The Set Off!!!!!

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Xx Charlies point of view xX

When my alarm clock went off i had such the erge to throw the damn thing out of my bedroom window if there was anything i hated the most it was getting up in the morning.i rolled over in my bed and thought that the guys would be here soon i checked the time and it read 8:10 yep it was time to get up alright.

as i walked out my room i saw kaz walk out of her bedroom scowling i tried to crack a smile.

"morning"i said to her."mehh what time is it?"she said she did not look happy."ermm like 8:15."fuck"she mumbled and went into the kitchen atleast we were packed for the trip all we had to do was get dressed."YOU WANT A CUP OF TEA OR COFFE?" she yelled from the kitchen.

"COFFEughgh"my voice came out all crokey i was not ready for this early morning at all.

we both had our hot drinks had coco pops for breakfast and we then began to get dressed. i was wearing my RUN DMC shirt which showed off my tattoos on my arm,  with my white leggins and some red converse with my red beanie hat ,i have my eyeliner done and red lipstick,charlie was wearing shorts ,her cut of blue and white vest shirt  showing off her tattoos plus some vans  it took us about half an hour to get dressed ,we piled all of our stuff at the door and soon heard noises from outside.

"the three musketeers are here"said kaz with a smile on her face.soon after someone started banging on the door in the tune of Queen "We Will Rock You" someone began singing "YOU WILL ,YOU WILL OPEN THE DOOR OPEN THE DOOR" 

i could tell it was oly skidded to the door and opened it there they all stood with smiles on there faces i looked over at chris who was looking at me right in the eyes i smiled at him then got the weirdest feeling ever in my stomach as if it was doing backflips or something holy shit was i attracted to him? no no of course not i mean was i FUCK!!!!!!.

Xx chris's point of viewXx

as soon as the door opened and i said hi to kaz i wanted to see charlie really badly it may sound bad but i missed her all night i keep on thinking about her and i know i should not because she is my best friend and i can't be thinking like this but i could not help myself ,she was perfect in every way her eyes hazle and so sparkly her hair her smile ever her body which i'm sorry i'm a guy i have different feelings in different places sometimes ;P i needed to talk to someone but andy was dealing with kaz and oly had wonderd of to the kitchen to help himself to their food.

xX Kaz's point of view Xx

So the guys had arrived and i gave them all hugges but i got the weirdest feeling from when me and andy hugged i don't even know how to explain it properly but as soon as i was going to pull away he pulled me back into a hug then it hit me like a bullet.

i liked andy

it can't be i mean we are best friends and it's just weird to have a think for your best friend...was it?great what a way to start a long road trrip -____- this is something i did not like i needed to talk to charlie but she was too busy talking to chris and oly was raiding our kitchen helping himself to biscuits.

Xx Andy's povXx

okay so i was attracted to kaz like BIG TIME i had tried to denie it to myself for a very long time but there was no point in lying to myself i had to face facts now...i did like her and everyday i saw her my feelings got stronger and i needed to tell her how much she meant to me whenever she was upset it made me worry and ask a million times if she was ok or not , i loved everything about her her sence of humor her smile her eyes her hair her...body ;) (hey i'm a guy) but i needed to talk to someone quick.

Xxkaz's pov Xx

as we gatherd all of our things we headed downstairs in the lift i took the stairs since i hated being in a closed space especially lifts i met them downstairs and we headed outside to where the car was it was an Audi a5 it was oly's car.

"whoa your dad let you use it?" i said with my mouth wide open.oly smiled "yep i had to get on my hands and legs and beg him the cheek..."

we all loaded the car and got inside andy had brought a Green Day CD and we put it in , Oly was driving and chris was in the passenger seat ,charlie was behind him i was in the middle and andy was next to me as we drove of we where all so happy taking random pictures on our cameras/phones laughing blasting music with the window down the sun was shinning ,blue skies and it was amazing what better way to start our trip.

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