Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Usually, when guests are invited to dinner, the Winters family makes a special effort to act in a

civilised manner and only exchange simple, polite conversation.

Such was not the case as they dined with the Martin twins and Lord Huntingdon.

"Please pass the salt, Jasper?" Juliet asked through gritted teeth, still upset over her broken vase.

"No," he answered. "It’s too far for me to reach."

"No it isn’t."

"Yes it is,"

"You can easily stretch your hand, Jasper," Jasmine told him, ignoring the grin from Andrew who was seated to her right.

"I could, but I don’t want to."

With an exaggerated sigh, Charlotte handed Juliet a different salt-shaker. Pleased, Juliet stuck her tongue out at her young brother like the mature lady that she was.

"JULIET!" Cathy scolded.

"Jasmine," the boy whined. "Juliet isn’t acting like a proper lady."

Jasmine covered her face with her hands while Charlotte and Andrew burst out laughing. Rosaline smiled but said nothing.

"Lord Huntingdon," Lady Jane interrupted, desperate not to ruin her daughter’s chances of marriage. "How does your dear mother fare?"

"She’s quite well, thank you," Andrew replied, sobering up a little, then looked down at his food when he caught Lord Gregory’s death glare.

Lady Jane elbowed her husband in the ribs and he pretended to clear his throat, focusing on his own food.

"What of that aunt of yours?’’ she added. "A Mrs Wigglebottom, was it?"

This time Jasper, Charlotte and Juliet laughed heartily while a giggling Rosaline corrected her, saying her name was Mrs Higglebottom.

Both Jasmine and Andrew paled at the thought of how to explain James’ disguise.

"What kind of name is that?" Jasper managed to say between fits of laughter.

"Jasper, be nice," Lady Jane scolded her only son, though she couldn’t help the smile that formed on her lips.

"It’s definitely funny," Charlotte added, tears in her eyes.

"I’d really like to meet her," Lord Gregory’s voice held amusement as though he was trying to hold back laughter himself.

"I can’t say when she will be back," Andrew took sudden interest in the contents of his glass. "She just shows up when we least expect it."

Not exactly a lie. But the truth would have been much harder to explain. It would have to be reserved for a much later date.

Beside him, Jasmine sighed in relief when her parents accepted his answer.

"Since you’re going to marry Jasmine," Jasper said, suddenly. "Does that mean you won’t play any more pranks on her?" he pouted in an adorable manner that made Rosaline gush.

"I love your sister very much, Jasper," Despite the disgusted look he received from the little boy, Andrew went on. "But that doesn't mean we can't still scare her with frogs again."

Smiling broadly, Jasper nodded.

"What?" Jasmine glared at the two of them.

"But we’ll need to come up with something more creative than frogs," Jasper continued, enjoying how he was still able to annoy both his sisters.

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