Chapter Three

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The Next Day

"So You're telling me that we have to run through that wall?" America said as he stared at England unbelievably. "Yes now hurry along!" England said. "No way Dude!!" America shouted. "Are you messing with us again! There is no way we're running into a wall!"Denmark shouted. "*sigh* Lukas, can you just show them" England sighed. Norway nodded and walked through the brick wall. "Ah! He just disappeared!" Hungary said pointing at the wall. "Not exactly, now go ahead and walk through the wall" England said. Hungary unsurely ran through the wall and disappeared. America and Denmark looked at each other before fearfully running into the wall. "Ah!" America and Denmark screamed as they were about to fall down onto the train tracks. "Boys!" Hungary screamed as she grabbed the two just before they fell in. "Omigosh!!!! Thank you so much Liz!! You saved us! Thank you! Thank you!" America exclaimed hugging Hungary tightly. "Alright alright, that's enough! You two should have been more careful" Hungary said putting her hands on her hips. America and Denmark nodded and stopped hugging her. "Alright now what are we waiting for?" Hungary said dusting off her hands. "The Hogwarts express" England said. "Okay so when is it coming" Denmark asked. "Right about.....Now!" Romania said slowly. Suddenly a old looking train rushed into the station. "Pfft! That old thing! Ha! Iggy you're really old school!" America laughed. "Shut up you git! Anyways hurry up and get aboard and get us some good seats" England shouted. "Seriously?" Denmark said recieving a hit on the head from Norway. "Ouch! Norge!" Denmark whinned. "Shut up and go in" Norway grumbled pushing Denmark into the Hogwarts express.

"Wait, so what do we do now?" Denmark asked. "I say we adventure around the train!" America exclaimed. "Hell no, you heard what Arthur said. Look, since I'm the oldest here I'll be in charge" Hungary said. "No you're not, I am" Denmark said pointing to himself. "You know thats not true, when you were first born I was already in my teens" Hungary said. "Haha! I say the hero should take the lead!" America exclaimed. "Hey! Lets go now unless you want me to pull your ears" Hungary growled. America and Denmark crossed their arms in front of their chest and followed Hungary. "Good, now lets find a seat" Hungary said walking through each car looking for a nice place to sit. "How about here? there's only these guys. Maybe we can make some friends" America suggested. "Okay, why don't we go talk to them then" Hungary said. The three nations walked up to the Golden trio with big smiles on their faces. "Hey!" America exclaimed. "Hello" The three said. "Please excuse my friend but is it okay if we sit here?" Hungary said elbowing America in the stomach. "Ooff!" America grunted holding his stomach. "S-Sure" The three stuttered. "Oh thank you, you three are so kind" Hungary said with a kind smile. "Its no problem, really" The boy with the glasses said. "So what are your names?" Denmark asked. "I'm Hermione" The girl said. "I'm Ron" The ginger said quivering slightly. "And I'm Harry Potter" Harry said. There was a long pause for a second and the Golden trio expected them to freak out when they heard who he was. "Well that's cool! Its nice ta meetcha!" America exclaimed. "Well I'm Elizaveta but you can call me Lizzie" Hungary said. "I'm Alfred F. Jones, the Hero!" America exclaimed. "And I'm Mathias!" Denmark said. "Well it's nice to meet you all too" Hermione said. The six began to chat for a while until a certain snake-eyed blonde and his goons came into the train car smirking. "Well look what we got here, a bunch of chumps!" Draco said crossing his arms. "Ugh!" The Golden trio groaned. "Who's that?" America whispered. "That's Draco Malfroy, to sum it up he's a jerk" Ron said. "Wow, that's so straight forward" America said. "And who are these losers? Their probably a bunch of mudbloods!" Draco cackled. "Hey! We're not losers! You're the Loser, bub!" America shouted. "Yeah!" Denmark said. "Shut Up you blokes!" Draco shouted. "Hey! Why don't you just leave them alone, Draco!" Harry shouted. Draco glared at Harry before having a smug expression on his face. "Crabbe, Goyle, teach these gits to learn their place" Draco said. Crabbe and Goyle cracked their knuckles and stepped forward. The Golden trio had a worried expression while the three nations glared at the two boys. "Hey now, there's no need for violence. Please! Why can't we just resolve this peacefully" Hungary suggested getting in the middle of the groups. "Get out of the way, Mudblood!" Draco said shoving Hungary. "Hey!!" Hungary shouted as she fell back. "Whoa!" America and Denmark shouted catching her before she fell. "Thanks, guys" Hungary said to the two. Hungary then glared at Draco making him flinch. "Alfred, Mathias, I'm giving you two permission to fight back. Just don't take things too far or else you'll get lectured by Arthur" Hungary said crossing her arms. America and Denmark smirked as they nodded to each other. As if in sync, America and Denmark swiftly punched Crabbe and Goyle in the face at the same time, knocking the two goons to the ground. Everyone's eyes were as wide as saucers except for Hungary of course. "H-How did you-" Draco said getting cut of by America punching the wall beside Draco's face. "Look 'ere, snake eyes! If you ever trash talk me and my friends, your little henchmen won't be the only ones knocked out, Capiche!" America said in a New York accent. "My Father will hear about this!" Draco shouted before running out of the train car kicking Crabbe and Goyle up to retreat as well. "That was....." Harry said. "Amazing!" Ron exclaimed. "No that was reckless, but I have to admit it was good that you two stood up to them" Hermione said crossing her arms. Hungary walked up to America and smacked him on the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for!" America whinned. "Stop showing off! Don't use your super human strength unless it's an emergency!" Hungary whispered angrily. "I'm sorry okay! A hero like me can't let the innocent get beat up!" America said posing dramatically. "Alfred, I'm not trying to sound like Arthur but you're an idiot sometimes" Hungary said pinching the bridge of her nose. Suddenly the train had come to a hard stop and the lights went out. "Are we here already?" Denmark asked. "No, we can't be! Hogwarts should be at least another hour away" Ron said. Suddenly a chill went down everyone's spines. "I have a bad feeling about this" Hungary said shivering. A strange shadow creature showed up and did something to Harry, Denmark, and America. "Ame-Alfred! Mathias!" Hungary shouted. Hungary glared at the creature while thinking hard. She knew she needed to do something but she was new to magic. Suddenly the stranger that was resting under his cloak got up and used a spell to defeat the creature. The creature disappeared leaving the three unconscious boys. "Alfred! Mathias! Where the hell is The magic trio when you need them!" Hungary shouted picking up America and Denmark, putting them back in their seats.

(DISCONTINUED) Where the Magical Things Go! [A Hetalia Crossover Harry Potter]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin