Chapter Four

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"Where am I?" America said slowly. Everything was dark and America couldn't see anything. Suddenly, wherever he was got brighter and he could see that it was raining and that he was in a familiar place. "No...not this place" America said fearfully. It was the day America finally declared independence from England. From afar America could see the younger him and England fighting. He saw England fall to his knees and cry. Young America shook his head and walked away with his soldiers. America couldn't help but walk up to England while he hit the ground with his fist and cried. "Why! Damn it Why!" England sobbed. America was going to reach out and hug England but he knew he shouldn't so he turned around and walked away.

"Alfred! Alfred!" America heard someone shout. Suddenly America woke up screaming. "Alfred? Are you okay?" Hungary asked with a puzzled look on her face. America looked at Hungary sadly and hugged her tightly. "Alfred? What's wrong?" Hungary said rubbing her hand on America's back. "I-It was that time!" America cried. Hungary had a moment of realization and looked at America sadly. "Alfred, it was for the best. You and Arthur are still friends and that's all that matters" Hungary said as she smiled at America. America smiled back and said, "Thanks, Lizzie. What happened to Mathias?" America said. "He's still passed out" Hungary said pointing to Denmark's unconscious body. "Here lad, have some chocolate. It helps" The Stranger said handing America a piece of chocolate. "Yay! Chocolate!" America exclaimed happily taking the piece of chocolate.

"Hello? America? Hungary? Norge? Is anyone here?" Denmark called out in the darkness. Just like America wherever Denmark was got brighter and it was revealed as a familiar place. "Hey! This is the Nordics house! Wow we had some fun times here!" Denmark exclaimed looking around. But when he walked down one hall he was disturbed. At the end of the hallway Denmark saw himself drenched in blood, holding a bloodied knife with a scary smile on his face. "Hehe, I warned you didn't I? I told you if you tried anything funny I'd have to punish you" Young Denmark chuckled. There lying on the ground was a bloody Sweden with Finland holding his head. "Why! Why did you have to do this, Denmark!" Finland cried. Denmark flinched as he watched the memory. Back then when he was starting out he did whatever his boss told him even though he knew it was wrong and it drove him insane. "! Stop! Someone, please!! Stop this!!!! It hurts!!" Denmark screamed holding his head in his hands. Tears flowed from his eyes as he watched his younger self continue to beat the other Nordics. "STOP!!!!!" Denmark screamed as he jolted himself awake. Everyone stared at Denmark puzzled and watched him immediately stand up and look around. "Mathias? What's wrong? Who are you looking for?" America asked. "Norge! Where's Norge?" Denmark said fearfully. "Norge?" Ron said confused. "I'm right here, you idiot. What do you want?" Norway said from behind Denmark. Denmark slowly turned around and stared at Norway fearfully making Norway tilt his head in confusion. Denmark slowly walked up to Norway and whispered something to him. From Norway's expression you can tell that it was something bad. "Mathias, it's okay now. There's no need to remember that and there's no need to forget it. That made you who you are today, and now you know better" Norway said looking Denmark in the eyes. Denmark nodded and slowly sat back down. "So what happened here?" England asked. "A strange shadow creature came in here and made them pass out!" Ron shouted. Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron and elbowed him. "It was a Dementor, sir" Hermione said. "A Dementor? What was Dumbledore thinking!" England shouted in anger. "Perhaps they're also here because of Sirius Black" Romania suggested. "Still, there are many other ways to keep the children safe" Norway grumbled. "Excuse me, but may I ask who you are sir?" Hermione asked. "Oh, My name is Arthur Kirkland" England explained. "Vladimir Lupei! At your service!" Romania exclaimed. "I'm Lukas Bondevik" Norway said with a blank expression as usual. "Are you our new professors?" Harry asked. "No, we're actually like security guards since the prisoner Sirius Black is on the loose" England explained. "I see" Harry said seeming distant. "Anyways those Dementors are creatures that has the ability to make you remember your worst memory" England explained. "I still don't know why Dumbledore would allow them on the premises" Norway said crossing his arms. "Anyways I think we should be at the school pretty soon" Romania said looking out the window. "Well that's good" The Stranger said. "Oh! You must be professor Lupin! The New DADA professor! I've heard much about you" England said. "Ah yes, DADA was my strongest subject when I was just a lad" Lupin said with a smile. "I'll be looking forward to working with you" England said. Lupin nodded before leaving the train car. "*sigh* It's a good thing you six are alright" England sighed. "Yeah well I had every thing under control! The hero is prepared for anything!" America exclaimed. "Ugh can't you ever go a second going on about being a hero" England said pinching the bridge of his nose. "Pfft! Whatever! I'm the best hero ever! Right, Mathias!" America proclaimed. "Yeah Man! Seriously! Engl-Arthur's just jealous!" Denmark exclaimed. "You two are idiots" Norway grumbled. Romania chuckled and England nodded.

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