Still Alive!!

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Hey guys! Sorry but this story is still on Hiatus but I am working on it! It's hard to keep updating when I have school and stuff but I'll show you guys a little bit what I have right now. Also! If you guys like Attack on Titan the live action movie actually premieres today!! Hopefully it doesn't suck! Anyways this is the preview hope you're not disappointed!!


"Damn it, Gilbert!! Put me down this instant!!" Hungary shouted, kicking her feet.

"Kesesese~ I don't take orders from little girls!" Prussia cackled.

Hungary annoyed by this turned around and pulled Prussia's ear making him stop in his tracks and put her down.

"Ow ow ow ow ow!! Let go of my awesome ear!!" Prussia whined.

"Hmph. I should have just done this in the first place" Hungary muttered, pulling on his ear even more.

Prussia continued to whine as Hungary dragged the albino back to the great hall. On the way she ran into Romania who was huffing because he was exhausted from running.

"Hmph. So much for saving me, douche" Hungary murmured to herself.

Once they finally arrived much of the students were gone. Italy, Germany, and Romano were sitting at a table conversing with the four other nations. Italy was mostly eating while Germany scolded him for talking with his mouth full. When they entered their heads snapped up.

"Ve~ Miss Hung-Elizaveta! You're finally back!" Italy exclaimed, correcting himself.

Hungary smiled sweetly as she tossed Prussia to the side.

"Yes! I'm sorry I took so long but this idiot was holding me captive!" Hungary chuckled, sending a glare to the Prussian.

"Ve~ Lizzie! Can you make some pasta with me?!" Italy exclaimed.

Hungary smiled.

"Of course Ita-Chan! Anything for you!" Hungary said.

"Yay!!!" Italy grinned.

"Don't forget to save some for me ya bastard" Romano muttered, glancing at Italy.

"Of course Roma! We can make pasta for everybody!" Italy exclaimed.


And that's all I got! Sorry if you were hoping for a bit more but this story is probably gonna have more small moments and stuff before it gets to the juicy part which in turn will be the finale! Anyways if you have any ideas or things you'd want me to add just comment! Thank you!

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