Chapter Two

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"Alright, we got your text books, your robes, your cauldrons, your telescopes, and your other equipment. It seems like you three are only missing your wands, your brooms, and your messenger animals" England said. "Ooh! can we get our magic Brooms first!" America exclaimed. "Fine" England said.

"So Alfred you get the Comet 290, Mathias you get the Twigger 90, and Elizaveta you get the Moontrimmer" Norway said. "Wait why does Lizzie get the cooler Broomstick!" America whinned. "Stop whining like a little brat! Even though you are a child now it doesn't mean you act like one!" England shouted. "Hmph! This is your fault anyways!" America mumbled. "Okay, next is their Messenger animals" Norway said putting his hand over Denmark's mouth to stop him from shouting.

"Go ahead and look around for whichever animal you want" Romania said. The three child nations began to look around the store for a messenger animal. "None of these animals are what I want, I think I'll just use Liberty instead" America said. "Your Eagle? That's fine I guess" England sighed. "Hey Look at this Lizard! I think I'll get him and call him Thor!" Denmark said pointing to a armadillo girdled lizard. "I think I'll get this one, she looks graceful and strong" Hungary said stroking a white barn owl which cooed happily making Hungary smile. "How about the name Eró?" Hungary said to herself. The nations payed for their animals and hurried to Olivanders wand shop. "Ah! Arthur, it's been a while since I had seen you! I see you have brought me another challenge" The shop owner said. "Yes, these three are going to Hogwarts" England said. "I see well how about I start with you" The shop owner said pointing to America. The shop owner ran to the back of the store and came back with a box. "Try that one, go on! Give it a wave" The shop owner said. America cautiously waved his wand. For a second nothing happened but then the wand exploded. "Well that wasn't quite right" The shop owner said scratching his head.

In the end it took America ten times to get the perfect wand. "Try this one! It's a Walnut with a Dragon heartstring core at 13 inches, rigid" The shop owner said. America carefully waved his wand, as a result the scent of gun smoke spread into the atmosphere. Red, white, and blue sparks came from the wand. "Whoa!" America exclaimed staring at his wand with a smile. "Alright! Now it's your turn lad!" Ollivanders said before running to the back of his store. It took Denmark only eight times to find the perfect wand for him. "Hm, maybe try this one. It's a Hazel lime with a Unicorn hair core at 13 and a half inches, reasonably supple" Ollivanders said scratching the back of his head. Denmark happily waved his wand, as a result the smell of alcohol creeped into the air while a bright red light came from his wand. "Sweet! I can never get tired of that smell!" Denmark exclaimed. "Now it's your turn lassie" Ollivanders said. It took Hungary surprisingly fifteen times until she got the perfect one. "Well I have faith in this one! It's a Sycamore with a Phoenix feather core at 12 and three fourth inches, surprisingly swishy" Ollivanders said. Hungary waved her wand, as a result the scent of a refreshing field of flowers washed over everyone making them feel calmer. A bright, calming green light emitted from her wand. "That was a great challenge! Now that will be nine galleons each" Ollivanders said happily.

"Now that you three have everything you need we can go back. Make sure you have everything you need packed before tomorrow" England said. The three younger nations nodded. "Meet up at the train station that's not that far from here and wait in front of platform nine" England said. "Oh we're just taking a normal train there?" Denmark asked. "No, not at all. It's a train called the "Hogwarts express". Not a normal train at all" Romania said. "Oh....Okay?" America said completely confused. "Just meet up there" Norway grumbled. "Fine!" The two childish nations groaned. The nations left Diagon Alley and went back to the hotel they were staying in.

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