Car Ride (happy times)

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Xxxx kaz's point of view Xxxxx

as we  drove down the motorway with the car roof down i was in such a happy plca right now i could i felt free,free from everything the stress from my parents from not having "the perfect job" (that's another why i moved out) i felt like i could just let everything go.The thought of going away for the weekend with the people who i care about the most in this world is what i needed.i smiled to myself as i rested my head on Andy's shoulder with a can of Moster Energy tight in my hand.

charlie who was busy chatting to chris about guitars,music the usuall sort of stuff whiles she had a cigarrete in one hand and a can of Red Bull in the other,chris had his feet on the dashboard he wore flip flops 24/7 ,he had his  right arm hanging out of the window whiles he smoked a cigarrete with his left hand. Oli was driving whiles drinking beer from his can and was in cruse mode.

Andy had fallen asleep,he had his black sun  glasses on whiles his head was resting on the head rest.

*he's a cute sleeper* thats the thought that came into my mind at this moment of time.

"okay so we gotta stop for some gas soon" said oli looking at the petrol meter it was true it was close to empty.

"there another gas station 5 miles from here,we'll make it don't worry man"said chris with his feet still resting on the dashboard. 

"good cause i gotta pee" said oli shifting in his seat."why didn't you go before you left at our apartment?"asked charlie leaning forward to speak to him."i was going to but i felt like i didn't need to..not then anyway"responded oli giving her a quick look before turning back to face the road.charlie simply playfully ruffled his hair and sat back.

we carried down the road and my the time we arrived at the gas station oli was the first one out of the car and sped inside the station. 

"whoa where are we"said a crokey Andy ,he had just woken up from his beauty sleep.i simply laughed at him."where at the gas station to refill if you need the bathroom or need to buy anything then now is your chance"

he smiled at me and got out of the car and went to get some cigarretes.

chris was the one to fill up the car and charlie went and payed for it.

once oli had come back with Andy he looked much better.

"better now"said chris whiles playfully punching his stomach,oli laughed and tried to defend himself."yes wayyyyyy much better ,come on if we go now we will be there in an hour"

we pilled into the car and drove off again refield and happy 1 more hour to go i have to admitt i was tired i put my headphones on and played "Fall Out Boy" i gave one headphone to charlie to listen to and i rested my head once again on Andy's shoulder and closed my eyes and i felt my eyes getting heavy next thing i knew it went black.

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