Chapter Five

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Time Skip~

Soon the Hogwarts express came to a stop and everyone made their way out of the train. Once the nations were out they stared in awe at the huge castle. "Omg! Iggy! You didn't tell us it was a castle!" America exclaimed jumping up and down with Denmark. "Man! This place takes me back!" Denmark exclaimed remembering all of the castles he invaded and conquered. "Hey Arthur? Why does your school seem so outdated?" Hungary asked as they walked into the school. "It's because wizards are still used to this rather than what we have now" England explained. "Okay" Hungary said nodding.

Time Skip~

It was finally time for the nations to find out which houses they'll be in. The other students were betting on which house they'll be in. Word got out about how America and Denmark beat up Malfroy and his goons so most of the students said they'd be Gryfindors. However, Hungary was unclear because she seems like a nice person but other times she can scare the crap out of you. "Alfred Jones!" Dumbledore announced. America happily ran up to the stool and put the hat on his head. "Hello, America" The Hat said inside America mind. America's face went pale. "How did you-" America whispered getting cut off by the hat. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me" The Hat said. America sighed and nodded. "Hm, well you are very brave and strong when you declared independence from England and during World War II you also showed your strength. And your personality over all is the same as a Gryfindor" The Hat said. "Gryfindor!" The Hat announced. Everyone exclaimed. America danced around in the front and tossed the hat around before apologizing to the hat. Denmark high-fived America and smirked. "Mathias Køhler!" Dumbledore announced. Denmark jumped up and ran to the stool. He happily put the hat on his head and like America he was surprised by the hat's greeting. "Well most of your characteristics are between Gryfindor and Ravenclaw. Or maybe Slytherin?" The hat said. Denmark made a sick face when the hat even mentioned Slytherin. "Alright, I've made up my mind!" The hat exclaimed. "Gryfindor!" The Hat announced. "Yeah! Go Mathias!" America exclaimed clapping as loud as he could. Norway and England rolled their eyes and made an irritated face. Finally it was Hungary's turn. "Elizaveta Herdervary!" Dumbledore announced. Hungary gulped and slowly made her way to the stool. Everyone watched her attentively as she sat down. "Hello, Miss Hungary. Don't be alarmed, your secret is safe with me" The Hat said. Hungary sighed and nodded. "Well when I look into your past I can see that you were a brave warrior, you protected Austria and Italy. I can also see that you are a kind person. You seem to be a very good Gryfindor" The Hat said. Hungary smiled happily. "However, you also have many traits of a Slytherin" The hat said. Hungary immediately frowned and sweat dripped from her forehead. "After defeating Prussia you went to his house and freaked him out a bit. I can also see that you are very clever and ambitious. You would also make a good Slytherin" The Hat said. Hungary nervously wiped the sweat off of her brow. "I have never been this torn since the Boy who lived" The Hat announced. Everyone was at the edge of their seats. "Your Bravery and Strength helped you to defeat Prussia but your ambition was your drive" The Hat said. Hungary was sweating buckets as she waited. "Sly-" The Hat was cut off by Hungary. "Wait! Uh Mr. Hat? Please make me a Gryfindor, my strength is my greatest trait! I would make a better Gryfindor than a Slytherin" Hungary said. "I guess you are right, Alright!" The Hat said. "Gryfindor!" The Hat announced. "Yeah!!!!" Denmark and America exclaimed running to Hungary. They squeezed Hungary tightly and carried her on their shoulders. All the Gryfindors exclaimed and cheered. Hungary smiled unsurely and looked back at the hat worriedly.

The Banquet had just begun but Hungary still looked worried. America and Denmark noticed this. "Lizzie? Are you okay?" America asked. Hungary looked at the two sadly and shook her head. "What's wrong?" Denmark asked. Hungary looked around and dragged the two out of the Great hall. "Whoa! Why'd you bring us out here?" America asked. "Guys I need to tell you something" Hungary said. "Yeah? What is it?" Denmark said. "*sigh* Okay, well here goes. The Hat was going to make me a Slytherin" Hungary sighed. "What!?" They Shouted. "I know but maybe I should have been a Slytherin. Maybe I am evil" Hungary said sadly. "Lizzie-No, Hungary. You are not evil, it's not your fault that you have a darker side. All of us do, don't forget we all have 2p!s" Denmark said. "I guess you're right but still, I can't help but think that the Hat was right" Hungary said trailing off. "Hungary, don't say things like that! Like what Denmark said! We all have 2p!s, and your 2p! Isn't as bad as ours" America said gesturing to themselves. "*sigh* Thanks guys, it really means a lot" Hungary smiled. "No problem!" Denmark and America exclaimed hugging Hungary. Little did they know that the Golden trio were listening in to their conversation. "Bloody Hell! She was going to be a Slytherin!" Ron whisper-yelled. "Shush! Their going to hear us, Ron!" Harry scolded. "Did you guys hear that? They were calling themselves by their country names. I knew those exchanges were weird! This just proves it" Hermione said. "It's not just that, they said they have these things called "2p!s". I don't know what they are but the way the talked about them sounded bad" Ron said fearfully. "You're right, I think I heard them say that it was their darker side" Harry said. "Maybe they're bipolar?" Ron suggested. "That's actually a good thought, Ron. But still, it can also be a cultural difference" Hermione said tapping on her chin. "True, we should keep an eye on them and find out what's really going on" Harry said. The Golden trio nodded before hurrying back to their table.

Time Skip~

As soon as the banquet was over everyone made their common rooms. "Alfred, Mathias, and Elizaveta!" England said before they went into the Gryfindor common room with the Golden trio. "What do you think Mr. Kirkland wants you guys for?" Harry asked the three nations. The nations shrugged their shoulders before walking towards the Magic Trio. "What's up, Artie!" America exclaimed. "I told you never to call me that! But anyways you all should stay away from those three" England said crossing his arms. "What do you mean? Are you talking about Harry, Ron, and Hermione?" Denmark said confused. "Yes, those three are known for snooping around and getting into other peoples' business. They may get curious about you three and find out about our secret" England explained. "Still they seem like nice people" Hungary said. "Well they try to get information out of you, and also I heard what you did to Malfroy on the train. That was really reckless of you two! Why didn't you do anything to stop them, Elizaveta!" England said angrily. "Right, Sorry Arthur! It was just that little troll! He was just asking for it especially since he was going to use his goons on us" Hungary said scratching her head. "*sigh* That's still not a good excuse! But you are almost as old as me so I know that you are just as wise. Alright Elizaveta, I know I can trust you so I'm letting you all off this time" England sighed. "Thanks, Arthur. Anyways, we start tomorrow so is it okay if you three go with us to our classes? I mean, we're all new to magic though I am familiar with it since Gil explained it to me when we were little" Hungary said. "Of course, I'm not going to just dump these imbeciles on you, Elizaveta dear" England said glaring softly at America and Denmark. "What!? No way! I don't need a babysitter!" America whined. "Yeah! Come on, Norge!" Denmark whined crossing his arms. Norway grabbed Denmark's ear while saying, "Shut up, idiot. Before I turn you into a frog". "You can really do that?" America asked fearfully. "Of course we can do that! It's really easy actually!" Romania exclaimed. "Anyways, you three should get going now. It's almost time for you all to go to sleep" England sighed. "Alright" America and Denmark groaned as the three went to the Gryfindor common rooms. The Magic trio made sure that the three were gone before wandering around and keeping watch.

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