Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight:


“I don’t want a friend.” I groaned for the hundredth time today. Or at least that’s what it felt like. Jayden was sat next to me, determined to believe that I didn’t know what I was talking about.

He hadn’t left me alone through the lessons we shared, and it had been a week since he first started to try being my friend. Every lesson we had he would always be completely blunt in his attempts to befriend me.

We now had a double English and that meant he hadn’t left me alone for quite a while. I was already reaching the end of my rope. I was purely exhausted.

“Nonsense.” He said waving away my protest.

I glared at him darkly, and said nothing. He continued to try grabbing my attention, but I kept ignoring him. Biting back any retorts.

“Knock Knock.” He said eventually managing to perk my curiosity.

I turned to him with a blank face. “What?”

He grinned at me. “You got it wrong. It’s ‘who’s there’.” He corrected. I narrowed my eyes, and scrunched my eyebrows together.

“I meant what are you doing.” I replied.

“Telling you a knock knock joke.” He answered.

Why?” I asked exasperated.

His lips twitched up. “Because, you can’t not be my friend if I get you to laugh.” He answered.

“Where do you get your logic?” I asked with a groan.

He grinned. “Life experiences.” He answered. “Anyway. Knock knock.”

I sighed. “You’re not going to let it go until I answer are you?” I asked.

“Nope.” He agreed. “Knock, knock.”

I rolled my eyes to the heavens. “Who’s there?” I answered giving up.

“Alex.” He answered with a victorious grin.

“Alex who?” I groaned out.

“Alex-plain later. Let me in.”

There was a long pause as I stared at him blankly, jaw unhinged. “That was so lame.” I fought out eventually. “Did you really think I’d laugh at that? You could have at least told a good joke.”

“No knock, knock jokes are any good.” He answered back simply.

I sighed, knowing the truth in his words. I pressed the pads of my fingers against my forehead. This conversation was quickly giving me a headache.

“Let me try a different joke.” He said settling himself more comfortably into his seat, as he thought.

“You’re not going to take no answer are yo-” He didn’t even let me get through a whole sentence.

“How do you make a sausage roll?”

I breathed out slowly. “How?” I asked.

“You push it down a hill.” He started laughing at his own jokes.

I. Want. To. Shoot. Myself. Despite the fact his jokes were terrible though I almost found myself smiling at how much he was laughing at his own lame jokes.

 He was sat close enough that I could feel his movements as he shook with laughter, and usually at this point I would be in a panic attack. But I was finding it difficult to be afraid of someone who was telling such awful jokes.

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