Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

James Knight paced his office in frustration. This was madness. He glanced at the broken pocket watch on his desk. That little contraption was his only clue. How could he even call himself an investigator when he'd lied to his client? He'd had the other part of the watch all along - the case back - which had the owner's name engraved on the back of it.

John Lawrence, Marquess of Townshend.

But how was he connected? And what about the Smiths? Jeffrey had informed him that after Lord Thomas had paid a visit to the Smiths' residence, he had been deeply distressed and that was when he had decided to go to the tavern.

James had tried to call on the Smiths but their butler had told him they weren't receiving any visitors. Suspicious, indeed.

The young private investigator sighed and ran a hand through his raven hair. There was a large possibility that Lord Townshend had nothing to do with Thomas' death but he had to at least try. If, in the event, the Marquess was innocent, he needed to seek Andrew's permission to search Thomas' belongings. Mayhap there might just be a clue.

There was a short knock on the door and Andrew made his way in. Startled, James froze and stared at the earl who was currently in his office.

"I know I didn't tell you I was coming, Knight," Andrew began. "But I wanted to be of some help. I can't just sit around, waiting for you to come to me with information."

"Well," gaining his composure, James straightened. "I could use your help to get into a public function so that I may... observe my first suspect."

"You have a suspect?"

"It's just a hunch. Which is why I shall not reveal his name to you until I have met him myself."

Andrew scowled. "And why the hell won't you tell me who he is?"

"Because you might react in a very negative way that may or may not result in serious injury of my unnamed suspect. Think about it: perhaps a friend of yours is the suspect. Would you look at him differently?"

"Perhaps," Andrew muttered.

"Worry not, for after the confrontation I shall have with him, I shall reveal his name to you. But..." James trailed off, not knowing how to phrase the question.

"But what?"

"But if this plan of mine fails, I'll need to... I have to look through your brother's belongings. If it sets well with you of course."

Andrew was silent for a while. His brows furrowed. Finally, he spoke: "Very well. Perhaps it's for the best anyway."

James nodded. "There is something I haven't told you, Andrew. It's about the Smiths. Do you know why your brother might want to visit them?"

"I'm afraid even if I did know which Smiths you were referring to, I wouldn't know their connection to my brother."

"Hmmm. I think this specific family has something to hide. I made a dozen house calls wearing different disguises and they still would not talk to me."

"Do you know anything about them?"

"From my sources, I've gathered that Mrs Smith is a dressmaker and Mr Smith a physician. They have one daughter, Cordelia. But she has not been seen in public for a little over a month. Why would that be?"

Andrew tried to control his frustration. Why would his brother associate himself with such a family and not tell him about it? Who was the other suspect? Why would anyone kill Thomas in such a manner?

"I have to admit," James said. "The killer went through alot of trouble just to kill your brother. Seems to me he counted on Thomas going to the tavern to get himself so foxed he wouldn't recognise his own coachman. Then this killer puts his own life at stake to free the horses and jumps off the carriage - dropping the pocket watch - just in time to spare his own life." he started to pace again, deep in thought. "In fact, I'd bet my right foot that your brother gained his senses when the carriage was out of control and there was nothing he could do about it. He could have even been trapped inside.  A complete sense of helplessness and fear just before his death."

James stopped pacing and faced Andrew. "If my assumptions are correct, then the killer's motive must have been revenge. It's what I have deduced so far. Do you have any enemies or people who hate Thomas enough to want him dead?"

"The only person I can think of  who might hate me and Thomas that much would have to be my cousin Peter Stanhope. But he's a dandy. I don't think he has it in him to get his hands dirty."

"Well, it's a start. So, what fancy dance party are you going to sneak me into, where your cousin and hopefully my wealthy suspect will be in attendance?"

Andrew sighed. "There's going to be a soiree tomorrow evening,"

"Excellent! I'll meet you at your manor a few hours before so you practice lying to your friends about my identity."

"What? Who are you going to be disguised as?"

"Someone foreign. I'd advise you to practise now, Lockhart, because I intend to use my disguises as often as possible and I might just show up out of nowhere. I might be anyone." James added mysteriousely, trying to lighten the atmosphere. It wouldn't do to have his client vexed all the time, even if they were trying to solve a murder case.

"Very well, James. I trust you. Just make sure to tell me who you are because I don't take kindly to strangers," Andrew managed a weak smile. "And I hope you like sociallizing because you'll be doing plenty of that once we are at that party."

James found himself smirking. "I wouldn't be where I am if I didn't know alot of people. Though they certainly might not know me."

The two men discussed their plans for the event that was to take place. Once finished, Andrew took his leave and James decided to go home as well.

"Lock up for me, would you, Mr Pinkleberry?" James asked his secretary just before he left.

"Of course, Mr Knight," Mr Pinkleberry replied, placing different folders aside.

James thanked the man and was out of his office in an instant. He had the perfect disguise in mind for the soiree. It was also one of his favourite. It was time he acted like like a nobleman.  

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