Chapter Seven

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The Great Hall emptied out and all of the students were talking about the howler. "Well your friends sound interesting" Ron said as the six of them walked to class. "Yeah well we all have fun all the time" America exclaimed. "So you two drink?!" Hermione finally said. "Oh about that...." Hungary said sweat dropping. "Nu-uh! That's not true!" America said. "Thank You, Alfred-" Hungary was cut off. "All of us Drink!" America exclaimed. "What?!?!?" Hungary shouted. "That's even worst" Harry said. "Alfred!! I'm going to kill you!!!" Hungary growled strangling America. "You're.....Choking.....Me!!!! me!" America choked out. "Lizzie! Calm down!" Denmark shouted pulling Hungary away from America. "Alfred! You made us seem like Alcoholics!" Hungary shouted. "Well aren't you European?" America said struggling to breathe. "...." Hungary stood there in silence shaking in anger. "Alfred, you just made it worst!" Denmark shouted.

Time Skip~

The six sat down in their Divination class silently. America and Denmark both had two big bumps on their heads where Hungary hit them on the head with her trusty skillet. "Remind me never to get her really angry" Ron whispered to Harry. Hungary sat down with her arms crossed and a pouted. "I hate you Jackasses!" Hungary said glaring at America and Denmark.

The rest of their Divination class was surprisingly calm. Nothing happened that much except the fact that Trelawny predicted the death of Harry, America, Denmark and Hungary. "She doesn't know what she's talking about! Don't worry guys! She predicts the death of a student all the time and do they die? No!" Hermione fumed. America and Denmark Also kept whining about the bumps on their heads. "Look, I said I was sorry already. It's your fault anyways! You two embarrassed me even more!" Hungary said balling her fists. "We know, and we're sorry" Denmark and America said. "So which class are we going to next?" Hungary sighed. "Um I think we're going to Potions" America said. "Hey! that actually sounds fun!" Denmark exclaimed. The day went on without any other bad things, besides America almost blowing up the whole school in charms but England stopped him before adding the wrong ingredient. "You idiot! I can't believe you! You cannot put trolls hair with a hippogriff's feather or else it will explode! You need to add maple essence to keep it from exploding!" England ranted. (Lol I don't know much about potions and such so I'm making this up! Please don't kill me!) "How the hell was I supposed to know that!?" America shouted. The two glared at each other until Norway and Romania broke it up. "Stop arguing you two, come on now! Arthur it wasn't Alfred's fault. That Douchebag, Draco switched Alfred's ingredients" Hungary said, defending America. England stared at Hungary with a dumbstruck expression, and then he turned back to America. England sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry, Alfred. Draco is really a hand full, his father taught him to be like that. Many wealthy wizards are like that" England said. "Well it's a good thing you raised me then" America said looking up at England with a smile. England had a surprised expression before softly smiling at America.

Once again, the Golden trio and Draco heard what they said. Draco was there because he was insulting the Golden trio as usual. "Did you hear that?" Hermione said. "What? Mr. Kirkland talking about Draco?" Ron said. "My father will hear about this!" Draco yelled. "Shhh!" Hermione whispered. "You mean what Alfred said?" Harry said. "Yeah, I think I heard him say that Kirkland raised him" Hermione said. "That's a little weird, don't you think? Then that might mean that the six of them are all connected somehow" Hermione said holding her chin. "You think" Draco said sarcastically. "Shut it, Malfroy!" Harry shouted. The nations turned around making the four duck and run. As soon as they were far enough they stood in the middle of the hall and panted. "That was close" Ron sighed. "Swift, Potter! You almost got us caught!" Draco shouted. "Me?! You're the one who started it!" Harry shouted. This started an argument between the two until Hermione broke it up. "Hey! Knock it off you two!" Hermione shouted. Silence fell over the four as they stood in thought. "Why don't we all work together?" Hermione suggested. Everyone looked at Hermoine horrified. "Hermione! Have you lost your mind?!?!" Ron shouted. "Yeah! Us? Working together!?" Harry shouted. "Like I'd work with you mud bloods!" Draco shouted. "Shut Up! I'm just saying if we work together than we could find out more about these guys" Hermione said. The three boys thought for a moment before uncertainly coming to an agreement. "Fine, but only because I want to know more about those three" Draco said. "A temporary alliance is okay I guess" Harry said still staring at Draco unsurely. "Hmph! Oh bugger!" Ron mumbled to himself.

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