Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Esther Sijumbila

Chapter 1

London, 1843

It had been a month since his brother's death but Andrew still felt the pain of his loss. His mother wasn't doing any better. She had swooned when they had heard news of Thomas' death. Even after the funeral she had refused to believe he was gone. 

Andrew sighed in frustration. He knew his brother's death was no accident. Everyone knew but there was nothing to be done. The police were hardly doing anything to catch the culprit, though there wasn't much evidence to accuse anyone just yet. This was exactly why he had hired James Knight a few weeks ago. The young private investigator was eager to please and had taken up the case willingly, even with the knowledge that the chances of them finding the killer were close to nil.  

Now, Andrew thought. If only I knew where he was. 

There was suddenly a knock at his study door and an elderly butler peeked his head in. 

"Pardon me, my lord," he said. "There is a Mr Knight here to see you," 

Speak of the devil. 

"Thank you, Hobbson," 

Before Andrew could say any more, a young man with a think moustache and exaggerated sideburns stepped into the study. He was dressed as a simple stable hand. "Evening, my Lord," he said, then turned to Hobbson. "Please excuse us. We have important matters to discuss."  

Hobbson looked to his master for reassurance. Upon receiving a nod, he left the two to their business.  

James sighed in relief and ripped off his fake moustache and rubbed his upper lip. He hated wearing it but it was an essential part of his disguise.  

"What do you have for me, Knight?" Andrew asked.  

"As you know, I have been speaking with your coachman, Jeffrey. He took me to all the places he had driven your brother the day he was murdered - and right before Jeffrey was knocked unconcious. But more importantly," James carefully removed a gold pocket-watch from his pocket. "After I had been to the tavern where Lord Thomas was last seen, I wore this disguise and snooped around the area his carriage crashed and found this." He held the watch out to Andrew. 

Andrew barely looked at it. "Thomas never carried a pocket watch. He always believed he was on time wherever he went. Do you think it could belong to the killer?" 

The young investigator shrugged. "It's just a hunch. No wealthy gentleman would use such a path when there are highwaymen about. I'll look into it. Perhaps I can find the rest of the watch and determine the make." 

James placed the chain back in his pocket and reudjusted his moustache. This was the closest thing to a lead he had. Hopefully he wouldn't let Andrew down.

"I appreciate what you're doing, James," Andrew said.  

"All in a day's work, old chap. Just focus on finding a wife this season. I'm sure all the lovely ladies will flock to the new Earl of Huntigdon," Knight replied with a grin. "Let me do the detective work." 

"That's what I'm afraid of," he groaned. "Let me know if anything comes up."

"Of course, Lockhart."  

With that, James Knight bid him farewell. A very perplexed Lord Andrew leaned back in his chair and siged. Because of his brother's death, he had aquired the title of Earl of Huntingdon. And as such he had to get married and produce an heir. He could already picture eager mothers as they forced their daughters on him. He just hoped that he would find the right woman.

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