroundings. How could I be in ShadowClan's marsh? I swear I fell asleep under the dumpster! Raising myself to my paws, I looked around in utter confusion. Racking my mind for any memory of me coming to the marsh. I heard a twig snap behind me, and that triggered my instinct to run. I began sprinting away in fear, my eyes wide and fur bristling as I ran through unfamiliar land. The trees began to multiply in large amounts, leaves and broken branches littering the ground. I tripped and stumbled, used to the flat asphalt that covered BloodClan's territory. Well, this technicality was BloodClan's territory, but the cats hardly traveled here. Everyone was used to rotting Twoleg food as a decent meal, and hot sun, cold rain, and no protection from snow, hail, or any other type of substance that fell from the sky.

"Stop! You filthy cat!" A deep voice howled. My legs instantly froze, and I skidded through the leaves until I can to a halt.

"W-who said that?" I meowed into the dense forest.

"I did," A muscular brown tom with hard green eyes and thick fur stepped out of the darkness. "And who do you think you are, running around the woods like a mad cat, scaring the little prey we have left?" He snarled.

"I-I.." I stumbled.

"It was a rhetorical question, you mousebrain!" His cold voice snapped.

Taking a deep breath, I mustered up all small scraps of courage I had left. "Actually, I should be asking you what your doing on my territory. I am Broken, a member of BloodClan, who rules over this forest. I am not the one trespassing, because this land belongs to us. So who are you?" I responded, my voice icy.

"I am Treestar," his eyes narrowed until two thin strips of leafy green stared at me, hatred burning in both of us. "And I am the leader of DewClan. This clan was formed when RiverClan and ThunderClan decided to join territories. Now, we thrive better than any other clan in the forest. That is, until you came along and scared all the prey away." He spat.

"MistClan, you say? Well, if you think you're doing so well, why don't you take a look at BloodClan." I smirked, my gray eyes gleaming.

"I will not compare myself to a bunch of fishbrained kittypets!" He snarled, curling his lip to reveal yellowing but sharp teeth. "Now get off my territory, you fiend, or I'll kill you myself!"

"And you think that you can kick me out of my own territory? Oh, no, Treestar. I will stay where I am, and scare all the prey I want!" I cackled, confidence flooding every inch of my body.

"Very well," Treestar meowed, turning his head.

He lunged, his claws unsheathed, his jaws stretched wide, and a horrendous yowl echoing through the trees.

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