Hyper morning

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Xx Oly's point of view xX

i was the first one up in the apartment that i shared with Andy And Chris i rolled over and switched of my alarm clock as i sat up and checked the time it read 7:30am i got out of bed i was still in my boxers and then remembered what was happening today,i ran into chris's room and literally jumped on the idiot chris yelled in shock and tried to slap me and puch me off his bed i was in stitches from laughing to hard.


"OLY GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM BEFORE I BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!!! ,i draged the duvet of him and began jumping on his bed he lunged up and rugby tagled me and began trying to push me out of his room.As chris opened the door there stood a not so impressed Andy he was in his shorts and  batman top and was scowling at me and and chris who were rolling on the floor.

"Morning dude did you get your beauty sleep?" i asked him .Andy raised his eyebrows "shut the fuck up oli ,it's 7:40 in the morning whats your problem?".I simply smiled at andy ."hey cheer up dude we have to get ready and pick up the girls remember?".i stood up and went into the kitchen and opened the fridge door and grabed the mild and drank from the bottle." goddamit Oly man thats disgusting we share that milk you asshole"said a irratated chris as he stood up not looking so impressed by my wake up call.

"oh relax sleeping beauty and go get dressed we gotta-ANDY BRO NOT NOW".i looked at andy he was sitting with his feet on the sofa and was watching a batman cartoon like for real he was a grown man. 

"what's wrong now?,i want to watch my show"said andy not even looking at me with the remote in his hand ,i walked over grabed the remote and switched it off i saw andy's eye twitch.

"ohhhhh you in trouble now dick head"said a grinning chris whiles he went outside on the balcony for a cigarrete."hey what do you mean "ohhhhh-"

i was tacled to the ground and next thing i new andy was attacking me for the remote.


"ANDY DUDE OWW THAT HURTS OKAY OKAY HERE".i heard laughing from outside which meant chris was howling of laughter."DUDE A LITTLE HELP"

"nah you're alright " he said poping his head back in and smirking at me i was fuming

"CHRIS YOU DICK HEAD"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Mis-happeningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora